Action sets help users manage the application, based on the operations performed during application lifecycle management.You can group actions under various action sets.
The Actions panel displays the action sets available for the selected bundle.You can use the following action sets, based on the bundle type:
The Distribution, Install, and Launch action sets run in sequence, when a bundle runs.The order of execution is as follows: Distribute, Install and Launch. The Verify, Uninstall, and Terminate action sets are performed based on user requests through bundle options.
The Distribute action set distributes the content associated with all bundle actions. Within this action set, the default action of Distribute Files distributes the content. The actions that can have content are Install MSI, Install MSP, Install RPM, Install Files, Install Directory, and Run Script.
You can add actions to this action set, in addition to the default action of Distribute Files.The added actions are executed only after the default action is executed.
When you create or modify a bundle, you can click Add on the Distribute page to configure actions to be performed after the distribution of content. Some of the available actions include Launch Executable, Launch Java Application, Prompt User, and Run Script.
The distribution of the content for each assignment is managed through the distribution . For information about the distribution , see Step 5.
The Install action set installs the application associated with the bundle. When you create or modify a bundle, you can click Add on the Install page to configure actions associated with the installation activities of an application. Some of the frequently used actions associated with installation activities include Install MSI, Install MSP, Install Network MSI, Launch Executable, Run Script, and Install RPM.
Some of the additional actions you can use during installation include Install Files, Install Directory, Registry Edit, Edit INI File, Edit Text File, Start/Stop Service, End Process, and Reboot/Shutdown.
For more information about the Install actions, see Section 6.0, Actions.
The Install Options dialog box allows you to specify how often the install actions associated with the bundle are performed on the managed devices. If the install action set or its options are modified and the bundle is re-published, then when the bundle is installed or launched, the install action set is invoked again, even if it has been set to install only once.
When you create or modify a bundle, click Options on the Install page.
Select the Install Frequency, based on the number of times you want to execute the Install action set:
Install once per device: Executes the Install action set only once on the managed device.
Configuration changes in the action set result in re-execution of this action set.
Install once per user per device: Executes the Install action sets once for each user on each managed device. This option is applicable only for Windows devices.
Install always: Executes the Install action set each time the bundle runs.
Select Download Options to specify whether to allow users to postpone performing the Install actions of the bundle and to specify the number of allowed postponements:
Always allow postpones: Allows the user to postpone the installation any number of times.
Never allow postpones: Prevents the user from postponing the installation.
Limit postpones to: Specify the number of times that the user can postpone the installation.
You manage the execution of the Install action set for each assignment through the Install Immediately after Distribution option in the Bundle Distribution dialog box..For information about the distribution , see Distribution Schedule:.
You use the Launch action set to launch an application that is associated with the bundle. When you create or modify a bundle, you can click Add on the Launch page to configure actions that launch the application. Some of the most frequently used actions associated with the launch activities include Launch Executable, Run Script, Launch Java Application, and Launch Thin Client Application.
The Launch Options dialog box allows you to specify how often the Launch actions associated with the bundle are performed on the managed devices. By default, the Launch actions occur based on the bundle’s or when the user launches the bundle by using its shortcut from the application window, desktop, and so forth). If the launch action set or its options are modified and the bundle is re-published, then when the bundle is launched, the launch action set will be invoked again even if it has been set to launch once.
When you create or modify a bundle, click Options on the Launch page to navigate to the Launch Options dialog box.
Select the Run once check box to specify the bundle’s Launch actions. If you do not select this option, the Launch actions are performed each time a user launches the application contained in the bundle.
When you select the Run once check box, other Launch options are enabled.
Select the relevant Launch options:
For each device: Select this option to launch the bundle’s actions once on each managed device.
For the first user that logs in: Select this option to launch the bundle’s actions once on each managed device, when the first user logs in to that device. If subsequent users log in to the device, the action set is not launched. When you select this option, the bundle’s icon is removed from the device’s application window, desktop, and so forth.
This option is applicable only for Windows devices.
For every user that logs in: Select this option to launch the bundle’s actions once for every user that logs in to the device.
This option is applicable only for Windows devices.
You manage the execution of the Launch action set for each assignment through the Launch or through the Launch Immediately after Installation option in the bundle distribution . For information about the Distribution , see Distribution Schedule:.
You use the Verify action set to verify the installation of a specific application. When you execute this action set, the default action of Verify Install Actions triggers the execution of the Install and Launch action sets.
You can add actions such asVerify Bundle to this action set in addition to the default Verify Install Actions. The added actions are executed only after the default action is executed.
NOTE:The Verify action set has no options.
You use the Uninstall action set to un install an application. When you execute this action set, the install operations of the Install action set are reversed by the default uninstall action of Undo Install Actions.
You can add actions such as Uninstall Bundle to this action set, apart from the default action Undo Install Actions. The added actions are executed only after the default action is executed.
You can enable the user on the managed device to uninstall the application.You specify the details in the Uninstall Options dialog box:
When you create or modify a bundle, click Options on the Uninstall Page to navigate to the Uninstall Options dialog box.
Select the Enable Uninstall check box to enable the uninstallation of the application from the device.
For example, if a bundle is already installed on a device, you can select Enable Uninstall to uninstall the bundle from the device.
The other uninstall options are enabled only when you select the Enable Uninstall check box.
Select the Uninstall options:
Select one of the following options to specify if the user should be allowed to uninstall or cancel the uninstallation of an application on a device by choosing one of the following:
Allow user to perform uninstall: Enables users to remove the application from their devices.
Display message to the user before uninstalling the application: displays a message to the warn the user that the application will be uninstalled from the device.
This option is applicable only on Windows devices.
Allow user to cancel the uninstallation of the application: Enables the user to cancel the uninstallation of the application.
You can enable this option only if the Display message to the user before uninstalling the application option is enabled. This option is applicable only on Windows device.
Under Blocked Assignment Options select Uninstall application to uninstall a blocked application from the device.
Select any additional uninstallation options that you want:
Uninstall application if not used within _days :Automatically removes the application, if it is not used within the specified number of days (the default period is 30 days).
Ignore chained dependencies: Enables uninstallation of a dependent application that is referenced by two or more applications. For example, assume that there are three applications - A, B, and C- where C is the dependent application, A installs application C, and application B uninstalls application C. Application C is uninstalled only if Ignore Chained Dependencies is selected.
Do not uninstall application on unassignment: Prevents an application from being uninstalled after it is unassigned from the device or user.
The Undo Install Actions option is available, only after you select Enable Uninstall in the Uninstall Options dialog box. Click Undo Install Actions on the Uninstall page to go to the Undo Install Actions dialog box.
You use this action set to stop the execution of an application that is running because of actions in the Launch action set. When you execute this action set, the launch operations are reversed by the default Terminate Application action.
You can add actions to this action set, in addition to the default Terminate Application action. The added actions are executed only after the default action.
The Terminate Options dialog box allows you to enable or disable the Terminate action set.
When you create or modify a bundle click Options on the Terminate page to go to the Terminate Options dialog box.
Select the Enable Terminate check box to terminate the actions of the bundle.
The Terminate action set is applicable only for Windows bundles. This action set is enabled by default.
The Terminate Application option is available only after you select the Enable Terminate check box in the Terminate Options dialog box.
Click OK to undo all operations that are performed in the Launch action set.
If you want to display a message to users before terminating an application, click Terminate Application Prompt on the Terminate page to go to the Terminate Application Prompt dialog box.
Specify the information you want users to see before terminating the application, then click OK.
This action set is associated only with Preboot bundles and is not applicable for Windows or Linux bundles. If you select a Preboot bundle, Preboot is the only action set available in the action panel.
When you create or modify a bundle, click Add on the Preboot page to configure the actions associated with the Preboot bundle.
Some of the frequently used actions associated with the Preboot action set include AutoYaST Bundle, DellDTK Configuration, Imaging Script, Kickstart, Linked Application Bundle, Multicast Image Set, Third Party Image, and ZENworks Image. For more information about the Preboot actions, see Preboot Actions
in the Preboot Services and Imaging Reference guide.