If you want to change the IP address of the Primary Server after installing ZENworks 11, and if the CN of the certificate does not have the IP address configured, use the following steps to change the IP address of the Primary Server:
NOTE:This scenario has been tested only on the Windows Primary Server and the embedded Sybase database. In this setup, the DNS and DHCP servers are configured on the same device.
Before changing the IP address of the Primary Server, take a reliable backup of the following on all Primary Servers in the Management Zone:
Content-Repo Directory: The content-repo directory is located by default in the ZENworks_installation_directory\work directory on Windows and in the /var/opt/novell/zenworks/ on Linux.
Ensure that the images directory located within the content-repo directory has been successfully backed up.
Certificate Authority: For detailed information on how to back up the certificate authority, see Section 1.3, Backing Up the Certificate Authority.
Embedded Database:
For detailed information on how to back up the embedded database, see in Backing Up the Embedded Sybase SQL Anywhere Database
in the ZENworks 11 Database Management Reference.
Change the IP address of the Primary Server.
IMPORTANT:Do not change the DNS name of the server.
Ensure that the new IP address of the server is correctly mapped to its existing DNS name on the DNS server.
Restart all the ZENworks services by running the following command at the server’s command prompt:
novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
By default, all the services are selected. You must select Restart as the Action.
Re-create all the default and custom deployment packages:
Default Deployment Packages: At the server’s command prompt, enter the following command:
novell-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z
Custom Deployment Packages: At the server’s command prompt, enter the following command:
novell-zenworks- configure -c RebuildCustomPacks -Z
If the database is located on the Primary Server whose IP address you changed in Step 2, you must change the database server address on all the second Primary Servers. On all the second Primary Servers, change the value of database server address in the ZENworks_Installation_Directory\Novell\ZENworks\conf\datamodel\zdm.xml to point to the new IP address of the first Primary Server.
Restart the ZENworks Adaptive Agent.
Restart the Proxy DHCP services on all the Satellites.