Facilities Guide
This chapter describes the SilverCmd commands that work with the Novell exteNd Application Server. It describes how to run SilverCmd and includes the associated security and authentication issues and the purpose, syntax, and arguments for each command. It includes these sections:
Click a command to display complete information:
SilverCmd provides a way to perform operations from the command line. You can use SilverCmd to automate many of the tasks associated with managing the application server.
Separate ports SilverCmd communicates with the application server using the HTTP(S) protocol. The application server lets you define separate runtime and administration ports for different types of users and operations. Some commands require you to specify the administration port. Specifying an inappropriate port will result in a security error code. When necessary, the reference section for each command lists the type of port you must specify.
For more information about using separate ports, see the chapter on running the server in the Administrator's Guide.
SilverCmd resides in the server's \bin directory. If you will be using SilverCmd frequently, consider adding the server's \bin directory to your system path for convenience.
If your server is running in a restricted environment, you will need to authenticate yourself using the -U and -P options to run commands that access the server.
To run SilverCmd from the command prompt, use this syntax:
SilverCmd command arguments
To display the list of commands enter:
SilverCmd -?
SilverCmd -h
To display the usage for a specific command enter:
SilverCmd command -?
Normally when SilverCmd encounters an error, it stops execution, generates detailed error messages explaining the failure, and displays the messages in the command prompt window. If you specify -i, SilverCmd ignores the errors and continues execution. Here's how you use the -i option:
SilverCmd command -i
If you want a higher level of security, you can use HTTPS (instead of HTTP) as the communication protocol between SilverCmd and the application server.
To specify HTTPS, you must include the protocol and port number when specifying the server and port arguments. For example, to deploy an EJB using HTTPS, you would specify both HTTPS and the port 443, as shown here:
SilverCMD deployEJB HTTPS://localhost:443 myDB myEJB.jar -f EJB_depl_plan.xml
You cannot specify just the port, as shown here:
SilverCMD deployEJB localhost:443 myDB myEJB.jar -f EJB_depl_plan.xml
And you cannot specify HTTP with the HTTPS port, as shown here:
SilverCMD deployEJB HTTP://localhost:443 DB EJB.jar -f EJB_depl_plan.xml
If you do not specify HTTPS and the port number, SilverCmd assumes that you are deploying to an HTTP port and the command will be blocked until a socket time out occurs.
You can run one or more SilverCmds from a file. This is called execute mode. To run in execute mode, use this syntax:
SilverCmd Execute command-file
Command-file format The command file is a text file, and it must be structured so that each command is on its own line and contains the appropriate arguments. Do not specify the SilverCmd keyword on each line in the command filespecify SilverCmd only at the command line. For example:
ClearLog localhost:80 -E -U myusername -P mypassword Undeploy localhost:80 SilverMaster50 myEAR -U myusername -P mypassword RemoveCP localhost:80 myPool -U myusername -P mypassword
The file can have any extension, but you may want to use .SCDbecause the server's installation program automatically creates a file association for files with an .SCD extension.
The commands execute in the order in which they appear in the file. Running in execute mode is like repeatedly calling SilverCmd, except that when you run in execute mode you can avoid any performance penalty associated with starting SilverCmd repeatedly.
Using the i option in execute mode When you use the -i option in execute mode, you can ignore errors from any one command and proceed with the command that follows in the command file. To use -i in execute mode, specify it after the command-file name, like this:
SilverCmd Executecommand-file
A subset of commands also allow you to specify the -i option. When used this way, -i means to continue on error within the set of operations of that commandfor example:
SetSecurity localhost mydb -f myfile.xml -i
Using the -U and -P options The -U and -P options specify a user name and password combination for server authentication. When the server is running in a restricted environment, you must be authenticated to run commands that access the server.
When you run SilverCmd in execute mode, you can run all commands in the command file as a single authenticated user by specifying the -U and -P options after the command file, like this:
SilverCmd Execute command-file -U myusername -P mypassword
You can also run each command as a different authenticated user by specifying the -U and -P options with each command, like this:
ClearLog localhost:80 -E -U myusername -P mypassword Undeploy localhost:80 SilverMaster50 myEAR -U myusername -P mypassword RemoveCP localhost:80 myPool -U myusername -P mypassword
You can also specify SSL for some commands but not others by specifying HTTPS and the HTTPS port, like this:
ClearLog localhost:80 -E -U myusername -P mypassword RemoveCP HTTPS://localhost:443 myPool -U myusername -P mypassword
For more information about supplying these values for each supported security realm, see the chapter on setting up security in the Administrator's Guide.
By default, SilverCmd logs informational messages, warnings, and errors to the command window. You can write the messages to a file using the standard redirect symbol (>), like this:
SilverCmd Execute command-file -i > SilverCmd.log
The SilverCmd deployment commands (such as DeployEAR) generate temporary files on disk. These files are created in the server's installation directory, unless you have defined a HOME environment variable. If you have a HOME variable, the temporary files are created in %HOME%\.appsrv. So if you have a HOME environment variable defined, it must point to a reachable and writable location in order to deploy successfully.
Some commands require an input file or a deployment plan (specified using the -f option); for other commands, the -f option is optional and provided as a convenience. For example:
Input files and deployment plans must be in XML format and must include a DOCTYPE statement. You do not need to be an XML expert to create input files. You can use exteNd Director's Deployment Plan Editor to create deployment plans. For other commands (unrelated to deployment), there are sample XML files, and you can copy and paste the required DOCTYPE statement from the appropriate sample into your own XML input file:
Sample file |
Location |
The DTD for each input file or deployment plan |
The server's \Resources\DTDCatalog directory |
The XML sample for each file |
The server's \Samples\SilverCmd directory |
The samples and DTDs are self-documenting. See them for the most up-to-date requirements.
For commands where values can be specified both at the command line and within an input file or deployment plan, values specified at the command line override input file settings.
Adds a connection pool to the server.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd AddCP server[:port] poolName poolTypeFlag dataSourceOptions [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options for all pool types are:
Adding JDBC1.0 connection pools To create a data source for a JDBC1.0 connection pool, you can specify either the JDBC driver class name or the LDS Key.
To specify the JDBC driver class name, use these options:
To specify the LDS Key, use these options:
Adding JDBC2.0 connection pools To create a data source for a JDBC2.0 connection pool, you can specify the JDBC LDS Key, the CPDS class name, or the XADS class name.
To specify the LDS key, use these options:
To specify the CPDS class name, use this option:
To specify the XADS class name, use this option:
Adding connector connection pools To create a data source for a connector connection pool, use these options:
Deprecated. Registers a SQL database with the specified server.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
DTD: add_database.dtd Sample: add_database_sample.xml |
SilverCmd AddDatabase server[:port] -f file [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
AddDatabase input file The AddDatabase command requires an input file. The input file includes the following entries:
Entry |
Description |
Database name |
Specifies the fully qualified database name |
Username and Password |
Specifies the user account used by the server when accessing this database The account must have read/write permissions for the database |
Platform |
Specifies the database vendor namefor example: Oracle, DB2, or Sybase System 11
Driver set |
Specifies the driver type for the database Each database type has a default connection type that the server assumes if you do not specify a value If you are using a value that is not in the list of database type/connection type values, you must specify Other JDBC Driver plus:
This syntax is driver-dependent |
The following nodes are optional:
Valid database connection types To connect to a database, the server needs either of the following:
(b) LDS key. The logical data source key. You can use this in place of the platform name and driver set.
The server has defined strings that resolve to these values. See add_database_sample.xml in the server's \Samples\SilverCmd directory for the complete listing of supported values.
Clears the default URL for a server or a database.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server settings |
None |
SilverCmd ClearDefaultURL server[:port] [database] [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Option |
Definition |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for server authentication |
Removes records from the HTTP log, the error log, or the trace log. ClearLog can only delete records when server logging output is specified as database (not file- or user-defined).
For more information on specifying logging output using the SMC, see the chapter on running the server in the Administrator's Guide.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd ClearLog server:[port] logTypeFlags [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Option |
Definition |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for server authentication |
Deletes the directory at the specified URL.
Use this command when a deployment fails with error messages indicating that the server is not able to create the context URL resources because the resource already exists.
This might happen when:
You deploy a WAR with a nested context path (such as myProject/myPortal/myTest).
You deploy a WAR (or redeploy the same one) to a higher level location of the original URL (for example myProject/myPortal).
The deployment will fail unless you remove the myPortal directory.
To allow the deployment using the myProject/myPortal context path, use DeleteURL to delete the myPortal directory resource. The command would look like this:
SilverCmd DeleteURL http://localhost/SilverMaster50/myProject/myPortal
When DeleteURL completes you'll be able to deploy using the myProject/myPortal context.
SilverCmd DeleteURL url [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Option |
Description |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for authentication by the server |
Deploys a J2EE-compatible application client archive file to the specified application server.
Once the deployed object is on the server, any application client can access it using SilverJ2EEClient. All application components are automatically available for client requests; you do not need to restart the server.
The archive file must comply with the J2EE specification and must contain a manifest file that includes a Main-Class entry.
The deployed object is given the same name as the archive unless you specify the -d option.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Write to the Deployed Objects directory of the deployment database |
DTD: deploy_car.dtd |
SilverCmd DeployCAR server[:port] database jarfile [-f deployment_plan] [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Deploys an enterprise archive file (EAR) to the specified server. You can use this command to deploy EARs of any supported J2EE version.
DeployEAR performs these tasks:
Opens the EAR file and extracts all files to a local temporary directory.
Passes the -o flag (if specified) to each of the DeployXXX commands:
You might want to specify -o if you are redeploying an existing EAR.
You might not want to specify -o if you are deploying an EAR name which has not previously been deployed. This ensures that you will get an error if there's one there already that you might not want to overwrite.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Write to the Deployed Objects directory of the deployment database |
DTD: See EAR deployment plan DTD |
SilverCmd DeployEAR server[:port] database [EARFile] [-f deploymentPlan] [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
server[:port] |
Specifies the name of the target server and the administration port |
database |
Specifies the name of the target database |
EARFile |
Specifies the name and location (on disk) of the EAR file to deploy This value can also be specified in the deployment plan (specified with -f). When specified in both places, the command-line value is used |
-f deploymentPlan |
Specifies the name and location (on disk) of the XML-based deployment plan If this option is not specified, DeployEAR will look for the EAR's META-INF/appserver.xml by default
options |
Specifies any operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Option |
Description |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-d |
Specifies development mode deployment. CAUTION: Do not use for production deployment. When specified, DeployEAR determines if any modules in the EAR have changed (or been added) since the last deployment, and redeploys only the changed (or added) modules. When the changed module is an EJB interface, DeployEAR:
NOTE: Does not detect changes in the deployment plan or deployment descriptor. If you change either of these, use -m instead. |
-i |
Ignores errors when compiling JSP pages and deploys whatever builds successfully |
-m modulename [,moduleName] |
Specifies the name(s) of the module to deploy. You can specify a single module name or a comma-separated list of modules. The name corresponds to the <module> element of the EAR's deployment descriptor. This option is useful when you make changes to one or more modules of the EAR and want to deploy just those changed modules. When updating already deployed modules, use the -m option in conjunction with -o to ensure that the updated module overwrites the already deployed module. |
-n |
Specifies that EJB validation should be skipped during deployment. If not present, SilverCmd ValidateEJB is executed before the EAR is deployed |
-o |
If a deployed object (or remoteJar object for 1.2 deployments only) already exists on the server, this flag forces that object to be overwritten |
-t |
Used for debugging JSP pages using nonLatin-1 character sets: if specified, the JSP compiler outputs into the compile cache an additional Java file with the extension -local (for example, along with date_jsp_xxxxxxxxxxx.java you will also find date_jsp_xxxxxxxxxxx-local.java). The version of the file with -local is in the machine's local character set (instead of UTF-8) By default, these files reside in compilecache/server/database/temp/sources//archive/com/sssw/gen/jsps |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for authentication by the server |
-v verbose-level |
The level of messages to write to the SilverCmd console window. Values range from 0 for no messages (default) to 5 for the most messages |
Deploys an EJB JAR on the specified server.
DeployEJB performs these tasks:
Creates implementation classes for interfaces and generates wrapper classes that handle security and transactions
If the ejb-client-jar element is present in the deployment descriptor, generates stub classes and puts them in the ejb-client-jar and uploads it to the server
NOTE: For external Java clients, you must manually copy this ejb-client-jar to each client that needs to access the deployed EJBs.
Enables the deployedObject for client access when allowed by the deployment plan
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Write to the Deployed Objects directory in the deployment database |
DTD: deploy-ejb_2_0.dtd |
SilverCmd DeployEJB server[:port] database [EJBFile] [-f deploymentPlan] [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
server[:port] |
Specifies the name of the target application server and the administration port |
database |
Specifies the name of the target database |
EJBFile |
Specifies the name of the EJB archive to deploy If not specified at the command line, the EJB archive must be specified in the deployment plan |
-f deploymentPlan |
Specifies the name and path of the deployment plan If this option is not specified, DeployEJB will look in the JAR's META-INF/appserver.xml by default
options |
Specifies operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Uploads a resource adapter archive (RAR) to the specified application server and creates the associated connection pool(s).
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Write to the Deployed Objects directory of the deployment database |
deploy-rar_1_0.dtd deploy_rar_sample.xml |
SilverCmd DeployRAR server[:port] database RARFile [-f deployment plan] [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Deploys a J2EE-compatible Web archive (WAR) to an application server.
DeployWAR performs these tasks:
Compiles all JSP pages in the WAR into Java source files and then compiles these Java sources
Uploads the WAR file to the application server
(It does not include the Java source files in the WAR.)
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Write to the Deployed Objects directory of the target database |
None |
SilverCmd DeployWAR server[:port] database [WARFile] [-f deploymentPlan] [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Displays the contents of the specified server's console in the SilverCmd console window.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Read server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd GetConsole server[:port] [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
server[:port] |
Specifies the name and optionally the administration port number of the target server |
options |
Specifies operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Displays the default URL for the specified database or server.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Read server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd GetDefaultURL server[:port] database [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Options |
Description |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for server authentication |
Adds or deletes LDAP security providers on the specified server. When using the command to add a provider, you must also supply an input file containing all of the configuration information. The input file must comply with the add_ldap_provider.dtd.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
add_ldap_provider.dtd add_ldap_provider_sample.xml |
SilverCmd LdapProvider server[:port] [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
server[:port] |
Specifies the name of the server and the administration port where you want to configure an LDAP provider |
[options] |
Specifies operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Lists the connection pools that are active on the specified server.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Read server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd ListCP server[:port] [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
server[:port] |
Specifies the name of the server and the administration port for which you want the connection pool listing |
[options] |
Specifies operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Option |
Definition |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies the user name and password for server authentication |
Modifies a subset of connection pool properties. To change properties not listed, you must recreate the connection pool.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd ModifyCP server[:port] poolName [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
You must remove and recreate the connection pool to change these values.
Updates the following compiler settings in the preferences file:
The preferences file contains additional information that is not settable from the Prefs command line. Any compiler values not specified via the command line or in an input file are left unchanged in the preferences file.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
None |
DTD: prefs.dtd Sample: prefs_sample.xml |
SilverCmd Prefs [options]
The valid options are:
Setting debug flags The DebugFlags option is a directive not to the compiler but to the server.An existing preferences file might list the value as 0 or 1, but when you set this flag you should always set it to a boolean value (true or false). You cannot change the debug flags option at the command line; you must set it via the XML file specified, using the -f option.
Displays records from the HTTP log, error log, or trace log to the SilverCmd console window. Use the standard redirect symbol (>) to write the records to a file. PrintLog can only display records when server logging output is specified as database (not file or user defined).
For more information on specifying logging output using the SMC, see the chapter on running the server in the Administrator's Guide.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Read server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd PrintLog server[:port] logTypeFlags [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Option |
Definition |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for server authentication |
Displays configuration properties for a connection pool.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Read server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd QueryCP server[:port] poolName [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
server[:port] |
Specifies the name of the target server and the administration port |
poolName |
Specifies the connection pool name |
options |
Specifies operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Shuts down the specified connection pool and removes it so that the server does not try to restart the connection pool during a server restart.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd RemoveCP server[:port] poolName [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Option |
Definition |
-? or -h |
Displays usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for server authentication |
Deprecated. Removes a deployment database from the server's list of accessible databases.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd RemoveDatabase server[:port] database [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Option |
Definition |
-? or -h |
Print the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for application server authentication |
Manages the server's state. Use it to shut down a server or test whether the server is currently running.
NOTE: ServerState can be run on either (runtime or administration) port with the isrunning actionif you have configured separate ports. If you run ServerState with the shutdown action, you must specify the administration port.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration when the action is shut down Read server configuration with the action is isrunning |
None |
SilverCmd ServerState server[:port] action [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Sets the default URL for a server or database.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd SetDefaultURL server[:port] [database] [options] -e URL
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Setting server-default URLs When setting a server-default URL, do not specify a database name as an argument, and specify an URL using a server-relative URL.
For example, the following command sets a server-default URL for the server myServer:
SilverCmd SetDefaultURL myServer -e /MyDatabase/SilverStream/pgHome.html
Setting database-default URLs When setting a database-default URL, specify the database name as an argument, and use a database-relative URL.
For example, the following command sets a database-default URL for the database myDatabase on the server myServer:
SilverCmd SetDefaultURL myServer myDatabase -e /SilverStream/pgHome.html
Sets Read, Write, Protect, Select, and Execute security permissions on the application server, a database, a directory, or one or more objects. Certain permission types are applicable only for certain types of items. For example, the Select permission is only applicable to tables.
You can also set permissions on the Security directory of a server. The Read permission on this resource rules who can have access to user and group information such as lists of users and groups and user/group properties. The Protect permission rules who can set the permissions on the Security directory.
SilverCmd SetSecurity server[:port] [database] -f file [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Option |
Definition |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
-U username and -P password |
Specifies user name and password for server authentication |
-i |
Continues on error |
Creates and deletes Silver Security users and groups, adds users to groups, and sets properties for both. This command has eight optional actions (listed in Actions).
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server settings |
DTD: set_user_group_info.dtd Sample: set_user_group_info_sample.xml |
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] [action action-parameters] [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
server[:port] |
Specifies the name of the server and the administration port |
action |
Specifies the action to performfor example, CreateUser or DeleteUser
action-parameters |
Specifies any special operating criteria for the action |
options |
Specifies operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Actions The SetUserGroupInfo actions are:
Adds an existing user from a known security realm (such as NT) to an existing Silver Security group.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] AddUserToGroup username groupname [options]
The action-parameters are:
Action-parameter |
Description |
username |
Specifies the name of the user to add. The name must be in a valid login format If the name includes spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes
groupname |
Specifies the name of the Silver Security group to which you want to add the user If the name includes spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes. The name is case-sensitive and must exactly match an existing groupname |
This example shows how to add the NT user admin to the Silver Security group Admins:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost AddUserToGroup ntDomain1\admin Admins
This example shows how to add the NT user admin to the Silver Security group Our NT Administrators:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost AddUserToGroup ntDomain1\admin "Our NT Administrators"
Creates a Silver Security group for the specified server.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] CreateGroup -g groupname [-d description]
The action-parameters are:
The following examples show how to create three distinct Silver Security groups: one called Developers, one called Our Administrators, and one called Finance:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost CreateGroup -g Developers -d "Research and Development Group" SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost CreateGroup -g "Our Administrators" -d "Our Admins" SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo http://myserver CreateGroup -g Finance
Creates a Silver Security user by specifying a user name/password or a certificate user.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] CreateUser -u username [-p password] [-n full-name] [-d description]
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] CreateUser -c client-certificate-file
The action-parameters are:
These examples show how to create a new user:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo http://myserver CreateUser -u user1 -p MyPassword -n "John Doe" -d "Applications Developer" SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost CreateUser -u user1 -n "John Doe" SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost CreateUser -u user1
This example shows how to create a certificate user, given a client certificate file:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost CreateUser -c c:\certs\ClientCert1.cer
Deletes a Silver Security group.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] DeleteGroup groupname
The action-parameter is:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost DeleteGroup TestGroup
Deletes a Silver Security user from the system.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] DeleteUser username
The action-parameters are:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo http://myserver DeleteUser testUser1
To delete a certificate user:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost DeleteUser "CERT\\Jack Brown, DigitalID Class 1 - Microsoft Full Service, VeriSign, Inc. (28f52c889e8d6d8cf21d932d9b71z705)"
You must specify the complete distinguished name of the certificate user:
The constant CERT\\ must be prepended to the distinguished name to disambiguate it (CERT stands for Certificate Security Realm).
The \\ signifies a security authority that is not present in this case.
With NT, for example, the name would look something like this:
With Certificate Security Realm, no authorities are specified.
You can specify the default security realm (via the SMC or by setting the AgiAdmServer.PROP_DEFAULT_SECURITY_REALM property on the server object). If you set the default to Certificate Security Realm (for example, by setting the property value to CERT), there would be no need for the CERT\\ part, because it would be assumed by default.
Deletes a user from a Silver Security group.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] DeleteUserFromGroup username groupname
The action-parameters are:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost DeleteUserFromGroup ntDomain1\admin Admins
Sets properties for a Silver Security group. Any properties that are not specified retain their original values.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] SetGroupProperties -g groupname [-d description -l "is-locksmith"]
The action-parameters are:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo myserver SetGroupProperties -g testGroup -d "This is a test group" SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo myserver SetGroupProperties -g "Our Administrators" -l false
Modifies properties for a Silver Security or certificate user. Values not specified are not modified.
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] SetUserProperties -u username -p password -n full-name [-d description] [-l "is-locksmith"]
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo server[:port] SetUserProperties -u username -p password -c certificate-file [-l is-locksmith]
The action-parameters are:
SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost SetUserProperties -u jsmith -p "new password" -l false SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost SetUserProperties -u jsmith -n "Jonathan H. Smith" SilverCmd SetUserGroupInfo localhost SetUserProperties -u jsmith -d "Principal Engineer" -p "new pwd"
Undeploys a J2EE deployed object from a specified server. You can use this command to undeploy EARs, EJBs, RARs, CARs, and WARs.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
Modify server configuration |
None |
SilverCmd Undeploy server[:port] database object [options]
The valid arguments are:
The valid options are:
Validates the deployment descriptor within the specified EAR file. It reports any deployment descriptor problems, missing application assembly components, and class-related problems. The problems are written to the command window.
Use this command when you want to verify that the descriptor is correct before attempting to deploy the EAR on the server with DeployEAR.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
None |
None |
SilverCmd ValidateEAR earfile [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
earfile |
Specifies the name of the EAR file to validate |
options |
Specifies any operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Option |
Description |
-? or -h |
Displays the usage message |
Validates the beans, the deployment plan, and the deployment descriptor. It is automatically called by SilverCmd DeployEAR and DeployEJB and writes any errors or warnings to the SilverCmd console window.
Server permissions |
DTD and sample input file |
None |
None |
SilverCmd ValidateEJB ejbJarFile deploymentPlan [options]
The valid arguments are:
Argument |
Description |
ejbJarFile |
Specifies the EJB JAR file whose beans are to be validated |
deploymentPlan |
Specifies the EJB's deployment plan |
options |
Specifies operating criteria for the command |
The valid options are:
Option |
Description |
-? or -h |
Displays the ValidateEJB usage message |
-v verboseLevel |
The level of messages to output. Values range from 0 for no messages (default) to 5 for the most messages |
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