1.6 Exploring the Folder List

The Folder List at the left of the Main Window lets you organize your GroupWise items by creating folders to store your items in. The Mailbox folder is the default folder that is opened when you first log in. For information about the different GroupWise folders, see Section 2.2, Using Folders to Organize Your Mailbox.

The following folders are displayed in the Folder List:

1.6.1 Home Folder

Your Home folder Home Icon (indicated by your name) represents your GroupWise database. All folders in your Folder List are subfolders of your Home folder.

1.6.2 Mailbox Folder

The Mailbox Mailbox Icon displays all the items you have received, with the exception of scheduled items (appointments, tasks, and reminder notes) you have accepted or declined. By default, scheduled items and tasks are moved to the Calendar when you accept them.

Your received items are stored in your GroupWise Mailbox, which automatically refreshes as you receive new items. If your computer has audio capabilities, and a GroupWise WebAccess window is open in your Web browser, an audio cue plays when a new item is received.

You can organize your messages by moving them into folders within your Cabinet, and you can create new folders as necessary.

1.6.3 Unopened Items

The Unopened Items folder Unopened Items Icon lists received items you have not yet opened. It is a query folder that cannot be deleted.

1.6.4 Sent Items Folder

The Sent Items folder Sent Items Icon displays all the items you have sent. By checking the properties of your sent items, you can determine their status (Delivered, Opened, and so on).

1.6.5 Calendar Folder

The Calendar folder Calendar Folder icon is a link that takes you to the Calendar view, where you can choose several Calendar view options. You can use the Folder List to choose which calendars to display. The selected calendars are displayed in the calendar view.

1.6.6 Contacts Folder

The Contacts folder Contacts Folder icon, by default, represents the Frequent Contacts address book. Any modification you make in the Contacts Folder is also made in the Frequent Contacts address book.

From this folder, you can view, create, and modify contacts, resources, organizations, and groups.

1.6.7 Tasklist Folder

Use the Tasklist folder Tasklist Folder icon to create a task list. You can move any items (mail messages, phone messages, reminder notes, tasks, or appointments) to this folder and arrange them in the order you want.

1.6.8 Work in Progress Folder

The Work In Progress folder Work in Progress Folder icon is a folder where you can save messages you have started but want to finish later. This is also where all Auto Save messages are automatically saved.

1.6.9 Cabinet Folder

The Cabinet Cabinet icon contains all of your personal folders. You can rearrange and nest folders by clicking the Folders on the Main Toolbar.

1.6.10 Junk Mail Folder

All email items from addresses and Internet domains that are junked through Junk Mail Handling are placed in the Junk Mail folder Junk Mail Folder icon. This folder is not created in the folder list unless a Junk Mail option is enabled.

While Junk Mail options are enabled, this folder cannot be deleted. However, the folder can be renamed or moved to a different location in the folder list. If all Junk Mail options are disabled, the folder can be deleted. The folder can also be deleted if the Junk Mail Handling feature is disabled by the GroupWise administrator.

To delete items from the Junk Mail folder, right-click the Junk Mail folder, click Empty Junk Mail Folder, then click Yes.

For more information about Junk Mail Handling, see Section 3.6, Handling Unwanted Email (Spam).

1.6.11 Trash Folder

All deleted mail and phone messages, appointments, tasks, documents, and reminder notes are stored in the Trash folder Trash Folder icon. Items in the Trash can be viewed, opened, or returned to your Mailbox before the Trash is emptied. (Emptying the Trash removes items in the Trash from the system.)

You can empty your entire Trash, or empty only selected items. The GroupWise administrator can specify that your Trash is emptied automatically on a regular basis.

1.6.12 Shared Folders

A shared folder Shared Folder icon is like any other folder in your Cabinet, except other people have access to it. You can create shared folders or share existing personal folders in your Cabinet. You choose whom to share the folder with, and what rights to grant each user. Users can post messages to the shared folder, drag existing items into the folder, and create discussion threads. You can’t share system folders, which include the Cabinet, Trash, and Work In Progress folders.

If you place a document in a shared folder, people with rights to the shared folder don’t automatically have rights to edit the document. Before they can edit the document, you must give them Edit rights by clicking Folders, then clicking the Share Folder tab.