Using the SAP Java Connector Test Utility
The driver uses the SAP Java Connector (JCO) and Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) technologies to connect to and integrate data with eDirectory. The SAP JCO is a SAP client that creates service connections to a SAP R/3 system. After the driver is connected to the R/3 system, it calls methods on business objects within the R/3 system via BAPI.
This utility enables you to check for JCO installation and configuration issues prior to configuring the driver. Use the JCO test utility to validate installation and connectivity to the SAP JCO client, as well as testing for accessibility to the HR BAPIs used by the driver.
In order to configure the driver, you must first download the SAP JCO and install it. For installation instructions, refer to the documentation accompanying the SAP JCO.
The following instructions apply to JCO versions 1.x only. The utility will be updated in the future for JCO version 2.0.2.
What Does the Utility Do?
The SAP JCO Test utility completes the following checks:
- Ensures that the jco.jar file, which contains the exported JCO interface, is present.
- Ensures that the JCO native support libraries are properly installed.
- Ensures that connection parameters to the SAP R/3 target system are correct.
- Ensures that the authentication parameters to the SAP R/3 target system are correct.
- Ensures that the selected language code is valid.
- Ensures that the BAPIs used by the DirXML driver are present as expected for the version of the SAP R/3 target system.
Utility Prerequisites
Before you run the JCO Test utility, you must install the SAP JCO client for the desired platform. The JCO can only be obtained from the SAP Service Marketplace Web site. The download is free to any SAP software customer or development partner, but you are required to log in.
Follow the installation instructions for your platform. Each installation requires you to set one or two environment variables, such as CLASSPATH for the jco.jar file location. For the UNIX platforms, set either the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LIBPATH variables for the location of native support libraries. Ensure that these variables are set in the shell environment to run this test and for the subsequent use of the DirXML Driver for SAP HR.
You must also make sure that you have your PATH environment variable set to include the path to your Java executable file. For Win32 platforms, the environment variables are set via the System configuration in the Control Panel. On UNIX systems, edit the appropriate .profile or .bash_profile to include and export these path variables.
The JCO Test utility includes a jcotest batch or script file and a JCOTest.class file. The format of the batch or script file varies, depending on the platform on which the JCO client has been installed.
The basic content of the file includes a path to the Java executable (or just java if your PATH is appropriately configured), and the name of the JCOTest.class file. A sample UNIX script file and Win32 batch file is listed below, where jCO.jar is in the executable directory of the JCOTest.class file and the batch file:
Win32 jcotest.bat file
java -classpath $CLASSPATH;. JCOTest
Unix jcotest file
java JCOTest
You must use proper slash notation when specifying path names and use the proper classpath delimiter for the platform. You must also remember that the name of the jCO.jar file is case-sensitive on UNIX platforms and that the name of the test class, JCOTest, must be specified with proper case for any platform.
Running and Evaluating the Test
Running the Test
To run the JCO Test utility on a Win32 platform:
From Windows Explorer, double-click JCOTEST.BAT.
From a command prompt, run the JCOTEST.BAT script.
To run the JCO Test utility on a UNIX platform:
From your preferred shell, run the jcotest script file.
: It is possible that when you run the test program, an error message will appear before any test output is displayed. This indicates an improper installation of the JCO client components. The error messages are documented for each platform in Understanding Test Error Messages.
Evaluating the Test
If the JCO client is installed properly, the following output will be displayed:
**The SAP JCO client installation has been verified to be correct.
Version of the JCO-library: version information
Input SAP Server Connection Information
You will then receive a series of prompts for connection and authentication information. All data must be provided unless a default value, identified by [] delimiters, is provided. Failure to fill in a response value to each prompt will end the test. Enter information for the following fields when prompted:
- Application server name or IP address
- System number[00]
- Client number
- User
- User Password
- Language code [EN]
The values you provide are the same values that could be used to authenticate via the SAPGUI client. Based on the validity of the input, the test will either display error messages with solution suggestions or will run to completion. At the end of the test, a status message displays. If the test indicates full functionality as required by the DirXML driver, the following status message appears (it describes valid values that can be used as the configuration parameters for the DirXML Driver for SAP HR):
**All expected platform support is verified correct.
JCO Test Summary
Full JCO/BAPI Functionality has been verified.
The following parameters may be used for SAP HR Driver Configuration
Authentication ID: UsernameAuthentication Context: SAP Host Name/IP AddressApplication Password: User passwordPublisher Channel Only? 1
SAP System Number: System NumberSAP User Client Number: Client NumberSAP User Language: Language CodeMaster HR IDoc: Default IDoc type for SAP R/3 version
If the test indicates that the functionality required by the DirXML driver is not available, the following status message is displayed:
**There are <number> required BAPI functions NOT supported on this platform.
JCO Test Summary
JCO/BAPI functionality issues have been detected that will prevent proper SAP HR Driver functionality.
Post-Test Procedures
After the JCO Test Utility has passed all tests successfully, the DirXML Driver for SAP HR can be configured to run. Make sure that the jco.jar file is copied to the location where the sapshim.jar file has been installed.
On UNIX systems, ensure that the environment variables used for the successful completion of the JCO Test are also in the environment of the driver. If these conditions are met, there should be no driver errors that are related to JCO.
Understanding Test Error Messages
Use the information in this section to analyze error messages that might display during the JCO Test. Some errors are applicable to all platforms, and other errors are platform-specific.
The test has been run on the platforms listed below. Other UNIX platforms supported by JCO are configured in a similar manner and errors generated by improper JCO installation and configuration should be similar to the errors described for IBM*-AIX and Solaris.
General Errors
Error connecting to SAP host:$Exception: (102) RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION: Connect to SAP gateway failed .... Check values of Application Server Name/IP Address and System Number |
This indicates that one or both of the values entered for Application Server Name or IP address and System Number are incorrect. Verify that these values are consistent with the information found in the Properties page of the SAP Logon dialog used to connect to the SAP R/3 system. |
Error authenticating to SAP host:$Exception: (103) RFC_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE: You are not authorized to logon to the target system (error code 1). |
The authentication credentials are not valid. Verify that the values for Client Number, User, and User Password are correct. |
Error connecting to SAP host:$Exception: (101) RFC_ERROR_PROGRAM: Language '<value>' not availableCheck value of Language Code |
The language code selected is not valid or is not installed on the SAP R/3 system. |
Errors on Win32 Systems
'jcotest' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. |
The jcotest.bat batch file is not present. |
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$AbapException-- or --Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$Exception |
The jco.jar file is not in the location specified in the jcotest.bat batch file. |
Exception while initializing JCO no jRFC12 in java.library.pathVerify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The jRFC12.dll file that shipped with the JCO client is not installed or is installed in an improper location. The default location for jRFC12.dll and libRfc32.dll is /WINNT/system32. |
Exception while initializing JCO C:\WINNT\system32\jrfc12.dll: Can't find dependent librariesVerify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The librfc32.dll file shipped with the JCO client is not installed or installed in an improper location. The default location for jRFC12.dll and libRfc32.dll is /WINNT/system32. |
Errors on IBM-AIX Systems
ksh: jcotest: not found. |
The jcotest script file is not present in the directory. |
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$AbapExceptionorException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$Exception |
The jco.jar file is not in the location specified in the jcotest script file or the case specified for jco.jar does not match the actual file name. |
Exception while initializing JCO no jRFC12 (libjRFC12.a or .so) in java.library.pathVerify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The file that shipped with the JCO client is not installed or is installed in an improper location. You must configure a LIBPATH environment variable to specify the location in which the file resides. |
Exception while initializing JCO <path>/ A file or directory in the path name does not exist.Verify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The librfccm.o file shipped with the JCO client is not installed or installed in improper location. You must copy the file to the same location as or configure the LIBPATH environment variable to specify the location in which the file resides. |
Errors on Solaris Systems
ksh: jcotest: not found.orbash: jcotest: command not found |
The jcotest script file is not present in the directory. |
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$AbapExceptionorException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$Exception |
The jco.jar file is not in the location specified in the jcotest script file or the case specified for jco.jar does not match the actual file name. |
Exception while initializing JCO no jRFC12 in java.library.pathVerify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The shipped with the JCO client is not installed or is installed in improper location. You must configure a LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to specify the location in which the file resides. |
Exception while initializing JCO <path>/ <search-path>: fatal: open failed: No such file or directoryVerify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The file shipped with the JCO client is not installed or installed in improper location. You must copy the file to the same location as or configure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to specify the location in which the file resides. |
Errors on Linux Systems
ksh: jcotest: not found.orbash: jcotest: command not found |
The jcotest script file is not present in the directory. |
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$AbapExceptionorException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$Exception |
The jco.jar file is not in the location specified in the jcotest script file or the case specified for jco.jar does not match the actual file name. |
Exception while initializing JCO JCO.classInitialize(): Could not load middleware layer ' jRFC12 in java.library.pathVerify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The file shipped with the JCO client is not installed or is installed in an improper location. You must configure a LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to specify the location in which the file resides |
Exception while initializing JCO JCO.classInitialize(): Could not load middleware layer '<path>/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryVerify proper installation of JCO Native support libraries packaged with JCO client. |
The file shipped with the JCO client is not installed or is installed in an improper location. You must copy the file to the same location as or configure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to specify the location in which the file resides. |