Novell Storage Services

Failure to List Resources

NWBACK32 fails to list resources for backup on Windows 2000 and NT workstations with SLP as the discovery mechanism.

Logging In with a Windows Client

If you are trying to access a junction and you get an error that says Bad user name or password, this means that you used a different username and password to log in to your workstation and the network.

DFS requires that you use the same common name and password for workstation and network login, otherwise login will fail.

Windows Client Limitation with DFS Junction Levels

Due to a limitation in Windows* 95/98/ME/XP clients, if you create a junction that points to a volume that contains another junction, your second junction might fail because these clients don't support multi-level junctioning (that is, having more than one junction in a path). Multi-level junctions are supported on Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000 clients.

DFS Requires Unicode Support

Unicode must be enabled on a CIFS server in order for DFS junctions to work. You can enable Unicode in the following ways:

Using MONITOR.NLM to Set NSS Startup Parameters

The file that you need to modify to set NSS startup parameters at the server console is documented incorrectly in MONITOR.NLM. Please modify the NSSSTART.CFG whenever you are instructed to modify the STARTUP.NCF file.

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