The Dynamic File Services Management Console is a GUI-based management tool that allows you to configure and manage pairs, policies, and schedules on servers in the same local area network. In an Active Directory environment, the computer must also be in the same domain as the servers you want to manage.
The Management Console can be installed on a server or workstation. For information, see Supported Platforms
in the Dynamic File Services 2.2 Installation Guide.
You use the Manage Console to manage pairs, policies, and schedules on one or more servers where the Dynamic File Service is installed and running. Each server’s pairs and policies are unique to that server, and the related pair, policy, and schedule configuration files are stored locally in the ..\Dynamic File Services folder on the server that is being managed. This folder also contains the history and statistics information about policy runs on the server.
When you installed Dynamic File Services, a Management Console icon was placed in the following locations:
The computer desktop
menu underThe Control Panel menu under
An option to launch the tool is also included in the Service Controller menu.
To access the Management Console:
Log in to the DynamicFS server or client where the Management Console is installed.
Use any of the following methods to launch the Management Console:
Double-click the Management Console icon on the desktop.
In the
menu, select .In the
menu, select , then select > in the Control Panel dialog box.Right-click the
icon in the desktop notification area, then select .If you have not already done so, set up the Dynamic servers you want to manage as described in Section 7.1, Setting Up a Server in the Management Console.
If different administrator users log in to the same computer to use the Management Console, each user must configure a list of servers to manage.
The Management Console provides the following configuration wizards to help you set up servers to manage and to create pairs, policies, schedules, and cloud accounts on them:
Table 5-2 Configuration Wizard Descriptions
Wizard |
Description |
For information, see |
Server Wizard |
Helps you set up a DynamicFS server that you want to manage. |
Setup Wizard |
Helps you create a pair and a policy, and associates them automatically. |
Pair Wizard |
Helps you create a standard pair or a retention pair. You can associate the pair with none, one, or multiple policies. You can associate a retention pair with a review schedule. |
Policy Wizard |
Helps you create a policy and associate it with none, one, or multiple pairs. You can associate the policy with a policy schedule. |
Policy Schedule Wizard |
Helps you create a policy schedule or a review schedule. You can associate a policy schedule with none, one, or multiple policies. You can associate a review schedule with none, one, or multiple retention pairs. |
Cloud Wizard |
Helps you create a cloud account to store the access credentials for your preconfigured cloud storage provider account. |
You can use the following quick reference to find information about the tasks you can perform from the Management Console. You must be able to provide the login credentials of the Administrator user or a member of the Dynamic File Services group on the DynamicFS server you want to manage.
Table 5-3 helps you find the management tasks for DynamicFS servers:
Table 5-3 Server Task Descriptions
Server Options |
Description |
For information, see |
Server Wizard |
Lets you provide the authentication credentials needed to connect to a DynamicFS server. |
Connect to a server |
Lets you log in to the DynamicFS server that you want to manage. |
Disconnect from a server |
Lets you disconnect from a DynamicFS server that you are managing. |
Servers container |
Lets you view a list of servers and their current status. |
Section 7.4, Viewing a List of Servers and Their Connection Status |
Export a server list |
Lets you export a list of servers that are configured in the Management Console to an XML file in a local folder. |
Import a server list |
Lets you import a previously exported list of servers from a local folder to add the servers to the Management Console. |
Register license key |
Lets you remotely register a license key for a server. |
Section 6.2.3, Using the Management Console to Remotely Register a License Key |
Remove a server |
Lets you remove a server from the list |
Server Properties |
Lets you view information about a DynamicFS server. |
Server Properties > Disk details |
Lets you view disk details and the disk capacity and used space history for server disks on a DynamicFS server |
Section 13.6, Viewing the Server Disk Capacity and Used Space History |
Server Properties > Log files |
Lets you view the logged events for the Service, Standard Policy engine, and other components. |
Server Properties > Logging levels |
Lets you set the logging levels for the Service and Standard Policy engine components. |
Table 5-4 summarizes the pair management tasks:
Table 5-4 Pair Task Descriptions
Pair Options |
Description |
For Information |
Setup Wizard |
Helps you create a standard pair or a retention pair, create a policy, and associates them automatically. You can create and associate a policy schedule for the policy. For a retention pair, you can also create or associate a review schedule. |
Pair Wizard |
Helps you configure a pair on a specified server, and associate it with none, one, or multiple policies. |
Pairs container |
Lets you view a list of pairs and their current status ( or ). |
Pair Properties |
Lets you view configuration information for a pair. |
Modify description |
Lets you modify the description for a pair. |
Pair Properties > Policies |
Lets you view, add, or remove policy associations for a pair. |
Section 9.6.4, Associating or Disassociating Policies with a Pair |
Policy Properties > Pairs |
Lets you view, add, or remove pair associations for a policy. |
Section 9.6.3, Associating or Disassociating Pairs with a Policy |
Retention Pair Properties > Notification Review |
Lets you specify the frequency for triggering retention review events. The Notification Service and notifications must be set up separately. |
Section 12.4, Scheduling Notification Reviews for a Retention Pair |
Retention Pair Properties > Reviewers |
Lets you specify the users and groups that review the retained data. |
Pair Properties > Include/Exclude |
Lets you specify whether to include folders or exclude folders from policy runs on a pair, and add or remove folders from the list. |
Section 8.5, Including or Excluding Folders from a Pair’s Policy Runs |
Pair Properties > Pair history |
Lets you schedule the pair history scan on a pair. |
Pair Statistics |
Lets you view statistics about a pair’s status and last policy run. You can also add or remove associated policies. |
Section 13.1, Viewing the Pair Statistics Section 9.6.4, Associating or Disassociating Policies with a Pair |
Pair Statistics > Pair history |
Lets you view statistics about the disk space consumed over time for each path in a pair. |
Pair Statistics > Policy execution history |
Lets you view statistics about policy runs on a pair, including the run history of files moved or not moved. |
Section 13.2, Viewing the Policy Execution History for a Pair |
Preview now |
Lets you preview the results of a policy run on a selected pair without running the policy. |
Execute now |
Lets you run a policy on demand for a selected pair. |
Manual move |
Lets you move selected files or folders for a one-time move event on a selected pair. |
Stop running process |
Lets you stop a currently running policy on a pair. |
Server Properties > Disk details |
Lets you view disk details and the disk capacity history for server disks that are used in a pair on a DynamicFS server that you are managing. |
Section 13.6, Viewing the Server Disk Capacity and Used Space History |
Unlink the paths in a pair |
Lets you remove a pair relationship between two paths. |
Table 5-5 summarizes the policy management tasks:
Table 5-5 Policy Task Descriptions
Policy Options |
Description |
For Information |
Setup Wizard |
Helps you create a standard pair or a retention pair, create a policy, and associates them automatically. You can create and associate a policy schedule for the policy. For a retention pair, you can also create or associate a review schedule. |
Policy Wizard |
Helps you create a policy and associate it with none, one, or multiple pairs. |
Policies container |
Lets you view a list of policies and their current status ( or ). |
Edit or modify a policy |
Lets you modify the policy direction, frequency, filter options, or description. |
Export a policy |
Lets you export a policy’s configuration information to an XML file in a local folder on the computer that is running the Management Console. |
Section 9.11, Exporting and Importing Policies on a Dynamic File Services Server |
Import a policy |
Lets you import a previously exported policy from a local folder to add it to a DynamicFS server that you are managing in the Management Console. |
Section 9.11, Exporting and Importing Policies on a Dynamic File Services Server |
Preview now |
Lets you preview the results of a policy run on a selected pair without running the policy. |
Execute now |
Lets you run a policy on demand for a selected pair. |
Manual move |
Lets you move selected files or folders for a one-time move event on a selected pair. |
Stop running process |
Lets you stop a currently running policy on a pair. |
Policy Properties |
Lets you view configuration information for a policy. You can also modify the policy direction, frequency, filter options, or description. |
Section 9.5, Viewing Properties for a Policy |
Policy Properties > Pairs |
Lets you view, add, or remove pair associations for a policy. |
Section 9.6.3, Associating or Disassociating Pairs with a Policy |
Pair Properties > Policies |
Lets you view, add, or remove policy associations for a pair. |
Section 9.6.4, Associating or Disassociating Policies with a Pair |
Policy Properties > Schedule |
Lets you view, add, or remove a policy schedule association for a policy. |
Section 10.6.3, Associating or Disassociating a Schedule with a Policy |
Policy Schedule Properties > Policies |
Lets you view, add, or remove policy associations for a policy schedule. |
Section 10.6.4, Associating or Disassociating Policies with a Schedule |
Pair Statistics |
Lets you view statistics about a pair’s status and last policy run, including the policy run history of files moved or not moved. You can also add or remove associated policies. |
Section 13.1, Viewing the Pair Statistics Section 9.6.4, Associating or Disassociating Policies with a Pair |
Pair Statistics > Policy execution history |
Lets you view statistics about policy runs on a pair, including the run history of files moved or not moved. |
Section 13.2, Viewing the Policy Execution History for a Pair |
Server Properties > Log files > DswStandardPolicy.log |
Lets you view the events for policy runs in the Standard Policy engine’s log. |
Delete a policy |
Lets you remove a policy. |
Table 5-6 helps you find the management tasks for DynamicFS schedules:
Table 5-6 Policy Schedule Task Descriptions
Server Options |
Description |
For information, see |
Setup Wizard |
Helps you create a standard pair or a retention pair, create a policy, and associates them automatically. You can create and associate a policy schedule for the policy. For a retention pair, you can also create or associate a review schedule. |
Schedule Wizard |
Helps you create a policy schedule or a review schedule. You can associate a policy schedule with none, one, or multiple policies. You can associate a review schedule with none, one, or multiple retention pairs. |
Schedule Properties |
Lets you view information about a DynamicFS schedule. |
Policy Schedule Properties > Policies |
Lets you view and modify a list of the policies associated with a policy schedule. |
Section 10.6.3, Associating or Disassociating a Schedule with a Policy |
Policy Properties > Schedule |
Lets you view, add, or remove a policy schedule association for a policy. |
Section 10.6.4, Associating or Disassociating Policies with a Schedule |
Retention Pair Properties > Schedule |
Lets you view, schedule or unschedule review notifications for a retention pair. |
Section 12.4, Scheduling Notification Reviews for a Retention Pair |
Delete a policy schedule |
Lets you delete a schedule. |
Table 5-7 helps you find the management tasks for DynamicFS cloud accounts:
Table 5-7 Cloud Account Task Descriptions
Server Options |
Description |
For information, see |
Cloud Wizard |
Helps you create a cloud account to store credentials for the cloud provider account. |
Cloud Properties |
Lets you view the provider type and credentials for a cloud account. If you modify the credentials on the cloud provider’s site, you can specify new credentials for an Amazon S3 or CloudMe account. |
Section 11.4, Viewing Properties for a Cloud Account Section 11.6, Modifying the Access Credentials for a Cloud Account |
Cloud Properties > Pairs |
Lets you view a list of the retention pairs that are using the cloud account, and the path of the subfolder used by the pair. |
Section 11.5, Viewing a List of the Retention Pairs That Use a Cloud Account |
Table 5-8 summarizes the monitoring tasks for DynamicFS servers, pairs, and policies:
Table 5-8 Monitoring Task Descriptions
Monitoring Options |
Description |
For Information |
Servers container |
Lets you view a list of servers and their current status, such as (green icon) or (dimmed icon). |
Section 7.4, Viewing a List of Servers and Their Connection Status |
Pairs container |
Lets you view a list of pairs and their current status ( or ). |
Policies container |
Lets you view a list of policies and their current status ( or ). |
Server Properties |
Lets you view information about a DynamicFS server that you are managing. |
Pair Properties |
Lets you view configuration information for a pair. |
Policy Properties |
Lets you view configuration information for a policy. You can also modify the policy direction, frequency, filter options, or description. |
Section 9.5, Viewing Properties for a Policy |
Pair Statistics |
Lets you view statistics about a pair’s status and last policy run, including the policy run history of files moved or not moved. |
Pair Statistics > Pair history |
Lets you view statistics about the disk space consumed over time for each path in a pair. |
Pair Statistics > Policy execution history |
Lets you view statistics about policy runs on a pair, including the run history of files moved or not moved. |
Section 13.2, Viewing the Policy Execution History for a Pair |
Pair Statistics > Review transaction history |
Lets you view statistics about the delete and restore actions made during reviews of the retained data on retention pairs |
Server Properties > Disk details |
Lets you view disk details and the disk capacity history for server disks on a DynamicFS server that you are managing. |
Section 13.6, Viewing the Server Disk Capacity and Used Space History |
Viewing Service events |
Lets you view error events for the Dynamic File Service. |
Viewing logged events |
Lets you view the logged events for the Service, Standard Policy engine, and other components. |
Audit log |
Lets you view the logged management events for the Service, pairs, policies, and repair. |