If you want to start the migration utility in Chinese or Japanese locales, you must copy the /opt/novell/zenworks/share/zmd/java/lib/fonts/fallback directory from any ZENworks 11 managed device to the lib/fonts directory located under the Java path on your device before launching the utility.
Review the following sections to start the migration utility:
Double-click the run-migration.bat file. This file is located in the folder where you have downloaded the utility.
For more information, see the Section 1.3, Downloading the Migration Utility.
NOTE:If the utility fails to run, remove the .migration.pid file from the folder where you have downloaded the utility, then launch the utility.
Change to the directory where you have installed the migration utility.
Run the chmod +x run-migration.sh command to provide the executable permission to the migration utility.
Run the sh ./run-migration.sh command. This file is located in the folder where you have downloaded the utility.
For more information, see the Section 1.3, Downloading the Migration Utility.