C.1 January 2014 (OES 11 SP2)

C.1.1 Configuring DST Shadow Volume Pairs with Novell Cluster Services



Section 15.0, Configuring DST Shadow Volume Pairs with Novell Cluster Services

Sections and steps to manually set the EXCLUDE_VOLUME line in the /etc/opt/novell/ncp2nss.conf file were removed.

Section 15.1, Planning for DST in a Cluster

This section was modified for clarity.

Section 15.2, Planning for DST Shadow Volume Pairs and Policies in a Cluster

This section was modified for clarity.

Section 15.2.4, NCP2NSS Bindings for the Secondary Volume

When you bring the resource online on a node for the first time, an EXCLUDE_VOLUME line is automatically added to the /etc/opt/novell/ncp2nss.conf file as well as the temporary exclusion table in cache on that node.

Section 15.8, Renaming a Shared Pool in a DST Cluster Resource

This section is new.

Section 15.9, Renaming a Shared Volume in a DST Cluster Resource

This section is new.

Section 15.10, Removing the Shadow Relationship for a Clustered DST Volume Pair

This section was modified for clarity.

Section 15.11, Upgrading a Cluster with DST Resources from OES 2 SP3 to OES 11x

This section is new.

C.1.2 Creating and Managing DST Shadow Volumes for NSS Volumes

C.1.3 Installing Dynamic Storage Technology



Section 3.0, Planning Your Dynamic Storage Technology Server Environment

Planning the DST server environment was relocated to its own section.

Section 7.0, Configuring DST Global Policies

Configuration of global policies was relocated to its own section.

C.1.4 Overview of Dynamic Storage Technology



Section 1.0, Overview of Dynamic Storage Technology

The introduction was modified for clarity.

Native Linux File Access via ShadowFS

This section was modified for clarity.

Section 1.1.4, Secure File Access

This section was modified to clarify how security is handled for different merged views.

Section 1.3, Shadowing Scenarios

In general, you should not create a DST shadow relationship between two unrelated existing volumes. You can temporarily remove a shadow relationship between two volumes, and then re-define it, because their content is logically and structurally related.

C.1.5 Managing Quotas on DST Volumes

C.1.6 Planning for DST Shadow Volumes and Policies



Section 9.2.1, Administrator Access

This section is new.

Section 9.3.3, Files and Folders

New folders are automatically created on the primary volume. An instance of the folder is created on the secondary volume immediately if the REPLICATE_PRIMARY_TREE_TO_SHADOW parameter is enabled, or when data in the new folder is moved by a policy to the secondary volume. The parameter is disabled by default.

If you define a DST shadow volume pair with an existing volume as secondary and a new volume as primary, the directory structure is replicated gradually to the primary volume as files are used or moved there with a policy. Empty folders are not automatically replicated on the new primary volume. To ensure that the entire existing directory structure (including empty directories) is replicated on the primary volume, an administrator can enumerate the directory from an NCP client that is mapped to the merged view.

Section 9.7.2, NSS Directory Quotas

This section was modified to clarify how NSS directory quotas are enforced for the primary volume and secondary volume.

Section 9.7.3, NSS User Quotas

This section was modified to clarify how NSS user quotas are enforced for the primary volume and secondary volume.

Section 9.11, Using Novell Storage Services Auditing Client Logger (VLOG) Utility with DST Shadow Volume Pairs

This section is new.

Section 9.13, Using Backup Utilities with DST Shadow Volume Pairs

If you back up the NSS volume by using the NSS Extended Attributes (XAttr) settings to preserve the NetWare metadata (netware.metadata) for file system rights and attributes, this information can be restored only directly to an NSS volume. For information about using the NSS /ListXattrNWmetadata option and the security considerations involved, see ListXattrNWmetadata Option in the OES 11 SP3: NSS File System Administration Guide for Linux.

Backup utilities might also work against the ShadowFS merged view. However, because the ShadowFS merged view is a Linux mount point and is not seen by the backup software as an NSS volume, the file system rights and attributes are not preserved. It is not recommended or supported to back up NSS files from this Linux mount point.

C.1.7 Planning Your Dynamic Storage Technology Server Environment

The information in this section was previously located in the installation section.



Section 3.8, Supported Native Linux File Access Protocols with ShadowFS, FUSE, and LUM

This section was added to clarify supported configurations.

Section 3.9, Novell AFP File Access (Not Supported)

This section was added to clarify supported configurations.

C.1.8 What’s New or Changed for Dynamic Storage Technology



Section 2.2, What’s New (OES 11 SP2)

This section is new.