Standard or predefined reports scan your inventory data and arrange the data according to the report configuration. More information is available in the following topics:
ZENworks Control Center includes several predefined reports you can use to analyze the inventory in your Management Zone. These reports are grouped into folders according to their function. The available folders and reports are as follows:
Device Lists (folder): Reports focusing on device details.
Devices by Machine / Login Name: Lists all devices by machine and login name.
Devices by Mfg / Model: Shows a count of systems by manufacturer and model.
Lease Details: Shows leased devices by contract along with the expiration date.
Devices with Virtual Machines: Shows devices with host virtual machines that have been scanned.
Duplicate Asset Tags: Shows devices with duplicate asset tags.
Duplicate Machine Names: Shows devices with duplicate machine names.
Duplicate Serial Numbers: Shows devices with duplicate serial numbers.
Software Applications (folder): Reports focusing on software applications.
Antivirus Details: Shows antivirus definition files with links to the devices where they are installed.
Software Applications by Category: Shows a count of installed software products grouped by category and subcategory.
Software Applications by Manufacturer: Shows a count of installed products grouped by manufacturer.
Software Applications by OS and Product: Shows a count of installed products grouped by operating system and product name.
Duplicate Serial Numbers: Shows software products that have multiple instances of the same serial number.
High Bandwidth Applications: Shows a count of high-bandwidth products, such as multimedia and file-sharing software.
Hot Fix Details: Shows hot fixes and security patches with links to descriptions of the fixes and patches and the machine that they were installed on.
Microsoft Products: Shows a count of installed Microsoft products grouped by classifications specific to Microsoft.
Operating Systems: Shows a count of devices grouped by the installed operating system.
OS Service Packs: Shows a count of devices grouped by operating system and service pack.
Software Files (folder): Reports focusing on software files, grouping them by category, manufacturer, and device.
Software Files by Category: Shows a count of software files grouped by category (
and ) with links to lists of the files.Software Files by Manufacturer: Shows a count of software files grouped by manufacturer with links to lists of the files.
Software Files by Device: Shows a count of software files grouped by device with links to lists of the files.
Hardware Components (folder): Reports focusing on hardware data.
BIOS: Shows installed versions and release dates grouped by manufacturer.
Hardware Components by Category: Shows a count of installed hardware products by category and subcategory.
Hardware Components by Manufacturer: Shows a count of installed hardware products grouped by manufacturer.
Disk Space: Shows a count of devices with total disk space within a specific range.
Duplicate Serial Numbers: Shows hardware products with the same serial number.
Free Disk Space: Shows a count of devices with free disk space within specific ranges.
Memory Size: Shows a count of devices grouped by RAM size.
Processors: Shows a count of devices grouped by CPU speed.
Upgrade Readiness (folder): Reports that help you determine which devices are ready for an upgrade.
Memory Upgrade: Lists devices along with data on memory and available slots.
SLED 10 Ready / Not Vista Capable: Shows devices ready for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 that are not ready for Windows Vista.
SLED 10 Ready / Not Vista Premium Ready: Shows devices ready for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 that are not ready for Windows Vista Premium.
SUSE Enterprise Desktop: Lists devices along with data showing whether the device is ready or not ready for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop.
Windows 2003 Server: Lists devices along with data showing whether the device is ready or not ready for Windows Server 2003.
Windows Vista Capable: Shows devices capable of running Windows Vista.
Windows Vista Premium Ready: Shows devices capable of running Windows Vista Premium.
Windows XP Professional: Shows devices along with data showing whether the device is ready or not ready for Windows XP Professional.
In ZENworks Control Center, click
.In the Inventory Standard Reports panel, click the folder containing the report you want to run.
Reports are listed by name and description. For a list of reports and descriptions, see Section 8.1.1, Available Standard Reports.
(Optional) Select how you want to filter your search.
You can limit the scope of the report data by any of the following:
Zone: Select
to collect data from the entire Management Zone.Folder: Select
and specify a folder name to gather data about that folder.Group: Select
and specify a group name to gather data about that group.Demographic: Select
, then select the criteria you want to use to filter the data.Click a report to run it.
Click the various links on the report for additional information. You can export the report to an Excel, CSV, or PDF format by clicking the corresponding link. In some reports, you can also click
to view the data in a bar graph, pie chart, or line graph format.ZENworks Control Center allows you to create and run an Inventory Business Objects Enterprise report that describes the green attributes of inventoried devices in the Management Zone.
Device AC Power Policy: This report provides details on the AC power management settings for policy compliance in each of the devices in a zone.
The report also provides a graphical representation of the number of devices in a zone that are complying or not complying with the green standards.
Power Compliance: This report provides details on the compliance of the devices in the zone with respect to hardware capabilities and power management needed for green computing.
This report has two sections:
Hardware Capability: Details the hardware capabilities of all the devices in the zone with respect to green computing and compliance of each of the devices with the green standards.
Time Since Boot: Details the power management activity of the devices in the zone. The section also highlights the devices that have been switched on for long periods of time (24 hours), which means they do not conform to the green standards.