You can install iFolder on an unlimited number of servers.
Install iFolder on a server.
For links to specific installation instructions for your operating system, see the table in Step 1.
Log in to the Global Settings section of the iFolder Management Console.
Add your iFolder server to the iFolder Management Console.
Add your LDAP server settings to the iFolder Management Console.
Click the User Management icon at the top of the screen and then click User LDAPs.
Click the Add button to add an User LDAP server.
You can add up to eight LDAP directories. The Global User LDAP that you specified during the first installation of iFolder appears as iFolder_ldap01.
The LDAP directories are accessed in alphabetical order when iFolder users are authenticated. Be careful when naming your LDAP directories. iFolder searches the directories in alphabetical order. Thus, if your company uses more than one LDAP directory, make sure you name the LDAP directories alphabetically, so that the first LDAP directories that are listed are the directories that have the majority of your iFolder users.
IMPORTANT: If you have users with the same username located in multiple contexts, iFolder will authenticate the first user it finds during LDAP authentication. All subsequent users that are located later in the LDAP authentication process will need to enter their username and full eDirectory context in the User ID field of the iFolder client login box in order to properly authenticate and log in to the iFolder server.
For more information on iFolder and LDAP, see LDAP Directories.
(Optional) If you want LDAP to search subcontainers below the user context during user authentication, select the name of your LDAP server from the list, select your context from the drop-down list, check the check box, and then click Update.