NetWare Web Manager

Upgrading Products Accessible through NetWare Web Manager

If you are upgrading products accessible through NetWare Web Manager, new configuration files will be written out and the old configuration files will be backed up in their current location.

A "_BKddd" (where ddd is a number) will be appended to the old configuration file. For example, MAGNUS.CONF will become MAGNUS.CONF_BK000.

If another installation is done on top of this one, MAGNUS.CONF will become MAGNUS.CONF_BK001. The count is incremented with each new upgrade installation. If you want to restore the old settings, you can manually merge the new and old files.

Using Internet Explorer

To view NetWare Web Manager with Internet Explorer, you must change a setting in Internet Explorer to set the correct page caching option.

  1. From the tool bar, click Tools > Internet Options > General > Settings.

  2. Check the Every Visit to This Page check box so that the browser re-requests a page and displays the appropriate information after you have made new selections on the NetWare Enterprise Server forms.

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