Security: Rights to Files and Directories

File system security includes assigning trustee rights. To set up rights, see the following:

For information on how to use Windows 95 to set rights, see Common Networking Tasks in Novell Client for Windows 95.

For Windows NT, see NetWare File Security in Novell Client for Windows NT.

Description of Directory and File Rights

Trustee rights determine the access users have to directories and files. These rights can be given to NDS object such as User objects, Group objects, Organizational Role objects, or container objects.

The following table contains a list and description of rights.

Table 1. Trustee Rights

Right Allows you to

Access Control

Add and remove trustees and change rights to directories and files.


Create subdirectories and files.


Delete directories and files.

File Scan

View directory and file names in the file system structure.


Rename directories and files, and change file attributes.


Open and read files, and open, read, and execute applications.


Grant and exercise all rights listed in this table.


Open, write to, and modify a file.

Adding a Trustee to a Directory or File


You can add, modify, or delete a trustee in a directory or file using ConsoleOne. For instructions on adding, modifying, and deleting trustees, see Administering Rights the Console One 1.3 User Guide.

Viewing/Modifying the Inherited Rights Filter for Directories and Files

You can view and modify the Inherited Rights Filter (IRF) for a directory or file using ConsoleOne. For instructions on viewing or modifying the Inherited Rights Filter, see Administering Rights the Console One 1.3 User Guide.

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