NetWare WebAccess

Do Not Run NetWare WebAccess and Novell Portal Services on Same Server

NetWare WebAccess and Novell Portal Services cannot be run simultaneously on the same server. NetWare WebAccess is based on Novell Portal Services technology. Therefore, the limitation of not being able to run two instances of Novell Portal Services on the same server also applies when attempting to run NetWare WebAccess and Novell Portal Services on the same server.

Form Authentication Type Required for Some Lotus Notes Applets

In order for some Lotus* Notes* applets to display correctly, you must select FORM as the authentication type when configuring the NetWare WebAccess Email gadget using ConsoleOneTM. BASIC is the default Lotus Notes authentication type.

WebAccess Object Name Change

An object in the WebAccess container in Novell® eDirectoryTM might be referred to incorrectly in the documentation. The WebAccess_portalgroup object should be WebAccess_Configuration_All_Users. This is the object used to configure NetWare WebAccess gadgets in ConsoleOne.

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