若有多個 LDAP 伺服器用來存取使用者來源 (目錄),您可以將 ZENworks 伺服器設定為瞭解每個 LDAP 伺服器的動態。如此可提供負載平衡和容錯功能。
例如,如果您有多個 ZENworks 伺服器,可以將各個伺服器設定為透過不同的 LDAP 伺服器存取使用者來源。如此可在 LDAP 伺服器之間更平均地分配工作負載。
同樣地,對於各個 ZENworks 伺服器,您可以列出它用來連接至使用者來源的多個 LDAP 伺服器。若其中的某個 LDAP 伺服器不可用,ZENworks 伺服器可以使用其他的 LDAP 伺服器。
若要為 ZENworks 伺服器定義其他的 LDAP 伺服器︰
將 alt-servers.properties.sample 檔案複製到名為 alt-servers.properties 的新檔案。此檔案位於 ZENworks 伺服器的以下目錄︰
Windows︰c:\program files\novell\zenworks\conf\datamodel\authsource
變更 alt-servers.properties 檔案,以包含使用者來源名稱及可用來存取使用者來源的 LDAP 伺服器清單。
# Sample alt-servers.properties file. # # The alt-servers.properties file allows you to configure how this server will connect to a particular user source. # When connecting to a LDAP user source, ZENworks will try to connect to the servers in the order listed in this file. # This allows for fail-over to other LDAP servers and for load distribution, if different ZENworks Primary Servers are # configured with the server addresses in a different order. # # * The [user-source-name] must exactly match how the user source name appears on the configuration page in ZCC. # * You must specify the LDAP port along with each server address. # * SSL is configured for the entire user source, not for each individual server. You must specify either the # SSL port or the clear text port for all servers, depending on how the user source is configured in ZCC. # * If the server-list.properties file contains an entry for a user source, ZENworks will not try to connect to the # server address configured in ZCC. It only tries the addresses listed in the properties file. # * If you create or modify the server-list.properties file, you will need to restart the Novell ZENworks Server and # Novell ZENworks Loader services for it to take effect. # * Performance will be impacted if one or more of the servers at the top of the list are down, as ZENworks attempts to # connect to the servers in order. This is particularly true of the CASA authentication token service, which is # contacted when a user tries to log in to ZENworks on a workstation. # # Format: # # [user-source-name]=\ # [host1]:[port] \ # [host2]:[port] \ # [host3]:[port] # # Example: # MY_EDIR_TREE=\ edir1.novell.com:636 \ edir2.novell.com:636 \ edir3.novell.com:636 \ edir4.novell.com:636
重新啟動 ZENworks 伺服器。