Use this section as a quick reference for the NLVM commands that support Linux POSIX volumes. Enter commands in a terminal console or script as the root user. For details about each command, see the OES 11 SP3: NLVM Reference.
Task |
Command |
Create a clustered Linux LVM volume group and logical volume. Specify the ncp option to enable NCP for the volume and create an NCP share at the root of the volume, and to automatically create the NCP Server storage object for the cluster resource. See also Section 8.0, Clustering LVM Volume Groups with Novell Cluster Services. |
nlvm create linux volume type=<btrfs|ext2|ext3|reiserfs|xfs> device=<devicename> mp=<full_mount_point_path> [mntopt=<fs_mount_options>] lvm name=<lv_name> [group=<vg_name>] shared ip=<resource_ip_address> [ncp] Example: nlvm create linux volume type=xfs device=sde mp=/mnt/vol42 mntopt=rw lvm name=lvmvol42 shared ip= |
Create a Linux LVM volume group and logical volume. Specify the ncp option to enable NCP for the volume and create an NCP share at the root of the volume. |
nlvm create linux volume type=<btrfs|ext2|ext3|reiserfs|xfs device=<devicename> size=<value[K|M|G|T]> mp=<full_mount_point_path> [mntopt=<fs_mount_options>] lvm name=<lv_name> [group=<vg_name>] [ncp] Example: nlvm create linux volume type=xfs device=sde size=511M mp=/mnt/vol42 mntopt=rw lvm name=lvmvol42 group=lvmvg42 |
Specify the ncp option to enable NCP for the volume and create an NCP share at the root of the volume. |
nlvm create linux volume type=<btrfs|ext2|ext3|reiserfs|xfs> device=<device_name|anydisk> size=<value[K|M|G|T]|max> mp=<full_mount_point_path> [mntopt=<fs_mount_options>] [ncp] Example: nlvm create linux volume type=ext3 device=sda size=20G mp=/mnt/vol1 mntopt=rw |
See also Section 7.13.1, Deleting a Linux POSIX Volume. See also Section 7.13.2, Deleting an LVM Volume Group and Logical Volume. See also Section 8.10, Deleting a Clustered LVM Volume Group and Logical Volume. |
nlvm delete linux volume <volume_name>
Example: Linux POSIX volume nlvm delete linux volume /vol1 Example: Linux LVM logical volume nlvm delete linux volume lvvol1 |
See also Section 7.4, Initializing a Device. |
nlvm [--force] init
Example: nlvm init sde format=msdos unshared |
Rescan for storage objects on known devices See also Section 7.12, Rescanning for Storage Objects on Known Devices. |
nlvm [-m] rescan |
See also Section 7.5, Unsharing a Device. |
nlvm unshare <device> Example: nlvm unshare sde |
See also Section 7.2, Viewing a List of Devices. |
nlvm list devices [more] [exclude=<raid|nonraid|shared| nonshared|lvm|nonlvm>] |
nlvm list linux volumes |
See also Section 7.3, Viewing Device Details. |
nlvm list <device> Example: nlvm list device sde |