Depending on which dialog box you accessed, you can either add a new AutoYaST bundle action to the current bundle’s Preboot actions, or edit an existing AutoYaST image. You can configure the specific requirements that a device must meet for the action to be executed on the device.
Specify a name in the Action Name field.
In the Preboot/Installation Source tab, configure the following settings required to access the Linux boot files from the Preboot TFTP Server:
Preboot Environment Variables: Configure the following settings:
Before configuring the Preboot environment variables, ensure that you have copied the RAM drive (initrd) and Linux kernel (linux) files from the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) installation source to the /srv/tftp/ directory on your Imaging server. By default, the files for 32-bit platforms are located in the SLES-11-SP3-DVD-i586-GM-DVD1/boot/i386/loader/ directory and for 64-bit platforms in the SLES-11-SP3-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1/boot/x86_64/loader/ directory, in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation source.
Linux Kernel Filename: Specify the relative path of linux in the tftp directory. The path should be relative to the default directory of the TFTP daemon.
For example, if the linux file is located in the /srv/tftp/autoyast/linux directory on your Imaging server, you must specify the path of the file as autoyast/linux.
Initial RAM Drive Filename: Specify the relative path of initrd in the tftp directory. The path should be relative to the default directory of the TFTP daemon.
For example, if the initrd file is located in the /srv/tftp/autoyast/initrd directory on your Imaging server, you must specify the path of the file as autoyast/initrd.
Additional Kernel Parameters: Specify the additional kernel parameters that your Linux kernel might need. These are not Preboot Services or ZENworks parameters. For more information about the kernel parameters, see your Linux documentation.
Linux Installation Source: Configure the following settings to obtain the Linux installation source:
Protocol: Select the protocol to be used to connect to the device that has the Linux installation source mounted. The available protocols are NFS, FTP, HTTP, or TFTP.
IP Address / DNS Name: Specify the IP address or the DNS name of the device that has the Linux installation source mounted.
Path to Network Install Directory (Relative to Protocol): Specify the path of the Linux installation source. The path should be relative to the default directory of the selected protocol daemon.
For example, assume that the Linux installation source is located on a SLES 10 device in the /sles10/SLES-10-SP3-GM/i386/boot/i386/loader/ directory. If you specify HTTP as the protocol, as the DNS name, and /sles10/sles-10-sp3-gm/i386/boot/i386/loader/as the path, the URL to the installation directory is:
In this example, /sles10/sles-10-sp3-gm/i386/boot/i386/loader/initrd is relative to the protocol and server ID.
In the Script Source tab, configure the location of the AutoYaST script file, and the settings required to acess the file. You can either specify the script location or browse for and select the script. If the script file has system variables, you must choose the Browse for Script option to import and upload the file to the Primary Server whose ZENworks Control Center you are using so that the variables are automatically resolved while applying the bundle on the managed devices.
Specify Script Location: Configure the following settings required to access the script:
Protocol: Select the protocol to be used to access the AutoYaST script. The available protocols are NFS, FTP, HTTP, TFTP, or FILE.
If you select the TFTP protocol, you must copy the AutoYaST XML file that you specify on this wizard page to the TFTP server.
If you select the FILE protocol, you must copy the AutoYaST XML file that you specify on this wizard page in to the initial RAM drive file that you specified on the Set AutoInstall Attributes wizard page before executing the AutoYaST bundle.
IP Address / DNS Name: Specify the IP address or DNS name of the device containing the AutoYaST script.
Script Name and Path (Relative to Protocol Default Directory): Specify the AutoYaST XML filename and its complete path. The path should be relative to the home directory of the selected protocol daemon.
For example, if you specify HTTP as the protocol, as the DNS name, and /scripts/autoyast.xml as the path and filename, the URL to the installation directory is:
In this example, /scripts/autoyast.xml is relative to the protocol and server ID.
Browse for Script: To browse for the AutoYaST XML file, and upload it to the Imaging server:
Click to display the Upload File dialog box.
Click Browse to browse for and select the AutoYaST XML file.
If the imported XML file has ZENworks variables defined, the variables are resolved when the bundle is applied to the device.
When you are prompted to upload the XML file to the Primary Server whose ZENworks Control Center you are using, click OK.
The Status field displays the upload status.
Click OK.
(Optional) Modify the XML file content.
Click Edit Script
The content of the XML file is displayed in the Edit AutoYaST XML File dialog box.
Edit the script content, then click Save.
You can also specify ZENworks system variables in the script. For more information, see Managing Bundle Variables.
(Optional) If you want to reuse the XML file to create another Auto YaST bundle:
Click Export XML.
The Export XML dialog box is displayed.
If the script contains any ZENworks system variables, choose how you want the variables to be resolved while exporting the script to an XML file.
The following options are available:
Do not resolve the variables.
Resolve the variables at the Bundle and Zone level: Resolves the system variables that are defined at the bundle and zone level.
Resolve variables with respect to bundle and device: Resolve the system variables that are defined at the bundle and device level.
(Conditional) If you choose to resolve the variables at the bundle and device level, click to browse for and select the device on which the variables have been defined.
Click OK.
Save or view the XML file.
Click OK to create the new AutoYaST bundle action.
In the Action Name field, edit the existing name as needed.
In the Preboot/Installation Source tab, edit the necessary settings required to access the Linux boot files from the Preboot TFTP Server.
For detailed information on how to change the settings, see Help.
In the Script Source tab, edit the location of the AutoYaST script file, and the settings required to acess the file.
For detailed information on how to change the settings, see Help.
Click OK to save the changes.