77.7 Sending and Retrieving Items in Remote Mode

Use Send/Retrieve to synchronize your Online and Remote Mailboxes.

When you connect to your GroupWise system, items you sent from your Remote Mailbox are delivered to the recipients. Remote also sends a request to your Online Mailbox to retrieve your items, such as mail. Your GroupWise system processes the request and then sends your items to your Remote Mailbox, restricting the items according to the limits you set in the Send/Retrieve dialog box. In addition to items, you can retrieve rules, documents, and address books.

77.7.1 Connecting to GroupWise While Sending or Retrieving Messages

If you try to send or retrieve messages in Remote mode when you do not have a connection to GroupWise, a dialog box opens so you that can select whether to connect now or later. You can also configure your connection before you connect.

77.7.2 Downloading Items, Rules, Addresses, and Documents to Your Remote Mailbox

To download items, rules, addresses, and documents to your remote mailbox:

  1. If you are running GroupWise in Online mode, click Tools > Hit the Road, type your Online Mailbox password, select a connection phone number if prompted, and then click OK.


    If you are running GroupWise in Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. To retrieve items, ensure that Items is selected, click Advanced, click a tab if available, click an option, and then click OK.

    If you specify to limit the items you retrieve (for example, by selecting Get Subject Line Only or setting size limits) you can download the rest of the item or items later. See Retrieving Items That Were Not Completely Downloaded.

    If you are in Remote mode and only want to download new items, select New Only on the Retrieve tab.

  3. Click OK.

  4. To retrieve rules, click Rules.

  5. To retrieve addresses from the GroupWise Address Book, click GroupWise Address Book, click Filter, specify the addresses to retrieve, and then click OK.

    Because retrieving address books can take a long time with a modem connection, you should retrieve address books by using a network or TCP/IP connection.

    For more information, see Filtering the GroupWise Address Book for Your Remote Mailbox.

  6. To retrieve your personal address books, click Personal Address Books.

  7. To retrieve copies of GroupWise Library documents from your Online Mailbox, select the Documents check box, click Documents, select your documents, mark applicable documents as In Use, and then click OK.

    Marking a document as In Use prevents others from modifying the document. If you do not mark a document as In Use, someone can edit it while you have the copy in your Remote Mailbox. If you then edit the document and return it to the Master Library, your document is saved as a new version and the edits are not saved to the other version. If you do not plan to edit a document, do not mark it In Use.

    When you exit an In Use document, you are asked to send the document to the Master Library and mark it as Available. If you are finished with the document, mark it Available to allow others to edit it.

  8. If you are in Remote mode and you want to specify your remote location and connection before downloading, click Configure, select your remote location from the Connecting from drop-down list, select a connection from the Connecting to drop-down list, and then click OK.

  9. Click Connect or Finish.

If you are in Remote mode, all items in your Pending Requests list are sent at this time.

77.7.3 Sending Items in Remote Mode

To send items in Remote mode:

  1. Create a new item, and then click Send on the toolbar.

    Remote places the item in the Pending Requests list. When you connect to your master GroupWise system, all items in the Pending Requests list are sent.

  2. Click Accounts > Send/Retrieve, and then click the remote account.


    If you want to specify your remote location and connection before sending the item, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options, click Configure, select your remote location from the Connecting from drop-down list, select a connection from the Connect to drop-down list, click OK, and then click Connect.

At the same time your items are being sent, your new items are retrieved according to what you have specified in the Send/Retrieve dialog box.

You can switch between connection types (network, modem, and TCP/IP) if there are no pending requests on the connection you are switching from. For example, if you’re sending and retrieving items with a network connection and you disconnect before the transmission is complete, you should not switch to a modem connection later to process the requests. Complete the original request with the original connection.

77.7.4 Viewing Pending Requests

Whenever you perform an action that requires information to be sent from your Remote Mailbox to your Online Mailbox, GroupWise creates a request that is placed in the Pending Requests list. When you connect to your master GroupWise system, all the requests are sent to your Online Mailbox. Use Pending Requests to check for outstanding requests.

Click Accounts > Pending Requests.

To prevent a request from being processed, click the request, and then click Delete. Only requests that haven’t been sent to the master GroupWise system and have the “Waiting to be Sent” status can be deleted. If you have already sent a request to the master GroupWise system, you cannot cancel the request.

77.7.5 Retrieving Items That Were Not Completely Downloaded

If you set size limit restrictions or specified Subject Line Only when you downloaded items, you might have items in your Remote Mailbox that are only partially downloaded.

  1. Select the items in your Remote Mailbox.

  2. Click Accounts > Retrieve Selected Items.

  3. To connect immediately to your Online Mailbox, click Connect Now.


    To create the request but not send it, click Connect Later. This way, you can wait until you have several requests before you connect.

77.7.6 Using Busy Search in Remote Mode

To use Busy Search in Remote mode:

  1. Create a new appointment.

  2. To select the first possible meeting day, click Calendar icon, and then click a date.

  3. Click Busy Search on the toolbar.

  4. To immediately connect to your master GroupWise system and search for available times, click Connect Now.


    To search for available times later, click Connect Later.

    Clicking Connect Later creates a busy search request, but doesn’t send the request to the master GroupWise system. You can save your appointment as a draft item in the Work In Progress folder until you are ready to send it. Later, when you’re ready to check appointment times, click Busy, and then click Connect Now.

  5. When the Choose Appointment Time window appears, click Auto-Select for the first available meeting time. Click Auto-Select until the best available time is displayed, and then click OK.


    Click the Available Times tab, click an available time, and then click OK.

  6. Complete the appointment, and then click Send on the toolbar.

If you are disconnected before all schedule information returns from a busy search, clicking Busy again lets you update the information from the original busy search request.

77.7.7 Filtering the GroupWise Address Book for Your Remote Mailbox

The GroupWise Address Book is usually large, because it contains information for your entire organization. If you do not need all the information in the GroupWise Address Book when using GroupWise away from your office, use GroupWise Address Book Filter to retrieve only the user addresses, resource addresses, and public groups you need from the GroupWise system.

For example, the filter statement, Dept [ ] Marketing, instructs GroupWise to retrieve all addresses with “Marketing” in the Department column in the Address Book. This way you can contact anyone from your Marketing department while you’re traveling.

You should also retrieve GroupWise address book information before leaving your office to save downloading time and costs, especially if you’re planning to travel to a location where you will incur long-distance phone charges.

  1. If you’re running GroupWise in Online mode, click Tools > Hit the Road, type your Online Mailbox password, select a connection phone number if prompted, and then click OK.


    If you’re running GroupWise in Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. Click GroupWise Address Book, and then click Filter.

  3. Click an Address Book column in the first drop-down list.

    For example, click Dept to search for addresses from a specific department.

  4. Click the operator drop-down list, click an operator, and then type your search criteria in the box or click a value, if provided.

    For example, click [ ], and then type Accounts to search for addresses from the Accounts department. Use the operator that is most appropriate for your search. Your search criteria, such as a person’s name or a subject, can include wildcard characters such as an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?). Filter is not case sensitive to the criteria you type.

  5. To add more filter conditions, click the last drop-down list, and then click And.

  6. After specifying all filter conditions, read the text beginning with “Include entries where...” as you create your filter to understand how your filter will work.

  7. Click OK, and then click Connect.

For more information on operators, see Using Advanced Find.

77.7.8 Deleting Items from Your Remote Mailbox

Use Delete and Empty and Manage Library Size to remove items from your Remote Mailbox.

Deleting Items from Your Remote Mailbox

In Remote mode, you can delete items, retract items, and empty the Trash the same way you would in the Online mode.

  1. Click the item in your Mailbox.

  2. Click Edit > Delete.

  3. If you’re deleting an outgoing item, click one of the available options.

  4. To free up disk space, click Edit > Empty Trash.

    This permanently removes all deleted items from your Remote Mailbox.

    The next time you connect to your master GroupWise system, the changes in your Remote and Online Mailboxes automatically synchronize. You can turn off this synchronization by changing the delete options in Remote Properties. See Changing Remote Delete Options.

Deleting Unneeded Documents from Your Remote Library

Deleting files from your Remote Library Disk Space Management does not remove them from the Master Library. It also does not remove the document references for the deleted documents. The files are removed only from the computer where you have your Remote Mailbox, which frees up disk space.

  1. In Remote mode, click Tools > Manage Library Size.

  2. Click the documents you want to delete, and then click Delete.

  3. When you’re finished, click Close.

If you delete an In Use document, the status of the document in the Master Library is reset to Available the next time you connect to your Online Mailbox.

Document Reference Attachments and Remote Mode

You might receive an item with a document reference attachment when you are running in Remote mode. When you open the attachment, the document opens your Remote Library, even if the document in your Remote Library is an older version than the attachment. If the document does not exist in your Remote Library, you are prompted to connect now or later to your Online Mailbox to retrieve the document.

You can also send items with document reference attachments from Remote mode. However, if the document does not exist in your Remote Library, any recipients who do not have sufficient rights to the document in the Master Library or who are not using an email product that supports the GroupWise Library do not receive a copy of the document.

In addition, if the Master Library is unavailable, recipients do not receive a copy of the document. If any of these conditions exist, you need to attach an actual copy of the document in addition to the document reference.