Unable to launch a remote session on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 device through Mozilla Firefox
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
Remote Management plug-in for Firefox is installed in the /usr/lib/firefox directory, which is also the default Firefox installation directory. If you have installed Firefox in a different directory on the SLES 11 device, then launching a remote session through Firefox fails on the device.
Copy the nsZenworksPluginSample.so file from the /usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory to the Firefox plug-ins directory.
The Upgrade Remote Management Viewer link is not displayed if you launch the ZENworks Control Center through Internet Explorer 8
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
If you upgrade to ZENworks Configuration Management SP3 from ZENworks Configuration Management SP2 and launch ZENworks Control Center through Internet Explorer 8, the link is not displayed in ZENworks Control Center.
To view the U link, perform the following steps:
Launch the Internet Explorer 8 browser.
Click > to display the Internet Options dialog box.
Click the tab.
Click the option.
Ensure that the following settings are enabled:
Restart the browser.
Installing the Remote Management Proxy on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 device displays an error message
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
If you choose to install the Remote Management proxy on a SLES 11 device, you might encounter the following error message:
insserv: Script jexec is broken: incomplete LSB comment.
insserv: missing `Required-Stop:' entry: please add even if empty.
This error occurs because of the version of the jexec script installed on the device. However, the Remote Management proxy is successfully installed on the device.
Ignore the error message.
The Remote Management Viewer hangs when a Remote Control Session is launched on a Linux device
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
If you launch a Remote Control session on a Linux device and then resize or move a terminal that is open on the device, the Remote Management Viewer on the management console device hangs.
Click the
on the Remote Management Viewer to refresh the device.
Unable to launch a Remote SSH session on a SLES 10 device that has on older version of the JRE installed
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
If you launch a Remote SSH session on a SLES 10 device that has an older version of the JRE installed, the latest available version of the JRE is automatically downloaded and installed on the device. If the installation of the JRE fails, the Remote SSH session also fails on the device.
Perform the following steps:
Manually install JRE version 1.5 or later on the device.
Launch the Remote SSH session on the device.
In the Remote SSH Java Web Start Launcher, browse to and select the latest version of the Java Web Start executable file that is installed on the device.
Unable to launch a Remote Control session on a Linux device that has an X session running on a display port other than the default display port
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
If you launch a Remote Control session on a Linux device that has an X session running on a display port other than the default display port (:0), the Remote Control session fails with the following error:
Restart the device X session to run on the default display port (:0).
The Upgrade Remote Management Viewer link appears in the Remote Management Window, even after upgrading the viewer to 11.2
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
In Firefox 3.x on RHEL, the link appears in the Remote Management window, even after upgrading the rm-viewer RPM to 11.2.
To delete the link from the Remote Management window:
Run the following command:
Restart Firefox.
On a SLES 11 32 bit machine the Upgrade Remote Management Viewer link appears in the Remote Management window, even after upgrading the viewer to 11.3
ZENworks 11; ZENworks Configuration Management; Remote Management.
On a SLES 11 32 bit machine the link appears in the Remote Management window, even after upgrading the rm-viewer RPM to 11.3.
Possible Cause:
When you install the new the rm-viewer RPM, Firefox is unable to upgrade it’s own plug-in registry.
Manually update the plug-in registry of Firefox
Close Firefox if it is already open.
Move the pluginreg.dat file located in the following location to a back-up directory:
NOTE:Ensure that the file is moved from the directory and not present prior to starting Firefox.
Start Firefox so that it rebuilds the registry and the correct plug-in version isadded to the plug-in registry.