ZENworks Asset Management can import purchase records from a standard Asset Management import file of from any of the following reseller import files:
CompuCom Software Compliance Report
Softchoice Product History Report
ZENworks Asset Management Reseller Connector Report
SHI License Compliance Report
KMD Asset Report: Automatic import from SAP with relevant data for asset management
The following information is provided if you need to modify a reseller import file or if you want to create a standard Asset Management import file:
Import files are tab-delimited ASCII text files. The first row contains the column headers. Each additional row is a data row that identifies a specific product’s line item (or detail) in a purchase record. The following example includes the first few rows of a file; only the first six column headers are displayed.
PO# OrderDate Reseller Recipient CompanyName ShippingAddress1 1234 12/16/2009 CheapSoft Jen Adams Novell 1800 S. Novell Pl. 87654 12/18/2009 Soft-R-Us Nigel Ray Novell 404 Wyman Street
The order of the columns is not important. For example, you can reverse the PO# and OrderDate columns or remove any columns that contain unwanted information.
The table shown below lists the fields used in each reseller import file.
The table’s first column covers standard, Insight, CompuCom, SHI, and KMD import files because they use the same field names. The one exception is that KMD uses PO_NUMBER rather than PO#. The table’s second column covers the Softchoice import file.
Fields 1–13 identify the purchase record. Fields 14–30 identify a product’s line item (or detail) included in the purchase record. For two products to be included in the same purchase record, the information in fields 1–13 must match.
When working with an import file, the following rules apply:
Use only the fields intended for that import file. For example, when editing a Softchoice import file, include only the fields listed in the Softchoice Fields column. Any invalid fields cause the import to fail.
The following fields are required: (PO# | PO_NUMBER | PURCHASEORDER), (OrderDate | ORDERDATE), (ProductName | ITEMDESC), and (PurchaseQty | QTYORD). Removing these fields causes the import to fail.
The LicensesPerPackage field is also required; however, if it is missing the importer assigns a default value of 1.
All non-required fields can be removed if desired. When doing so, remove both the field column header and the field text in each subsequent row.
Table 9-1 Import File Fields
Standard, KMD, Insight, CompuCom, and SHI Fields |
Softchoice Fields |
Description |
1 |
PO# (standard, Insight, CompuCom, SHI) PO_NUMBER (KMD) |
The purchase order number. Either this field or the OrderDate field must be included in the record. If neither field contains data, the record is not imported. The ZENworks purchase record object (created during import) uses the PO number for its name. If you don’t supply a PO number, the name of the purchase record object defaults to Unknown (MM_DD_YY), where MM_DD_YY is the current date in the appropriate locale format. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
2 |
OrderDate |
The date the product was ordered. Either this field or the PO# field must be included in the record. If neither field contains data, the record is not imported. If you provide a PO number but not a date, the OrderDate field defaults to the import date. For a standard, Insight, CompuCom, or SHI import file, the OrderDate field requires the short date format determined by the ZENworks Control Center’s server locale. For example, if the server locale is US-English, the correct date format is m/d/yyyy (12/16/2009 or 5/3/2010). For a KMD import file, the OrderDate field requires the d/M/yy format (for example, 28/1/09). For a Softchoice import file, the ORDERDATE field requires the dd-MMM-yyyy format (for example, 18-JUL-2010). |
3 |
Reseller |
The reseller from whom the products in this order were purchased. The maximum field length is 64 characters. |
4 |
Recipient |
The individual to whom the products in this order were shipped. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
5 |
CompanyName |
The name of the company or entity that executed the order. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
6 |
ShippingAddress1 |
The first line of the shipping address. The maximum field length is 64 characters. |
7 |
ShippingAddress2 |
The second line of the shipping address. The maximum field length is 64 characters. |
8 |
ShippingAddress3 |
The third line of the shipping address. The maximum field length is 64 characters. |
9 |
City |
The city where the order was shipped. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
10 |
State |
The state where the order was shipped. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
11 |
Zip |
The ZIP code or mail code of the shipping destination. The maximum field length is 16 characters. |
12 |
Country |
The country where the order was shipped. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
13 |
Notes |
A text field for general notes about the purchase record. The maximum field length is 255 characters. |
14 |
Manufacturer |
The manufacturer of the purchased product. The Manufacturer, ProductName, Version, ProductType, and LicensesPerPackage fields are used to determine the existence of a unique product. The maximum field length is 64 characters. |
15 |
ProductName |
The name or description of the purchased product. This field is required. The Manufacturer, ProductName, Version, ProductType, and LicensesPerPackage fields are used to determine the existence of a unique product. The maximum field length is 255 characters. |
16 |
Version |
The version of the purchased product. The Manufacturer, ProductName, Version, ProductType, and LicensesPerPackage fields are used to determine the existence of a unique product. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
17 |
ProductType |
The type of purchased product. This field helps establish what the product represents, such as full license, upgrade, or media. The Manufacturer, ProductName, Version, ProductType, and LicensesPerPackage fields are used to determine the existence of a unique product. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
18 |
LicensesPerPackage |
The number of licenses included in each purchased product unit. For example, if the product is a 5-pack, this value is 5. The default is 1. Range values (for example, 1-25) are not supported and cause the line item to be skipped during import. The Manufacturer, ProductName, Version, ProductType, and LicensesPerPackage fields are used to determine the existence of a unique product. |
19 |
ResellerSKU |
The SKU number assigned by the reseller. This value might be important when communicating with a particular reseller. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
20 |
MfrPart# |
The part number assigned by the manufacturer. If available, this value can often be used to distinguish one product from another. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
21 |
PurchaseQty |
The number of product units purchased in the order. This must be a single value. Range values (for example, 1-25) are not supported and cause the record to be skipped during import. The value must be between -1000000 and 1000000. |
22 |
Serial# |
The software serial number associated with the ordered product The maximum field length is 40 characters. |
23 |
Site1 |
The Site, Department, and CostCenter fields are used for tracking demographics. You can associate a line item with a value in any or all of these columns so that license quantities can be summarized within a particular demographic. For these values to be meaningful, corresponding demographics must be associated with devices in the ZENworks Asset Management inventory. The maximum field length is 32 characters. |
24 |
Department1 |
25 |
CostCenter1 |
26 |
Comment |
A text field for general comments about the purchased product. The maximum field length is 128 characters. |
27 |
Invoice# |
The invoice number of the purchased product. Multiple invoices can be associated with the same purchase order number. |
28 |
UnitMSRP |
The UnitMSRP is the manufacturer’s suggested price for one product unit. The UnitPrice is the actual price paid for one product unit. The Extended Price is the cost for all the purchased product units. If no value exists in the ExtendedPrice field, a value is calculated based on the values of the PurchaseQty and UnitPrice fields. If a value exists, it is imported and is not checked to see if it matches a calculated value. If currency symbols and thousands separators appear in the fields, they are stripped out when the data is imported. The importer uses the locale of the server to determine what characters are used for thousands and monetary decimal separators. If your values contain a mixture of currencies, the imported cost values might be incorrect. Range values (for example, 25.00-39.99) are not supported and cause the record to be skipped during import. |
29 |
UnitPrice |
30 |
ExtendedPrice |
, and values are meaningful for licensed products with demographic allocations enabled. The allocated quantity is updated (along with the license quantity) for licensed products that have the corresponding demographic allocation type (site, department, or cost center) and have enabled .