IPX Install Option
These systems have the IPX stack loaded and may also have the TCP/IP stack loaded. Systems installed with IPX only are configured to establish only NCP connections over the IPX stack. Figure 6 shows the relationship between the protocol stacks when a system is installed with IPX alone.
Figure 6
IPX Only Architecture Diagram

NetWare 6 servers installed with IPX have the following capabilities:
- They can establish NCP connections with pre-NetWare 6 clients or with NetWare 6 clients installed with one of the install options that include IPX.
- They can establish NCP connections through a Migration Agent with NetWare 6 clients installed with IP.
- They can execute IPX applications and communicate directly with other IPX nodes.
- They can execute IPX applications and communicate through a Migration Agent with NetWare 6 systems installed with IP.
NetWare 6 clients installed with IPX have the following capabilities:
- They can establish NCP connections with pre-NetWare 6 servers or with NetWare 6 servers installed with one of the install options that include IPX.
- They can establish NCP connections through a Migration Agent with NetWare 6 servers installed with IP.
- They can execute IPX applications and communicate directly with other IPX nodes.
- They can execute IPX applications and communicate through a Migration Agent with NetWare 6 systems installed with IP.
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