Async Gateway Directory Structure

The directory structures of the GroupWise Async Gateway for NetWare® and Windows are nearly identical. The following directories and files are created under the \domain\wpgate\ structure for an Async gateway after the gateway has been installed and has processed messages.

Folder icon domain\wpgate\async

SpacerAsync Gateway home directory

Folder icon 000.prc
Folder icon cmd
Folder icon gwwork
Page icon acct
Page icon mmddlog.nnn
Page icon proc
Page icon stat
Page icon pulse.tmp

SpacerGateway message processing directory
SpacerNot currently used
SpacerTemporary files hold directory
SpacerAccounting file
SpacerLog files
SpacerLock file for the gateway process
SpacerStatistics file for gateway operation
SpacerTemporary file to verify gateway operation

Folder icon wpcsin
Folder icon 0-7

SpacerMTA input queue directory
SpacerMessage hold directories

Folder icon wpcsout
Folder icon asyxxxx
Folder icon 0-7
Folder icon problem

SpacerMTA output queue directory
SpacerSystem-defined directory
SpacerMessage hold queues
SpacerNot currently used

Folder icon gwin
Folder icon connection_ID
Folder icon cmp

SpacerAsync Gateway input queue directory
SpacerDomain-specific input queue
SpacerHolding directory for compressed inbound messages

Folder icon gwout
Folder icon connection_ID
Folder icon 1
Folder icon 2
Folder icon 3
Folder icon cmp

SpacerAsync Gateway output queue directory
SpacerDomain-specific output queue
SpacerHigh-priority compressed message queue
SpacerNormal-priority compressed message queue
SpacerLow-priority compressed message queue
SpacerHolding directory for compressed outbound messages

Folder icon gwhold
Folder icon qfiles

SpacerMessage hold directory
SpacerDelayed delivery hold directory

Folder icon gwprob

SpacerHold directory for damaged inbound messages

Page icon async.db
Page icon async.dc

SpacerAsync Gateway configuration database
SpacerDatabase dictionary file used to create the Async Gateway database

Page icon wpmodem.db

SpacerModem configuration database

Page icon ngwasync.mib

SpacerGateway Management Information Base (MIB) (NetWare only)

Page icon wp_ge_xx.trs

SpacerInterface for the Async Gateway Installation program

domain\wpgate\async directory

The domain\wpgate\async directory is the Async Gateway home directory where configuration files and queue directories are located. The name is established when you install the Async Gateway. The default is wpgate\async in the domain directory. You can change the location using the /home startup switch in the Async Gateway configuration file (gwasync.cfg) located in the gateway installation directory.

000.prc directory

The gateway engine uses this directory to process messages.

gwwork directory

Temporary files created by the gateway during the processing of messages are stored here.

acct file

The acct file contains information about the messages the Async Gateway sends each day. It is e-mailed to the accountant each day at midnight. For more information about the accounting file, see Setting Up Gateway Accounting.

mmddlog.nnn file

The mmddlog.nnn files hold error and status messages about the functioning of the Async Gateway. The Async Gateway creates a log file each day with a unique name, where mm is the month, dd is the day, and nnn is a sequential number indicating the sequence of log files in a single day. For more information about log files, see Using Async Gateway Log Files.

proc file

The proc file is the lock file for gateway processes. The proc file is opened and locked when the gateway is started.

stat file

The stat file stores statistics about the Async Gateway's functioning.

pulse.tmp file

The pulse.tmp file is used to verify that the gateway is up and running.

wpcsin directory

The wpcsin directory is the input queue for the MTA, as well as being the output queue for the Async Gateway.

0-7 directories

The gateway places inbound messages in any of the 2-7 priority subdirectories of wpcsin. The MTA retrieves the messages and delivers them to the proper destinations.

wpcsout directory

The wpcsout directory is output queue for the MTA, as well as being the input queue for the Async Gateway. The GroupWise MTA places outbound messages in this directory structure for the Async Gateway to process.

asyxxxx directory

The asyxxxx directory is a system-defined directory to identify gateway. The first three characters are the first three letters of the Async Gateway object name, typically asy. The last four characters are automatically generated by the gateway.

0-7 directories

The MTA places outbound messages in any of the 2-7 priority subdirectories of wpcsout. The Async Gateway retrieves the messages and sends them across the modem to the proper destinations.

problem directory

The problem directory holds message files that the Async Gateway cannot send because they are damaged.

gwin directory

The gwin directory is where the Async Gateway receives compressed message files from across the modem.

connection_ID directory

Each domain where messages go to and from the Async Gateway has its own subdirectory for gateway processing.

cmp directory

The cmp directory holds compressed message files that the Async Gateway has received across the modem. The Async Gateway decompresses the message files and moves them to the MTA input queue (wpcsin).

gwout directory

The gwout directory is where the Async Gateway processes outgoing messages.

connection_ID directory

Each domain where messages go to and from the Async Gateway has its own subdirectory for gateway processing.

1-3 directories

The 1-3 priority subdirectories hold various types of messages that will be compressed and sent across the modem based on their relative priorities.

cmp directory

The cmp directory holds compressed message files that the Async Gateway is sending across the modem.

gwhold directory

The gwhold directory holds messages that are scheduled for delayed delivery

qfiles directory

The qfiles directory holds messages that cannot be sent during the current Send/Receive cycle. The messages are queued to this directory until the next cycle.

gwprob directory

The gwprob directory holds inbound messages that the gateway cannot process. These are usually messages that have been damaged during transmission.

async.db file

The async.db file is the Async Gateway configuration file. It contains much of the same information that is stored on the Async Gateway object in eDirectory.

async.dc file

The async.dc file is the data dictionary file from which the async.db file is created.

wpmodem.db file

The wpdomain.db file is a database containing an extensive list of modems, along with configuration data for each modem.

ngwasync.mib file

The ngwasync.mib file is the Gateway Management Information Base (MIB) containing variables used by SNMP-compliant network management systems. It is used only by the NetWare Async Gateway. For more information, see Using SNMP Monitoring Programs.

wp_ge_xx_.trs file

The wp_ge_xx.trs file contains language-specific information used by the Async Gateway Installation program. The xx is a two-letter language code.