Installing and setting up Novell® iFolderTM Professional Edition is an easy four-step process:
Install iFolder on your first server.
HINT: If you are upgrading from iFolder Standard Edition 1.0 to Professional Edition 2.0, follow the instructions in Upgrading from Novell iFolder Standard Edition to Professional Edition.
To install iFolder on | Refer to |
NetWare® 5.1 or 6 |
Clustered NetWare environment |
Windows* NT* 4 or 2000 |
Installing Novell iFolder on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 |
Red Hat* Linux* 7.2 Solaris* 8 |
Complete the steps in Configuring Your First iFolder Server.
Complete the steps in Installing iFolder on Additional Servers.
Use the iFolder Management Console to manage your iFolder user accounts, iFolder servers, and User LDAP servers.
For more information, see Accessing the iFolder Web Sites.