You can troubleshoot the driver using the DSTrace utility. You will want to configure the utility's options by selecting Edit > Properties > DirXML Drivers.
For each event or operation received, the driver returns an XML document containing a status report. If the operation or event is not successful, the status report also contains a reason, a text message describing the error condition. If the result is fatal, the driver shuts down.
After you have configured the DSTrace Utility, you can monitor your system for errors.
If the driver does not load, you should check DSTrace for the following error messages:
This is a fatal error that occurs when SAPShim.jar is not installed properly. Ensure that the file is in the proper location for either a local or Remote Loader configuration.
This is a fatal error that occurs when the class name for the SAPShim.jar is incorrect. You should ensure that the Java class name is set on the Driver Module tab in a local installation and that the -class parameter is set in a Remote Loader configuration.
The proper class name is: com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.SAPShim.SAPDriverShim
You might see the following driver initialization errors in the DSTrace utility. An explanation of the error is given along with recommended solutions.
This error occurs when the SAP Java Connector JCO.jar file or the JCO native support libraries are not present or are improperly located.
Make sure the proper platform version of JCO.jar is located in the same directory as SAPShim.jar.
Also check the JCO native support libraries to make sure they are present and properly configured. Use the JCO installation instructions for the appropriate platform.
This error occurs when the SAP Java Connector (JCO) native RFC12 support library is not present or is located improperly.Make sure the JCO native support libraries are present and configured properly. Use the JCO installation instructions for the appropriate platform.
This error occurs when the SAP Java Connector (JCO) native RFC support library is not present or is improperly located. This sample error is from a Solaris system.
Make sure the JCO native support libraries are present and properly configured. Follow the JCO installation instructions for the appropriate platform.
This error occurs when the SAP Java Connector (JCO) components cannot be located.This error generally occurs if the driver or Remote Loader has not been restarted after the JCO has been configured. Restart Novell(R) eDirectoryTM if you are using a local configuration or restart the remote loader for a remote configuration.
This error occurs when the SAP authentication or connection information is not configured properly.Ensure that the values for Authentication and Driver Parameters are correct for authentication to the SAP host system.
This error occurs when the Publisher IDoc Directory parameter in the Publisher Settings of the Driver Parameters does not specify a valid file system location.Ensure that this parameter specifies the directory on the SAP system configured in the SAP ALE subsystem for IDoc file output.
This error occurs when the Remote Loader connection parameter information is incorrect.Configure the proper connection information for the remote connection to the system where the Remote Loader is running.
This error occurs when the Remote Loader password configured on the remote system does not match the Remote Loader password on the Driver object.
Set matching passwords for both remote loaders. In ConsoleOne(R) or iManager, ensure that both the application password and Remote Loader passwords are set at the same time.
If the Mapping policy Add Dialog contains no data for the APP (application properties of class mappings), the driver can not find the HRMD_A schema meta file.
You should ensure that the Meta file directory and Master HR IDoc driver parameters are set to a valid file system location and contain the proper IDoc name. Validate that the metadata file for the configured IDoc type is in the file system location. For example, if Master HR IDoc is set to the default HRMD_A03, ensure that HRMD_A03.meta exists in the Meta file directory.
You should ensure that the ALE and change pointer processes are configured properly, and that you have properly entered data.
The proper way of inserting or changing data is through using the Edit > Create or Edit > Change menus. If an error or a change is entered by overwriting an existing record and saving it, the change document will not be created.
Verify that the Driver parameters contain the correct client number and proper IDoc directory.
You should first test the ALE and IDoc interface. Refer to your SAP documentation for more information.
If the IDoc interface fails:
If the IDoc interface succeeds:
You should first ensure that you have configured all of the driver parameters and that the proper passwords have been entered.
If you are using the Publisher Channel Only configuration of the driver, make sure you have entered the correct parameters. If you have previously used a Publish and Subscribe driver, make sure that all files have been replaced by the Publish-only files.
If you are running the driver remotely, make sure that the Remote Loader has been started before you start the driver.
For detailed instructions on using the JCO Test utility and analyzing error messages, refer to Using the SAP Java Connector Test Utility.
You might see the following error in DS Trace if the IDoc directory parameter specifies an invalid local file system container or if it specifies a mapped drive on a remote system.
*** NDS Trace Utility - BEGIN Logging *** Fri Sep 13 15:45:59 2002
DirXML Log Event -------------------
Driver = \FLIBBLE_TREE\n\Driver Set\SAP-HR
Channel = publisher
Status = fatal
Message = <description>SAP Document Poller initialization failed: com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.SAPShim.SAPDocumentPollerInitFailure: Specified Publisher IDoc Directory is invalid.</description>
*** NDS Trace Utility - END Logging *** Fri Sep 13 15:46:31 2002
This error occurs because the Window operating system service controls the rights of the local system, not the rights of a user. Thus, the local Windows system does not have rights to access any file resources outside of its own system, including the IDoc directory.