Setting Up Novell Native File Access for UNIX with Novell Cluster Services

To get the full benefit of using Novell Native File Access for UNIX with Novell Cluster ServicesTM, the software must be installed and configured to work in a cluster environment.

This section describes the following:


Before installing Native File Access for UNIX with cluster support, create a shared volume and a Cluster Volume object.

  1. Create a shared volume using NWCONFIG > NSS volumes.

    NOTE:  Do not use the name nfsclust because it is a reserved word.

  2. To create a Cluster Volume object from ConsoleOne, complete the following:

    1. Select the Cluster object.

    2. Click File > New > Cluster > Cluster Volume.

    3. Browse and select the shared volume.

    4. Enter the secondary IP address or the virtual IP address associated with the cluster.

      The address will be in the following format:


    5. Check the Define Additional Properties check box and click Create.

    6. Set the Start, Failover, and Failback Modes.

    7. Verify the order of the servers in the nodes list.

    8. To save the changes to the Cluster Volume object, click OK.

    IMPORTANT:  After the shared volume servername_shared vol name is cluster- enabled, ConsoleOne renames it to cluster object name_shared vol name.

    ConsoleOne creates a virtual server associated with the shared volume called cluster object name_shared vol name_SERVER.

    ConsoleOne also creates a Cluster Volume object called shared vol name_SERVER in the Cluster object container.

  3. Install Native File Access For UNIX on all the nodes in the cluster.

  4. If the NFS Services are running, run NFSSTOP. Remove NFSSTART from AUTOEXEC.NCF.

  5. Delete all the NISSERV_servername objects in eDirectory.

  6. Run nisinst -s shared vol name_SERVER from one of the nodes in the cluster. Modify the IPAddress attribute of this newly created NISSERVER object to the virtual IP Address.

  7. In the shared volume which is cluster-enabled for the Native File Access for UNIX, make a directory named ETC.

  8. From the node, where Step 6 was executed, copy the following files from SYS:\ETC to the ETC directory on the shared volume.

    • nfs.cfg
    • nis.cfgnisserv.cfgnfsexprt in case of upgrade from NetWare 4.1 or 5.1 nfsthost in case of upgrade from NetWare 4.1 or 5.1nfsstart.ncf from SYS:\SYSTEMnfsstop.ncf from SYS:\SYSTEM

Configuring the Properties of Cluster Volume Resource

Load and Unload Script

To customize your specific NetWare NFS Services configuration, edit the IP addresses and volume-specific commands in the load and unload scripts of the cluster volume object to which you are going to associate NFS Services. Select and right-click the Cluster Volume object and then click Properties to find the Cluster Resource Load Script and Cluster Resource Unload Script. Following are the formats for these scripts.

Load Script

To the load script, add the following at the end of the existing script:

nfsclust AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD shared vol name shared vol name_SERVER

shared vol name:\ETC\NFSSTART

Unload Script

To the unload script, add the following at the beginning of the existing script:

shared vol name:\ETC\NFSSTOP

unload nfsclust

unload nfsadmin

unload pkernel

Setting the Start, Failover, and Failback Modes

The following table explains the different resource modes.

Mode Setting Description



AUTO allows Native File Access for UNIX to automatically start on a server when the cluster is first brought up.

MANUAL lets you manually start Native File Access for UNIX on a server whenever you want.

Default = AUTO



AUTO allows Native File Access for UNIX to automatically start on the next server in the Assigned Nodes list in the event of a hardware or software failure.

MANUAL lets you intervene after a failure occurs and before Native File Access for UNIX is moved to another node.

Default = AUTO



AUTO allows Native File Access for to UNIX automatically move back to its preferred node when the preferred node is brought back online.



MANUAL prevents Native File Access for UNIX from moving back to its preferred node when that node is brought back online until you are ready to allow it to happen.



DISABLE causes Native File Access for UNIX to continue running in an online state on the node it has failed to.

Default = DISABLE

To view or change the Start, Failover, and Failback modes, do the following:

  1. In ConsoleOne, double-click the cluster object container.

  2. Right-click the cluster resource object shared vol name_SERVER and select Properties.

  3. Click the Policies tab on the property page.

  4. View or change the Start, Failover, or Failback mode.

Component-Specific Configuration

The procedure to configure the components of Native File Access for UNIX is much the same as when you configure the components without cluster services. However, some points must be kept in mind while configuring the following components:

For the location of the configuration files for Native File Access for UNIX with and without Cluster Services, see Location of Configuration Files .

NFS Server

While configuring the NFS Server, note the following:

For more information on configuring the NFS Server, see ConsoleOne-Based Management for NFS Server.

Network Information Service

While configuring the NIS clients, note the following:

Location of Configuration Files

Most of the configuration files are now located in the shared volume's ETC directory. The following table lists the location with and without the cluster services.

Table 3. Location of Configuration Files

Filename Without Cluster Services With Cluster Services
















Log file for NFSSERV (default is NFSSERV.LOG)












Starting and Stopping Native File Access for UNIX with Cluster Services

  1. To start NFS Services, from Cluster ConsoleOne, click Cluster Object > View > Cluster State > Cluster Vol Object Online.

  2. To stop NFS Services, from ConsoleOne, click Cluster Object > View > Cluster State > Cluster Vol Object Offline.

For additional information on setting up and configuring Novell Cluster Services, see the Novell Cluster Services documentation.
