Before you set up Proxy Services, ensure that you have the following information at hand:
To prepare the proxy server for Internet access, verify that the following prerequisites have been met:
Default installation sets packet filtering to block all incoming and outgoing traffic. To modify the packet filtering setup, refer to Setting Up Packet Filters.
You can also use the Novell BorderManager 3.7 HTTP Transparent proxy feature to set up background, automatic proxy services. With HTTP Transparent proxy, users are not required to configure their browsers to use a proxy; it is done invisibly for them. For more information about using HTTP Transparent proxy, refer to Setting Up HTTP Transparent Proxy. PKI and SAS are installed automatically during Novell BorderManager 3.7 installation if the services have not been previously installed. After SAS and PKI are installed, you must use the PKI snap-in to NetWare Administrator to perform following SSL-related administrative task:
Refer to the Novell PKI online help in NetWare Administrator for the procedures to create and manage NDS or eDirectory tree CAs and KMOs.
To set up the DNS Resolver, complete the following steps at the server console:
Enter LOAD NIASCFG, then select Configure NIAS > Protocols and Routing > Protocols > TCP/IP > DNS Resolver Configuration.
Enter the DNS domain name for your corporation or organization.
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) typically supplies this name. Domain names usually take the form or, for example, or
Enter the IP addresses of up to three DNS name servers in the Name Server fields.
ISPs often provide access to multiple DNS name servers.
Press Esc to select Yes to update the TCP/IP configuration.
Press Esc until you return to the Internetworking Configuration menu, then select Reinitialize System and exit NIASCFG.
To specify the Novell BorderManager 3.7 proxy server on a Microsoft* Internet Explorer Web browser:
Launch Internet Explorer, then select one of the following menu paths, based on the software version.
Enter the port number (8080 by default) and hostname---or IP address---of the Novell BorderManager 3.7 proxy server in the proxy field.
Click Apply.
To use the advanced option where you can set the same proxy for all applications:
Launch Internet Explorer, then select one of the following menu paths, based on the software version.
Enter the port number (8080 by default) and hostname---or IP address---of the Novell BorderManager 3.7 proxy server in the proxy field.
Click Apply.
To specify the Novell BorderManager 3.7 proxy server on a Netscape Navigator* 3.x Web browser, complete the following steps:
Launch Netscape Navigator, then select Options > Network Preferences > Proxies > Manual Proxy Configuration.
Click View.
Enter the hostname---or IP address---and port number (8080) of the Novell BorderManager 3.7 proxy server in the proxy field.
Click OK.
To specify the Novell BorderManager 3.7 proxy server on a Netscape Navigator 4.x Web browser, complete the following steps:
Launch Netscape Navigator, then select Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Proxies > Manual Proxy Configuration > View.
Enter the URL of the Novell BorderManager 3.7 proxy server in the URL field.
Click OK.