zeninfocollect - A utility that lets you gather information to help you resolve problems that might arise when using Novell ZENworks 11 SP3.
./zeninfocollect.py [options]
By default, zeninfocollect gathers cache, server, client, configuration, hardware, and package data as well as log files. The information is packaged into a ZIP file on Windows and a tarball file on Linux, and placed in the location you specify.
By default, the zeninfocollect utility is not installed on any device.
To download and run the zeninfocollect utility on a Windows managed device:
Copy the ZENworksInfocollect_Win.zip file from the ZENworks_Server\novell\zenworks\install\downloads\tools directory, or download the file from ZENworks Control Center (Configuration tab > Configuration Tasks > Download ZENworks Tools > Administrative Tools).
Extract the ZENworksInfocollect_Win.zip file on the managed device.
At the command prompt of the managed device, go to the directory where the .zip contents are extracted and run zeninfocollect.exe [options].
To download and run the zeninfocollect utility on a Linux managed device that has Python installed:
Copy the ZENworksInfocollect_Linux.zip file from the ZENworks_Server/novell/zenworks/install/downloads/tools directory, or download the file from ZENworks Control Center (Configuration tab > Configuration Tasks > Download ZENworks Tools > Administrative Tools).
Extract the ZENworksInfocollect_Linux.zip file on the managed device.
At the command prompt of the managed device, go to directory where the .zip contents are extracted and run ./zeninfocollect.py [options].
Specify the directory name that must contain the output archive. If you do not specify a directory, the output is placed in user’s temporary directory %TEMP on a Windows managed device, and /tmp on a Linux managed device.
Display the help information.
Do not collect cache data.
Do not collect client data.
Do not collect hardware data.
Do not collect logs.
Do not collect configuration data.
Do not collect package data. Package data includes all version information for packages in the ZENworks 11 SP3 Configuration Management package repository.
Do not collect server data.
Copyright 2014, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.