The NetStorage\iFolderTM passphrase is stored in the eDirectoryTM User object. A dialog to change the passphrase automatically appears when you select iFolder. The passphrase can also be set by editing the PASSPHRASE.HTM file that is included in the \iFolder directory.
All user contexts must be registered in the Xtier\Configuration\Xsrv\Authentication Domains registry area and must be set in the iFolder configuration. You can use the NSAdmin utility to change NetStorage-specific registry settings.
You can check the iFolder configuration at https://hostname:iFolder_SecurePort/. iFolderServerMultiple trees are not currently supported. That is, users of multiple trees cannot access iFolder from NetStorage; each tree should have its own NetStorage server/admin.
Make sure the admin proxy user is always logged in and has rights to all contexts. You can check this by adding oneNet/SESSIONS to the end of the NetStorage URL. NetStorage uses the proxy user to set the encrypted passphrase in the User object.
Using ConsoleOne®, click the Other tab on the User Properties page to see the xtier-ifolderpassphrase string (encrypted). The admin proxy user is configured during the NetStorage installation and can be changed after the installation by clicking the General link in the NSAdmin utility.
If users enter an invalid passphrase that doesn't match the current iFolder passphrase, the PASSPHRASE.HTM file will continue to appear.
Make sure the PASSPHRASE.HTM form is posting to the correct URL. Open the PASSPHRASE.HTM form and then right-click and select View Source. Search for the word action and check the URL. The URL is in the form PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME:SECUREPORT/oneNet/iFolder/pph. Make sure the protocol is https and the port is the correct secure port. Also make sure the hostname is correct. You can change the protocol, port, and hostname using the NSAdmin utility.
If you change your eDirectory password, your iFolder passphrase becomes invalid. If this happens, reset your passphrase by re-entering the original passphrase that was created when your iFolder account was created. If you are using a browser to access NetStorage, you will automatically be prompted to reset your passphrase. If you are using Web Folders to access NetStorage, you must access the PASSPHRASE.HTM file in the iFolder directory to reset your passphrase.
The user's passphrase can also be reset at any time at the following URL where NetStorage is running: http://NetStorage_Server/oneNet/iFolder/pph.
Context configuration problems, port/protocol, and invalid DNS addresses usually cause HTTP errors when attempting to submit the passphrase form.
During the NetWare 6 Support Pack 1 installation and configuration process, an administrator might inadvertently set the port number used by NetStorage to the same port number used by NetWare Enterprise Server. Manually changing the NetStorage port number after the installation might also cause a port conflict or an invalid port setting.
NetStorage requires the Apache Web Server and must use the same port number as the Apache Web Server. The default port number for NetWare Enterprise Server is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. If you have NetWare Enterprise Server installed, by default the Apache Web Server will get port 51080 for HTTP and 51443 for HTTPS. If the NetWare Enterprise Server is not installed, the default port number for Apache (and NetStorage) is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. Be sure that NetStorage in configured to the same port numbers as Apache.
NetStorage port conflicts and invalid port settings cause HTTP Forbidden errors when users attempt to create new folders in home directories and on mapped drives. These errors are characterized by Connection Refused IO errors and new folders not appearing after they are created.
Servers configured to use multiple IP addresses are less likely to have port conflict problems because each service can generally use its default port assignment.
To correct NetStorage port number conflicts or invalid port settings, edit the SETTINGS.PROPERTIES file in the SYS:\WEBAPPS\NETSTORAGE\WEB-INF\CLASSES directory. Change the port number to match the one that is listed in the SYS:\APACHE\CONF\ADMINSERV.CONF file. This port number can be found in the # Start Apache Services Port Configuration section of the file.
You can also edit the port number by clicking the WebDav Server link in the NSAdmin utility.
The Novell NetStorage documentation indicates that you can download folders using a browser with NetStorage. This is incorrect. You can download individual files using a browser with NetStorage, but downloading folders is not currently supported.
You can create new folders or you can copy, delete, rename, or move existing files and folders by right-clicking the file or folder and then selecting the option you want.
You may encounter problems viewing extended characters using the NetStorage Text View feature. Also, folders containing extended characters that are created using the Text View feature may not display correctly in either the Text View or the Folder View. This problem can be avoided by creating folders with extended characters or viewing extended characters using the NetStorage Folder View.