How can I know which version of ZENworks Linux Management is installed on my device?
How can I know which hot patch version is installed on my device?
Which ports are used by the ZENworks Linux Management server?
Which ports are used by the ZENworks Linux Management agent?
How can I get zmd debug messages in the zmd-messages.log file while running the ZLM-install script?
At the command prompt, enter the rug ping command. The version displayed for the ZENworks Management Daemon is the version of the ZENworks Linux Management that you are on.
At the command prompt, enter the rug ping command to display the hot patch level.
See Automating Installation of the ZENworks Agent
in the Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management Installation Guide.
See Server Listening Ports
in the Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management Installation Guide.
See Agent Listening Ports
in the Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management Installation Guide.
The ZENworks Linux Management agent that comes with the ZENworks Linux Management installation has scheduled deployments and policy management features that the SUSE Linux Enterprise agent does not have.
While running the ZLM-install script, the log-level in zmd preferences is set to Info by default. Run the following command to get the debug messages in the zmd-messages.log file:
zlm-install --zmd-debug