How Templates Work

As defined above, a template is normally an HTML document containing one or more Web Search Server variables. When users search your virtual search server, they use a Web browser to access the search form template. See The NetWare Web Search Form As It Appears in a Web Browser .

The Search form template, SearchTemplate.html, is stored (by default) on volume:\searchroot\TEMPLATES. This path might be different if you chose to install Web Search in another directory.

For more information about customizing templates, see Customizing the Look and Feel of Search Server Content.

Figure 7
The NetWare Web Search Form As It Appears in a Web Browser

The Web Search form is used to capture user input, select available indexes, and then return the results in either a search or print results template, which appears to the user in a dynamically updated HTML document.

Search result templates display hits according to user selections on the search form. For more information about these search result templates, see Table 8.

There are also search and print templates for several different languages. For a discussion about creating templates for international languages, see Internationalizing Your Search Solution.

After a query is submitted and results are found, Web Search populates a results template with all relevant information for each search result. (See Figure 8.)

Figure 8
A Search Results Page Produced by the Search Results Template, ResultListTemplate.html.

You can also customize the search form to include additional parameters that allow you to offer more options to your users for more accurate searching.

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