This section will help you install and get started using Novell eDirectory on a Linux or Solaris system. For more information on the Linux or Solaris packages for Novell eDirectory, see Linux and Solaris Packages for Novell eDirectory .
The following installation instructions will help you install and get started using Novell eDirectory on Linux or Solaris:
Solaris 2.6 (with patch 105591-07 or later)
Solaris 7 (with patch 106327-06 or later for 32-bit systems)
Solaris 7 (with patch 106300-07 or later for 64-bit systems)
Solaris 8
eDirectory must be installed on all servers that you want to place an eDirectory replica on.
/bin/netstat -nr
The following entry should be present in the routing table: If the entry is not present, log in as root, and enter the following command to enable multicast routing: route add -net netmask dev -interface
/usr/bin/netstat -nr
The following entry should be present in the routing table: If the entry is not present, log in as root, and enter the following command to enable multicast routing: route add -net -net netmask hme0 host_IP_address
This following sections explains how to upgrade eDirectory from previous versions of NDS or eDirectory:
Upgrading from NDS eDirectory 8.5 or NDS eDirectory 8.5.1 to Novell eDirectory 8.6.1 disables the security objects created in this version, such as the Certificate Authority (CA), User, and Server Certificate objects.
Before upgrading, run the NICI migration utility for migrating security objects from NICI 1.5 to NICI 2.3. More information about this utility is available at the Novell Support and DownloadsWeb site.
After running the NICI migration utility, do the following to upgrade to eDirectory 8.6.1:
Use nds-install to upgrade the directory.
Use ndsconfig upgrade to upgrade the schema.
Upgrade ConsoleOne to 1.3.3 if an older version is installed on the system.
Before upgrading to Novell eDirectory 8.6.1 from versions of NDS or eDirectory prior to NDS eDirectory 8.5, first upgrade your directory to NDS eDirectory 8.5. Then upgrade to Novell eDirectory 8.6.1 as mentioned in Upgrading From NDS eDirectory 8.5.
Contact Novell Support for more information.
The following sections provide information about installing and uninstalling Novell eDirectory on Linux or Solaris systems:
If you plan to use SLP to resolve tree names, it should have been properly configured and SLP DAs should be stable. If you don't want to (or cannot) use SLP, you can use a flat file to resolve tree names to server referrals. Refer to man page host.nds for details.
Use the nds-install utility to install eDirectory components on Linux and Solaris systems. This utility is located in the Setup directory on the CD for the respective platforms. The utility adds the required packages based on what components you choose to install.
To install eDirectory components:
Log in as root on the host.
Enter the following command from the setup directory:
When prompted, accept the license agreement.
The installation program displays a list of eDirectory components that you can install.
Specify the option for the component you want to install.
Based on the component you choose to install, the installation program proceeds to add the appropriate RPMs, or packages into the Linux or Solaris system. Table 5 lists the packages installed for each eDirectory component.
Table 5. eDirectory Component Packages
eDirectory Component | Packages Installed | Description |
eDirectory Server |
NDSbase |
The eDirectory replica server will be installed on the specified server. |
Administration Utilities |
The Novell Import Conversion Export and LDAP Tools administration utilities will be installed on the specified workstation. |
Management Console for eDirectory |
The management console for eDirectory will be installed on the specified workstation. |
NMAS (Novell Modular Authentication Service) server |
The NMAS server components and the configuration utilities will be installed on the specified server. |
NSAdexvnt |
This package contains the library that manages events generated in Novell eDirectory to other database. |
If you are prompted, enter the complete path to the NICI Foundation Key file.
You will be prompted to enter the complete path to the NICI Foundation Key only if the installation program cannot locate the file in the default location (/var, the mounted license diskette, or the current directory).
If the path you entered is not valid, you will be prompted to enter the correct path.
You can use the ndsconfig utility to configure eDirectory Server after installation. However, to do so, you need to ensure that the .nfk file has been copied to the /var directory.
If you have selected Novell Modular Authentication ServiceTM (NMASTM) as one of the components to be installed, you can use the nmasconfig utility to configure NMAS server after installation. This must be done after configuring eDirectory with ndsconfig.
For more information on the ndsconfig utility, see ndsconfig Utility .
For more information on the nmasconfig utility, see Using the nmasconfig Utility to Configure NMAS Server .
IMPORTANT: Before you begin to use eDirectory, you must ensure that SLP has been installed for the eDirectory tree to be advertised correctly. To determine if the eDirectory tree is advertised, type the following:
/usr/bin/slpinfo -s "ndap.novell//(svcname-ws==*tree_name.)/"
To install eDirectory components, use the following syntax:
nds-install -c component1 [[-c component2]...] [-h] [-n path_to_.nfk]
If you do not provide the required parameters in the command line, the nds-install utility will prompt for the parameters.
Table 6 provides a description of the parameters of the nds-install utility:
Table 6. The nds-install Utility Parameters
To install eDirectory Server packages, enter the following command:
nds-install -c server -n /var
You must have Administrator rights to use the ndsconfig utility. When this utility is used with arguments, it validates all arguments and prompts for the password of the user having administrator rights. If the utility is used without arguments, ndsconfig displays a description of the utility and available options. This utility can also be used to remove the eDirectory Replica Server and change the current configuration of eDirectory Server. For more information, see ndsconfig Utility .
To create a new tree:
Use the following syntax:
ndsconfig new [-m <modulename>] [-i] [-s <servername>] [-t <tree_name>] [-n <context>] [-d path_for_DIB] [-L <ldap_port>] [-l <ssl_port>] [-c <caname>[:<casize>]] [-k <kmoname>[:<kmosize>]] [-e] -a admin_name
A new tree is installed with the specified tree name and context. If the parameters are not specified in the command line, ndsconfig prompts you to enter values for each of the missing parameters.
Or, you can also use the following syntax:
ndsconfig def [-m <modulename>] [-i] [-s <servername>] [-t <tree_name>] [-n <context>] [-d path_for_DIB] [-L <ldap_port>] [-l <ssl_port>] [-c <caname>[:<casize>]] [-k <kmoname>[:<kmosize>]] [-e] -a admin_name
A new tree is installed with the specified tree name and context. If the parameters are not specified in the command line, ndsconfig takes the default value for each of the missing parameters.
To add a server into an existing tree:
Use the following syntax:
ndsconfig add [-m <modulename>] [-s <servername>] [-p IP_address] [-t tree_name] [-n context] [-d path_for_DIB] [-L <ldap_port>] [-l <ssl_port>] [-e] -a admin_name
A server is added to an existing tree in the specified context. If the context to which the user wants to add the Server object does not exist, ndsconfig creates the context and adds the server.
LDAP and security services can also be added after eDirectory has been installed into the existing tree.
To remove a Server object and directory services from a tree:
Use the following syntax:
ndsconfig rm -a admin_name
eDirectory and its database are removed from the server.
Table 7. The ndsconfig Utility Parameters
ndsconfig Parameter | Description |
new |
Creates a new eDirectory tree. If the parameters are not specified in the command line, ndsconfig prompts you to enter values for each of the missing parameters. |
def |
Creates a new eDirectory tree. If the parameters are not specified in the command line, ndsconfig takes the default value for each of the missing parameters. |
add |
Adds a server into an existing tree. |
rm |
Removes the Server object and directory services from a tree. |
-i |
Ignores a tree of the same name, while installing a new tree. This option is generally not recommended for use. |
-s |
Specifies the server name. |
-t |
The tree name to which the server has to be added. If not specified, ndsconfig uses the tree name from the n4u.base.tree-name parameter specified in the etc/nds.conf file. For more information, see n4u.base.tree-name. |
-n |
The context of the server into which the Server object is added. If not specified, ndsconfig uses the context from the n4u.nds.server-context parameter specified in the /etc/nds.conf file. For more information, see n4u.nds.server-context. |
-d |
The directory path where the database files will be stored. |
-L |
The TCP port number on the LDAP server. |
-l |
The SSL port number on the LDAP server. |
-c |
The name and size of the organizational CA. |
-k |
The name and size of the Key Material Object. |
-a |
Distinguished name of the User object that has Supervisor rights to the context in which the Server object and directory services will be created. |
-e |
Enables clear text password for LDAP objects. |
-p |
Installs eDirectory Server into an existing tree by specifying the IP address of a server hosting the tree. If this option is used, SLP is not used for tree lookup. |
-m |
Specifies the module name to install. While installing a new tree, you can install only the ds module. After installing the ds module, you can add the LDAP and SAS services using the add command. If the module name is not specified, all three modules are installed. |
set |
Sets the value for the specified eDirectory configurable parameters. |
get |
Lets you view the current value of the eDirectory configurable parameters. |
get help |
Lets you view the help strings for the eDirectory configurable parameters. |
To create a new tree, enter the following command:
ndsconfig new -t corp-tree -n o=company -a cn=admin.o=company
To add a server into an existing tree, enter the following command:
ndsconfig add -t corp-tree -n o=company -a cn=admin.o=company
To remove the eDirectory Server object and directory services from a tree, enter the following command:
ndsconfig rm -a cn=admin.o=company
This section discusses the following topics:
To use the nmasconfig utility for server configuration, ensure that you have administrative rights to the Security container.
Use this utility for login sequence management, login method management, and Simple Password management, apart from configuring and unconfiguring the NMAS server.
When this utility is used with arguments, it validates them and prompts for the password of the user who has administrative rights.
If the utility is used without arguments, nmasconfig displays a description of the utility and available options.
NOTE: Do not install the current release of NMAS on UNIX on the servers that are part of the tree and have NMAS Enterprise Edition installed and configured on them.
Four modes of operation are available:
Only one of the modes of operation can be selected.
For more information on the parameters of nmasconfig utility, see the nmasconfig manpage, nmasconfig.1m.
Table 8. The nmasconfig Utility General Parameters
The nmasconfig utility lets you configure the NMAS server or remove the configuration of the NMAS server. To configure the server, you must have Administrator rights to the Security container.
Table 9. The nmasconfig Utility Configure Parameters
To configure the NMAS server, enter the following command:
nmasconfig config [-t treename] [-h hostname[:port]] -c -a adminname
To configure NMAS in the tree ACME running on the same host, enter the following command.
nmasconfig config -t acme -c -a
NOTE: When configuring a remote server, it is recommended to enter the tree and the server name as command line parameters to nmasconfig.
To remove the NMAS server configuration, enter the following command:
nmasconfig config [-t treename] [-h hostname[:port]] -d -a adminname
To remove the configuration of NMAS in the tree ACME, enter the following command:
nmasconfig config -t acme -d -a
NOTE: Removing the NMAS configuration using the -d option does not remove any objects in the Security container. It specifically removes the server-specific configuration.
For NMAS configuration or unconfiguration to take effect, restart the Novell eDirectory server.
Use the method mode of the nmasconfig utility to install a new login method or upgrade an existing login method to the tree. It can also be used to remove an existing login method.
IMPORTANT: The method binaries for all the platforms can be found in the NMAS directory nmasmethods, located on the eDirectory CD. The methods for all platforms can be installed together from ConsoleOne (Windows) or nmasconfig (UNIX).
To install a new login method or upgrade an existing login method to the tree, enter the following command:
nmasconfig method [general options] -i | -U -f path-to-config.txt -a admin_name
Table 10. The nmasconfig Utility Method Parameters
To install a new method on the tree running on the current server, enter the following command:
nmasconfig method -i -f ./SimplePassword/config.txt -a
To remove an existing login method, enter the following command:
nmasconfig method [general options] -r -m methodname -a admin_name
To remove an existing login method from the tree running on the current server, enter the following command:
nmasconfig method -t ACME -r -m "X.509 Certificate" -a
IMPORTANT: You only need to specify one of these options: -i, -U, or -r.
Use the sequence mode of the nmasconfig utility to manage the login sequence.
To manage the login sequence, enter the following command:
nmasconfig sequence [general options] -D user_name -a admin_name
Table 11. The nmasconfig Utility Sequence Parameters
Example: To manage the authorized and default sequences of the user named user1 in tree ACME, enter the following command:
nmasconfig sequence -t ACME -D -a
The sequence management option generates a menu of options.
Table 12. The Sequence Management Menu Options
IMPORTANT: The nmasconfig utility does not have the functionality to create, delete, or modify sequences. The sequence mode supports only the operations which are performed for a user, such as setting the Authorized or default sequences. For other sequence operations, use ConsoleOne on a Windows workstation.
Use the passwd mode of the nmasconfig utility to set simple passwords.
To set the simple password for a specified user in the tree, enter the following command:
nmasconfig passwd [general options] [-H hash_type] [-a admin_name] -D user_name
Table 13. The nmasconfig Utility Password Parameters
Example 1: If you are an admin and are changing another user's simple password, enter the following command:
nmasconfig passwd -a -D
Example 2: If you are modifying your own simple password, enter the following command:
nmasconfig passwd -D
Novell eDirectory includes a Linux or Solaris package system, which is a collection of tools that simplify the installation and uninstallation of various eDirectory components. Packages contain makefiles that describe the requirements to build a certain component of eDirectory. Packages also include configuration files, utilities, libraries, daemons, and manual pages that use the standard Linux or Solaris tools installed with the OS.
Table 14 provides information about the Linux and Solaris packages that are included with Novell eDirectory.
Table 14. Linux and Solaris Packages for Novell eDirectory