The following sections provide solutions to the problems you might encounter while discovering devices, deploying the Adaptive Agent to devices, and retiring devices:
An error occurs while installing the ZENworks Adaptive Agent through a deployment task
Manual installation of the ZENworks Adaptive Agent hangs with the status as starting
NMAP discovery does not run from a Windows Primary Server that has NMAP installed
Refreshing the Deployment page causes the discovery tasks to be repeated
Orphaned and deleted files are not cleaned up from a deployment task that uses a proxy
Discovery task remains in a pending state if it has a large IP address range
The device that has the ZENworks Adaptive Agent installed is not registered in the Management Zone
An error occurs while installing the ZENworks Adaptive Agent through a deployment task
An unhandled exception (System.Security.SecurityException) occurred in micasad.exe. Additional Information: Ecall methods must be packaged into a system module.
Manual installation of the ZENworks Adaptive Agent hangs with the status as starting
The icon displays the installation status as “Starting...” for a considerable amount of time.
The status of Novell ZENworks PreAgent service is not
in the Windows Service Control Manager.The %SystemRoot%\novell\zenworks\bin\zenpreagent.installerr file contains the following error message:
Exception during start: Cannot start service ZENPreAgent on computer.
Start the Novell ZENworks PreAgent service:
From the Windows desktop Start menu, click
> .Double-click
> .Start the Novell ZENworks PreAgent service.
This automatically resumes the ZENworks Adaptive Agent installation.
(Conditional) If the problem persists, do the following:
Kill the zenpreagent.exe and zpa_iface.exe processes.
Start the ZENworks Adaptive Agent installation. For more information, see Section 10.5, Manually Deploying the Agent on Windows.
NMAP discovery does not run from a Windows Primary Server that has NMAP installed
How do I enable debug logging?
Where do I find the PreAgent log files?
After the PreAgent service is installed, all logging information is available in the system application event log.
Refreshing the Deployment page causes the discovery tasks to be repeated
Orphaned and deleted files are not cleaned up from a deployment task that uses a proxy
For example, if you run the deployment task from a Linux server through a Windows Proxy, there is a folder created in the zenworks_installation_directory\novell\zenworks\bin\_rfu_cache directory on the Windows device that contains the pre-task or post-task command file. If you delete the task in ZENworks Control Center, the command file is left on the Windows Proxy device. However, all command files older than five days are removed when another deployment task is run by using the same Windows Proxy.
Discovery task remains in a pending state if it has a large IP address range
Stop the discovery task that has a large IP address range:
In the Discovery Tasks panel, select the discovery task that has a large IP address range.
> .Create multiple tasks with the IP address ranges that have fewer than 50,000 devices.
(Conditional) If any other discovery or loader task takes a considerable time to complete, restart the ZENworks Loader.
On Windows: Do the following:
From the Windows desktop
menu, click > .Double-click
> .Restart the
.On Linux: At the console prompt, enter /etc/init.d/novell-zenloader restart.
Restart the ZENworks Loader.
The device that has the ZENworks Adaptive Agent installed is not registered in the Management Zone
Reconfigure the device with only one DNS suffix.
Manually register the device to the Management Zone.
For more information on how to manually register the device, see Section 9.7, Manually Registering a Device.
Agent installation on a Linux managed device fails, when the IBM Java Runtime Environment is installed on the device
Install the standalone or Agent Complete Package, which has the correct JRE packaged in it.
Install the SUN JRE 1.6 package and then install the ZENworks Adaptive Agent Network Package.
ZENworks Adaptive Agent installation fails because of a ZENPreAgent and ZPA_Ifacetype initialization exception
You might get the following error message in the ZENPreAgent.exe-Common Language Runtime Debugging Services window:
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled
You might get the following error message in the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger window:
An unhandled exception(System.TypeInitializationException)occurred in ZPA_Iface.exe
Use the .NET clean up utility to uninstall the .NET framework.
Re-install the .NET framework.