Installing Networking Protocols

NetWare 6 can process IP (Internet Protocol) network packets and traditional IPX (Internetwork Packet ExchangeTM) packets. Both protocols can be assigned to a single network board, which allows the server to communicate using IP and IPX.

Protocols screen

To install IP, click a network board and then check the IP check box. Enter the required IP information. To install IPX, click a network board and then check the IPX check box.

If you choose to install IP and not IPX, the SERVERID reference is not used and is removed from the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. You can add IPX after the server installation by adding the SERVERID 8_digit_number command after the SERVERNAME command in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.

About Internet Protocol (IP)

Internet protocol (IP) lets your network share data with other IP networks, including the Internet. Using IP requires a unique IP address, a subnet, and a router or gateway address.

Installing IP will automatically bind to the Ethernet_II frame type.

When IP is selected, passive support for IPX is also provided. If an IPX request arrives at the server, NetWare will process the IPX request. This passive support for IPX is called Compatibility Mode and is automatically enabled to provide service for applications that require IPX.

HINT:  You can disable Compatibility Mode by removing the LOAD SCMD command from the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file. When IPX Compatibility Mode is disabled, the server will process only IP packets. Applications that require IPX will not function properly.

About IPX

Novell's traditional protocol, Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), lets you continue using IPX-based applications. If IPX, but not IP, is installed on your server, it will actively process IPX packets and ignore packets using other protocols, such as IP.

During the installation program, existing IPX frame types will be detected. The installation program will detect one of the following conditions.

Using Both IP and IPX

If you have network clients or applications that require IPX and IP, you can install both protocols. Both protocols can be bound to a single network board. When selected, both IP and IPX protocols are actively supported. The server will process IP requests using IP, and it will broadcast and reply to IPX requests using IPX.