NetWare Login


Use at a Windows* 3.1x or Windows 95 workstation to

Starting NetWare Login

By default, NetWare Login runs when you start Windows. However, you can start NetWare Login any time by choosing its icon in Windows.

Depending on your Windows platform, type the appropriate executable filename: either LOGINW31 or LOGINW95.


loginw95 /a

An additional parameter, /A, is provided to cause the advanced tabs to appear in the NetWare Login dialog box.

Open the login window on a Windows 95 workstation by clicking Start > Programs > Novell > NetWare Login.

Using NetWare Login

Use the options provided in the NetWare Login dialog box or in your Client 32TM settings. For more information, see the online Help for NetWare Login.

Additional Information

Topic See

NetWare Login dialog box

Online Help within the dialog box

Command-line options


Client 32 settings

Online Help within the dialog box

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