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Novell exteNd Web Services SDK 5.0README |
The Novell exteNd Web Services SDK (formerly jBroker Web) is a toolkit for developing Web Service client and server applications. The SDK contains compilers and tools for building Web Services, and a runtime for executing and testing Web Services. The Novell exteNd WSSDK is a 100% pure Java implementation, which supports standards such as SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RPC, SAAJ and WS-I Basic Profile 1.0. The Novell exteNd WSSDK brings the familiar programming model of Java RMI to the Web Services world.The Novell exteNd WSSDK compilers provide support for both application programmers who are developing client programs that need to access existing Web Services, as well as application programmers who are developing server programs that implement those Web Services. The compilers generate stubs and skeletons as an abstraction over the underlying protocols, which means that developers are not exposed to the mechanisms of the transport layer.
In addition to standards-based mapping between basic Java and XML data types, the Novell exteNd WSSDK also supports an XML schema compiler, which generates Java classes for commonly encountered schema types. Data binding not only provides a familiar programming model, it also shields application developers from the details of how Java types are represented as XML on the wire.
The Novell exteNd WSSDK currently supports SOAP header parameters that are in either the input or output message of the operation (in the WSDL description of the Web Service), and the following styles of Web Services:
The Novell exteNd WSSDK is based on a flexible and dynamic architecture, which allows multiple transports, implementation styles and security mechanisms to be supported. In particular, both SOAP over HTTP(S) and JMS transports are supported. Also, Web Services can either be realized as Servlets or Message Driven Beans. Finally, security features such as Basic, Digest and NTLM authentication as well as SSL and XML Signature support are fully supported.
- rpc/encoded
- document/literal
- rpc/literal
The Novell exteNd Web Services SDK tools include a light-weight Web Server for deploying standard WAR files that contain Web Services, and a TCP tunnel for debugging the SOAP messages exchanged between client and server applications. A tool for converting a regular Java class to RMI is also provided. For more information about the Novell exteNd WSSDK, please refer to the documentation section, or the Novell exteNd WSSDK datasheet.
What's New in Version 5.0
Version 5.0 is a major new release, which includes all the features of vrsion 2.1 and the following changes
- Use of the Apache Common HttpClient package to implement the client side of the HTTP connection. This is a standards based, pure Java, implementation of HTTP versions 1.0 and 1.1. Please refer to the Apache HttpClient for a full list of the features.
- Updated implemention of SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments API for Java) to version 1.2. This allows for SOAPElement to be handled as DOM nodes and also provides the ability to directly import DOM Elements into a SOAPMessage.
- Support for attachments and SOAP header parameters with the JAX-RPC DII call interface. The call interface allows for dynamic invocation of a Web Service. This version of the Novell exteNd Web Services SDK supports the use of attachment and header parameters with the call interface.
- Pre-built handlers for generating and verifying XML Digital Signatures using the Apache XML-Security toolkit.
- Support for SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and its configuration.
- Ability to use Basic, Digest, and NTLM authentication with SAAJ.
- Support for DOM and SAAJ based Service endpoints using DOMSkeleton and SAAJSkeleton.
- Ability to specify header and attachment parameters when starting from a Remote Method Interface (RMI) rather than a WSDL document. The -header and -attachment flags can be used with both the rmi2soap and rmi2wsdl compilers.
- The -xmlschema and -xmlinstance flags can be used with the rmi2wsdl compiler to specify the XML schema type for a parameter and to specify a XML instance document to be used to generate a schema type.
What's New in Version 2.1
Version 2.1 is a maintenance release, which includes several new features.
- It includes support for the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0. An implemention of the WS-I Sample Application 1.0 using the Novell exteNd Web Services SDK is deployed at ws-i.novell.com and has been tested for interoperability with all the other vendors currently implementing WS-I Basic Profile 1.0.
- In addition to the previously supported (rpc/encoded and document/literal) styles of Web Services, the Novell exteNd Web Services SDK also supports rpc/literal style Web Services. SOAP header parameters that are in either the input or output message of the operation (in the WSDL description of the web service) are also supported.
- The xsd2java compiler has been improved to support several additional XML Schema constructs. Specifically, the generated JavaBeans and marshalers can enfore run-time validation of instance data according the schema constraints.
- Contains an implementation of the client side libraries of the JAX-M specification, referred to as SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments API for Java). It provides client programs the ability to generate SOAP messages, send messages using the SOAP 1.1 protocol to a Web Service using point-to-point communication and receive the result as a SOAP Message. The SAAJ functionality can be used to directly communicate with Web Services or it can be used to process SOAP Messages under the JAX-RPC message handler architecture. Performance measurements show that this release is 2-3 times faster than earlier releases of SAAJ.
- Support for Message Driven Bean (MDB) based skeletons, which allows the Web Service endpoint to be realized with an MDB. The MDB skeleton is a message listener, which dispatches message to the implementation class.
Novell exteNd Web Services SDK requires Java 2, an XML parser such as Xerces, and the following components:Also, clients may optionally require JNDI if they prefer to look up references to (remote) Web Services via JNDI. Although Novell exteNd Web Services SDK comes with a simple Web Server, server side development and deployment typically requires a servlet container, such as Novell eXtend Application Server or Tomcat.
- JAX-P (Java API for XML Processing)
- JAF (Java Activation Framework)
- HttpClient (Apache Commons HttpClient)
This release has been tested on Windows NT/2000/XP, Solaris Sparc/Intel 2.6+, HP-UX 11, AIX 4.3, Linux Red Hat 7 and Netware 6. The following JDKs are supported:
Java 2 Standard Edition
Novell exteNd Web Services SDK is installed as follows:Once installation is complete, please make sure that you satisfy the above System Requirements, and that the following resources are available to the Java 2 runtime:
- On Windows platforms, simply launch the WSSDK.exe executable. On other platforms, run the Novell exteNd Web Services SDK installer where WSSDK.jar is located:
java -jar WSSDK.jarThe Setup Welcome screen appears. Click "Next" to view the README information.- The README contains important information. Please take the time to read these notes carefully before continuing. When you have finished reading the notes, continue the installation by clicking the "Next" button.
- The Installation program displays the Novell license agreement. To install Novell exteNd Web Services SDK, you must accept all terms of this agreement. Check the "Accept all terms of the license" checkbox and click "Next" to continue.
- Choose or specify a destination directory (or accept the default) and select "Next" to continue.
- Review the installation summary. Client "Next" when you're ready to install. The installation program notifies you when the installation is complete.
- Choose "Finish" to exit the Installation program.
Put wssdk.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xmlParserAPIs.jar, activation.jar, and servlet.jar in your CLASSPATH, and bin\win32, bin/solaris, or bin/linux-x86 on your PATH. When compiling or running applications that use HTTPS also include wssdk-ssl.jar in your CLASSPATH. unless you're using the SSL support in JDK 1.4. If you're running on JDK 1.2, also include jndi.jar in your CLASSPATH. You can use the env.bat, env.sh, or env.csh script in the examples directory for setting up your environment.
- Xerces
- JNDI (part of Java when using Java 1.3 or higher)
- Servlet
- JAX-P and JAF (Java Activation Framework)
- HttpClient
The following documentation is included with this release of Novell exteNd WSSDK:
- Novell exteNd WSSDK Tutorial - a hands-on description of all Novell exteNd Web Services SDK features using the examples.
- Novell exteNd WSSDK Examples - an overview of the examples that ship with Novell exteNd Web Services SDK.
- Tools Reference - man pages for the Novell exteNd WSSDK compilers and tools.
- Novell exteNd WSSDK FAQ - Novell exteNd Web Services SDK frequently asked questions.
- API Reference -Javadoc for the Novell exteNd Web Services SDK API.
Novell exteNd Web Services SDK comes with a number of pre-built examples. These examples show how to use most of the features of the Novell exteNd WSSDK product. The Novell exteNd WSSDK tutorial contains a description of each example. The Java source for the examples can be found in the examples directory.
The following features are not implemented in this release of Novell exteNd WSSDK:
- SOAP 1.1 partially transmitted and sparse arrays.
- WSDL 1.1 HTTP GET/POST binding extension
- Support for GIF images (MIME Type image/gif) as attachments.
- Using javax.xml.messaging.URLEndpoint as an endpoint in SAAJ.
- SOAP header parameters that are defined in a message other than the input or output message for the operation.
Please use extendsupport@novell.com for feedback, comments, and any bug reports.
There are many Web Services resources available on the Internet:Back to top.
- JAX-RPC - Java API for XML-Based RPC
- WS-I - Web Services Interoperability Organization
- SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol 1.1
- WSDL - Web Service Definition Language 1.1
- SAAJ - SOAP with Attachment API for Java
- JAX-M - Java API for XML Messaging
- ebXML - A web site dedicated to XML messaging
- The UDDI home page
- A site dedicated to SOAP developers