Portal Guide
This chapter provides an introduction to exteNd Director portal applications. It contains the following sections:
For more information about exteNd Director projects in general, see the chapters that cover working with projects in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
exteNd Director applications often include a portal Web site. The portal is the presentation layer for an application, providing the interface through which users access and interact with Web content generated by portlets.
To implement this functionality, exteNd Director provides a Portal subsystem that allows you to:
The Portal subsystem also provides complete integration with the Directory, Security, and User subsystems, which handle authentication, authorization, and user profiling.
Portal components are deprecated exteNd Director provides runtime support for portal components created in earlier versions of the product. However, you should use portlet technology for all new development.
The Portal subsystem implements the following Web presentation services:
Portal service |
Description |
Portal Aggregator |
Renders a response to a portal request by: |
Page Manager |
Manages page information and page categories for PID pages |
Portal Personalizer |
Provides a graphical interface for creating personal pages and applying themes portal-wide
Portal Administration tool |
Provides a graphical interface for portal administrators to create container and shared pages, assign permissions for page access, and manage the Portal
The Portal subsystem provides APIs for:
Developing Java Portlet 1.0-compliant portlets that generate content in portal pagesor dispatch content generation to JSP pages or servlets
Working with page layouts, as described in the section on working with the layout API.
Implementing portlet-level decorators and decorator services, as described in the chapter on working with portal decorators.
Working with portal options, as described in the section on working with the portal option API.
Working with portal themes, as described in the section on working with the theme API.
Working with portal categories, as described in the chapter on working with page categories
This section describes the key functional elements of exteNd Director portal applications.
Each exteNd Director portal application includes a base servlet called EboPortalAggregationServlet that controls all portal and portlet requests.
This servlet listens on the key portal in the request URL, as specified by the PortalPathEntryPointKey descriptor in web.xml:
<context-param> <param-name>PortalPathEntryPointKey</param-name> <param-value>portal</param-value> </context-param>
This servlet responds to the following kinds of application requests:
Each exteNd Director portal application also includes a servlet called resource. This servlet can serve up any resource in the resource set associated with the portal application. The portal resource path is defined in web.xml as follows:
<context-param> <param-name>PortalResourcePath</param-name> <param-value>$CONTEXT_URL$/resource</param-value> <description> Path at which resource set resources are served up from the controller. </description> </context-param>
For example, the following URL could be used to access an image file MyImage.jpg in the resource set for an exteNd Director WAR project called MyWAR running on the server localhost:
Portal applications can include the Portal Web tier, which provides the functionality that allows end-users and portal administrators to interact with the portal. The Portal Web tier includes tools for logging in, customizing portal pages, and creating new users. It can be the springboard for your own applications.
exteNd Director ships with a portal application called Express Portal which includes a Portal Web tier.
IMPORTANT: exteNd Director provides a set of accessory portlets. The exteNd Director Portal uses some of these portlets on its default portal pages. If you want to use these default pages as shipped, be sure to include accessory portlets in the portal application projects you create in exteNd Director. If you do not want to include accessory portlets in exteNd Director projects, your portal administrator should modify default portal pages accordingly.
For more information about Express Portal, see About the Express Portal.
To learn how end-users can work with the Portal Web tier, see the chapter on personalizing your portal.
To learn how portal administrators can use the Portal Web tier, see the chapter on administering the portal.
Portal applications can include an exteNd Director resource set, which organizes resources used by exteNd Director subsystems, including:
A key feature of the resource set is that it enables dynamic loading of these resources during development, obviating the need for frequent redeployments and speeding the testing cycle.
To learn more about resource sets, see the sections on managing application resources in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
Portal applications can use shared libraries, which contain JAR files and classes that encapsulate exteNd Director services. In a shared library environment, these JARs and classes are installed on your application server so they can be shared across all Web applications deployed on that server. It is important to note, however, that only one portal application can be deployed to the application server in a shared library environment.
For more information about shared libraries, see the section about shared library configurations in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
An exteNd Director portal application can contain a combination of standard J2EE resources along with value-added resources that extend functionality.
J2EE resources The J2EE resources include:
Value-added resources The exteNd Director value-added resources include:
Resource |
Description |
Portlets |
Java classes that generate dynamic content on portal pages and PID pages. Portlets are governed by the Java Portlet 1.0 specification. When a page is requested at runtime, the Portal Aggregator aggregates and renders the content of all portlets on the page. |
Portal pages |
Customizable pages whose content is generated by portlets. exteNd Director provides graphical design tools that allow portal administrators and end users to create portal pages. Portal applications can include three types of portal pages: NOTE: Unlike the other resources listed in this table, portal pages are not defined at design time within the exteNd Director development environment. Instead, they are created at runtime within a running Portal application.
PID pages |
HTML or XML pages that contain exteNd Director portlets and components (defined by s3-component tags) and therefore require processing by the Portal Aggregator. |
Static pages |
HTML pages that contain static content. |
Style sheets (XSL) |
Style sheets that transform XML pages into HTML (or another output format). XSL is reusable for any page that uses the same XML elements. |
Themes |
Visual characteristics that apply globally to an entire exteNd Director portal application. These settings can potentially change the appearance of portal pages, PID pages, JSP pages, and portlets. Themes provide a simple way to ensure a consistent appearance throughout a portal application. |
Layouts |
Templates that define how a set of selected portlets should appear on a page. Each personal page, shared page, or container page in an exteNd Director portal application uses a portal layout to specify how the selected portlets and components should be arranged on the page. |
Decorators |
Java classes that decorate the dynamic content generated by a portlet. The decorator controls the appearance of the title bar, body, and footer for the portlet. The portlet data (the dynamic content) is inserted in the body of the portlet. |
Portal options |
Images or text links that appear in the title bar of a portlet. Users interact with these controls to change portlet behavior at runtime. exteNd Director ships with several predefined portal options: You can also add your own custom options. |
Media |
Images, sounds, and other media files required for the application. |
To create a project that includes a portal, see the chapter on creating exteNd Director projects in Developing exteNd Director Applications.
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