administrator-defined field
For asset inventory, a field that allows you to create custom user, workstation, component, or product fields. For asset management, you can create contract or licensed product fields. In ZENworks Asset Management 7.5, administrator-defined fields are known as user-defined fields.
asset management data
Data that includes the following:
• Asset management usage data • Asset management custom reports • Asset management administrator-defined fields • Catalog products • Discovered products • Purchase records • Licensed products • Software collections • Contracts and date notifications • Documents
collection domain
Used in ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 to organize your enterprise into logical groups.
collection server
Software that resides on a specific machine and is responsible for collecting inventory data from a selected group of workstations and loading it into a central inventory database.
custom report
An asset management or inventory report that can be tailored to a specific function.
deleted workstation
A device that has been marked for deletion in ZENworks Asset Management 7.5. A device marked for deletion stays in the database with all its attributes, history, and components until it is purged. When it is purged, it is removed from the inventory database along with all of its associated data.
In ZENworks 10 Asset Management, a device is a workstation or server; in ZENworks Asset Management 7.5, a device is a network-discovered device.
inventory data
Data that includes the following:
• Devices • Device history • Local software products • Hardware and software components • Administrator-defined fields • Custom reports
local product
A product that has been defined so that it can be identified in an inventory scan.
usage data
Data related to inventory, including hardware components, software components, user name, hours used, and so on.
user-defined field
See administrator-defined field. In ZENworks Asset Management 7.5, asset management administrator-defined fields are known as user-defined fields.