Installing eDirectory for Windows NT/2000 Server

Novell eDirectory for NT upgrades NT servers running NT Service Pack 4. If upgrading from previous version of eDirectory, it must be Directory Services version 8.35 or higher.

NOTE:  eDirectory runs on Windows 2000 Server, but does not run on Windows 2000 Professional.

If no eDirectory tree exists, you can install eDirectory 8.6. The installation program creates an eDirectory tree.

If your eDirectory tree does not have a Novell Certificate Server, the eDirectory installation program does the following:

Only one Organizational CA object can exist in an eDirectory tree. Because you must not move this object from one server to another, ensure that the first eDirectory server is the one that you intend to permanently host the Organizational CA object. For more information, see Understanding the Novell Certificate Server.

System Requirements


Updating the eDirectory Schema for NT/2000

To upgrade an existing tree, run DSREPAIR on the server that contains the master replica of the Tree partition.

IMPORTANT:  If the master replica of the Tree partition resides on a NetWare server, follow the instructions in Updating the eDirectory Schema for NetWare.

The installation program checks for the existing schema's version. If the schema has not been upgraded, the installation program instructs you to run DSREPAIR, then discontinues.

  1. Copy PATCHES\DSREPAIR\ NTNDS8\DSREPAIR. DLL from the product CD to the directory, where you installed eDirectory, for example, G:\NOVELL\NDS. This file is version 8.35.

  2. Start NDSCONSOLE by running NDSCONS.EXE.

    This file is in the directory where you installed eDirectory.

  3. Select DSREPAIR from the NDS Service list.

  4. Enter -ins in the Startup Parameters field > click Start.

    After the schema has been updated, the status field next to the DSREPAIR module in NDSCONSOLE will be blank.

  5. To see the results of the schema update, select DSREPAIR in NDSCONSOLE.

  6. Click Start > File > Open Log File > Open.

    The last entry of the log file will contain the results of the schema update.

Installing eDirectory

  1. At the NT/2000 server, log in as Administrator or as a user with administrative privileges.

  2. Run SETUP.EXE from the NT directory on the product CD.

  3. Select which components to install.

    You can install the components separately or together.

    • Install Novell Directory Services®

      Installs eDirectory in an NT-only or mixed NetWare/NT server environment.

      Follow the online instructions in the Installation Wizard.

    • SLP Directory Agent

      Installs SLP Directory Agent, which allows you to control the collection and dissemination of network service information through advanced features.

      Follow the online instructions in the Installation Wizard. Select the type of setup you want to install:

      Directory: Use eDirectory to manage, configure, and store Directory Agents, scopes, and services.

      Local: The Directory Agent and its associated scopes and services are stored and configured through the local machine.

    • Install ConsoleOne

      Installs ConsoleOne 1.3.3.

      Follow the online instructions in the Installation Wizard.

The installation program checks for the following components. If a component is missing or is an incorrect version, the installation program automatically launches an installation for the component.

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