To upgrade from Novell® iFolderTM Standard Edition to Novell iFolder Professional Edition, follow these steps:
Stop the iFolder service or the World Wide Publishing service on the server that you are going to upgrade.
Install iFolder on the server that you want to upgrade.
HINT: It is not necessary to delete iFolder Standard Edition before you install iFolder Professional Edition.
If LDAP is running on the same server that holds your User objects, no additional LDAP configuration is required, and you can skip to Step 4.
However, if your LDAP server does not contain your User objects, do either of the following:
To do this, log in to the Global Settings section of the iFolder Management Console, click User LDAPs, click the server name you are upgrading, enter the context of your User objects, and then click Update.
To do this, log in to the Global Settings section of the iFolder Management Console and click User LDAPs. For instructions, see LDAP Servers.
In the iFolder Management Console, click Global Settings > iFolder Servers.
Select the server you just upgraded to iFolder Professional Edition.
Click the Upgrade button.
This will assign the iFolder attribute to the iFolder users on the server that you just upgraded. This attribute authorizes your iFolder users to access the upgraded iFolder server.