
Use at a workstation to


RIGHTS path [[ + | - ] rights] [/option...] [/? | /VER]

Parameter Use to


Specify the path to the file, directory, or volume you want to modify or view rights to (you must always specify a path).

+ | -

Add or delete the specified rights. See Using RIGHTS.


Specify one or more file or directory rights. See File and Directory Rights.


Replace option with any available option. See RIGHTS Options.


View online help. All other parameters are ignored when /? is used.


View the version number of the utility and the list of files it uses to execute. All other parameters are ignored when /VER is used.

RIGHTS Options

Option Use to


Scroll continuously through output.


View the Inherited Rights Filter (IRF).


View the trustee and group rights that created the inherited rights, and view where the inherited rights came from.


View or modify rights for the user or group listed. Replace username with the name of the user or group whose rights you want to view or modify.


View or modify subdirectories below the current level.


View trustee assignments in a directory.

File and Directory Rights

The following table lists the rights, the letter to use for each right, and what the right is used for.

Right Use to

S (Supervisor)

Grant all rights to the file or directory.

R (Read)

Open and read files in the directory.

W (Write)

Open and write to files in the directory.

C (Create)

Create files and subdirectories.

E (Erase)

Erase files and directories.

M (Modify)

Rename files and directories, and change file attributes.

F (File Scan)

View and search on file and directory names in the file system structure.

A (Access Control)

Add and remove trustees and change trustee rights to files and directories.

N (No Rights)

Remove all rights.

REM (Remove)

Remove the user or group as a trustee of the specified file or directory.


Add All rights except Supervisor.



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