
Use at a workstation to access the network by logging in to a server and running a login script.


LOGIN [server_name/ | tree/][user] [/option...][/? | /VER]

Parameter Use to

(no parameter)

Request a login prompt.


Specify the server you want to log in to.


Specify the tree you want to log in to.


Specify the username you want to log in with.


Replace option with any available option. See LOGIN Options.


View online help. All other parameters are ignored when /? is used.


View the version number of the utility and the list of files it uses to execute. All other parameters are ignored when /VER is used.


LOGIN Options

Option Use to


Prevent a login script from running and prevent you from being logged out of other servers you are logged in to.


Prevent the Welcome to NetWare banner from being displayed during the login process.

/S path | object_name

Specify a login script file.

Replace path with the path to the script.

Replace object name with the object whose script you want to run.


Specify a bindery login.


Specify the Profile object script you want to run.


Prevent LOGIN from swapping to extended or expanded memory, or to disk.


Tells login to swap to this path when external commands are executed. DOS only.


Specify that you want to log in to a tree.


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