Use folders to store and organize your items. For example, you can group all items related to a particular task or subject together.
The Folder List displays the folders that are relative to the folder you are currently in. The following are context-sensitive Folder Lists:
Calendar: Displays a list of all calendars. From here you can select to display the contents of a calendar in the main calendar. In addition, you can change the color of a calendar.
Contacts: Displays a list of all personal address books. By default, the main Contacts folder is the Frequent Contacts address book.
Documents: Displays a list of your document libraries. By default, the main Documents folder is your default document library.
Click the Expand and Collapse
arrows to expand and collapse folders.
For information about the individual folders you might have in your Folder List, see Section 1.6, Exploring the Folder List.
You can organize items in your folders by moving them. When you move an item into a folder, it is taken from one location and placed in another.
You can store unfinished items in a predefined folder called Work In Progress (see Saving an Unfinished Email). You can also make folders public by sharing them (see Using Shared Folders). You can create rules to automatically sort items to different folders (see Section 8.3, Creating a Rule).
On the main WebAccess page, click Folders on the toolbar.
In the Manage Folders window, you can create, delete, and share folders.
Select the Delete Folder tab at the top of the Folders window.
Click the folder you want to delete.
Click Yes.
You cannot delete the Calendar, Mailbox, Sent Items, Tasklist, Contacts, Cabinet, Work In Progress, or Trash folders. You can delete the Junk Mail folder only if Junk Mail Handling has been disabled.
On the main WebAccess page, click Folders on the toolbar.
Select the place in the Folder List where you want to add the folder. By default, a new folder is added as the first folder in the Cabinet.
For example, to add a folder at the same level as the Mailbox folder, click the Down button next to the Mailbox folder. To add a folder to the Mailbox folder, click the Right button next to the Mailbox folder.
Type a name for your new folder in the Folder Name field.
Click Add Folder.
In some cases you might want to rename a folder to more accurately reflect the contents of a folder or to correct a spelling error. In WebAccess new folders can be created but names of existing folders cannot be changed. You can change folder names in the GroupWise Windows client.
For more information on managing folders, see Section 2.2.1, Understanding Folders.
Locate the item in the Item List.
Double-click the item to open it, then click Move.
Click the folder where you want to move the item.
If you are moving the item to a folder in the Cabinet, you might need to click the Expand icon next to the Cabinet to display the Cabinet folders.
A Find Results folder is a folder that displays the results of a query. When the folder is opened, GroupWise examines the search criteria defined for the folder, searches for everything specified, then displays everything it finds in the Item List. You can act on items in a Find Results folder the same way you act on items in any folder, such as opening, forwarding, printing, copying, moving, or deleting them, but the original item remains stored in the folder where the search found it. This means that if you move or delete an item from a Find Results folder, the item is deleted from the Item List, but not from the original location. The next time you open the Find Results folder, the search is performed again and the item is once again displayed.
Although you cannot create new Find Results folders in WebAccess, you can use folders you created in the GroupWise Windows client. However, to ensure that you are viewing the most recent information in the folder and not a cached copy, you should click Update in the toolbar before opening a Find Results folder.
A shared folder is like any other folder in your Cabinet, except other people have access to it and it appears in their Cabinets. You can create shared folders or share existing personal folders in your Cabinet. You choose whom to share the folder with, and what rights to grant each user. Then, users can post messages to the shared folder, drag existing items into the folder, and create discussion threads. You cannot share system folders, which include the Mailbox, Unopened Items, Sent Items, Calendar, Task List, Checklist, Cabinet, Work In Progress, Junk Mail, and Trash folders.
If you place a document in a shared folder, people with rights to the shared folder can read the document, but they don’t automatically have rights to edit. Before they can edit the document, you must give them Edit rights on the Share Folder tab.
You can share personal folders with other users. Recipients of the shared folder receive a notification explaining that you have shared the folder with them. They can then accept the folder or decline the folder.
On the main WebAccess page, click Folders on the toolbar, then click the Share Folder tab.
Select the folder you want to share. Folders available for sharing are underlined.
In the Name field, start typing the name of a user.
Click Address Selector to search for a user. For more information about the Address Selector, see Section 6.2, Using the Address Selector.
Select the access options you want for the user.
Repeat Step 3 through Step 4 for each user you want to share the folder with.
Click Save.
Click the Shared Folder notification in your Mailbox.
Click Accept Folder.
The name of the folder is filled in by default. Make any desired changes to the name of the folder.
Select the folder’s location.
Click Add Folder.
In the Folder List, open the shared folder you want to post the item to.
At the top of the Item List, click Post to display a Message form.
Type a subject and message.
You can include Web site locations or addresses (URLs) in both the Subject field and the message body.
(Optional) Click Check Spelling to spell check the message.
(Optional) Click Attach to attach files to the message. For this feature to work, your browser must support attachments.
Click Post to add the message to the shared folder.
To delete a folder that is shared with you:
Right-click the folder.
Click Delete Folder.
Click OK.
Deleting a folder that is shared with you just deletes the folder from your GroupWise Mailbox. All other users are unaffected. However, if you are the one who shared the folder with others, then deleting that folder also removes it from all other users.