Documentation Updates

This section lists updates to Troubleshooting 2: Solutions to Common Problems that have been made since the initial release of GroupWise® 6.5. The information will help you to keep current on documentation updates and, in some cases, software updates (such as a Support Pack release).

The information is grouped according to the date when Troubleshooting 2: Solutions to Common Problems was republished. Within each dated section, the updates are listed by the names of the main table of contents sections.

Troubleshooting 2: Solutions to Common Problems has been updated on the following dates:

September 30, 2004

Location Change

GroupWise Administrator Snap-In to ConsoleOne Problems


ConsoleOne Can't Access the Domain Database

Added a solution for a locked domain database.

August 23, 2004 (GroupWise 6.5 for Linux)

Location Change

General Troubleshooting Strategies


Useful Linux Commands for Administering a GroupWise System

Added a list of Linux commands to help the GroupWise administrator who is new to Linux.

GroupWise Administrator Snap-In to ConsoleOne Problems


GroupWise Administrator Snap-In to ConsoleOne Problems

Clarified that, on Linux, you must manually authenticate to eDirectory and manually connect to a domain database.

You Can't Move a User

Added reference to the User Move Status utility.

Strategies for Client Problems


GroupWise Client Problems

Identified where the same troubleshooting strategies can be used for the Cross-Platform client and the Windows client.

July 16, 2003 (SP1)

Location Change

Strategies for Agent Problems


POA Fails to Update the Post Office Database Version

Steps were provided to resolve a common POA update problem.

MTA Fails to Update the Domain Database Version

Steps were provided to resolve a common MTA update problem.