11.1 Linux: Installing and Setting Up a Basic Vibe Site

11.1.1 Performing Pre-Installation Tasks on Linux

  1. Ensure that the Linux server where you plan to install Vibe meets the system requirements listed in Vibe System Requirements.

  2. In a terminal window, become root by entering su - and the root password.

  3. Set the Linux open file limit to meet the needs of the Vibe software:

    1. Open the /etc/security/limits.conf file in an ASCII text editor.

    2. Add the following lines to the bottom of the list, following the format of the example lines:

      *    hard    nofile    65535
      *    soft    nofile    4096
    3. Save the file, then exit the text editor.

  4. Perform the following conditional tasks if necessary:

Stopping and Disabling an Existing Web Server

If a web server is currently running on the Vibe server, stop it, and preferably disable it.

For example, to stop the Apache web server and its associated instance of Tomcat:

  1. Enter the following commands to stop Apache and Tomcat:

    /etc/init.d/tomcat5 stop
    /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
  2. Enter the following commands to ensure that Apache and Tomcat do not start again when you reboot the server:

    chkconfig --del apache2
    chkconfig --del tomcat5

Creating a Vibe User and Group

If the user and group that you want to use for Vibe (as described in Identifying Vibe’s Linux User and Group) do not exist yet, create them. It is easier if you create the group first.

  1. Create the Linux group that you want to own the Vibe software and data store directories:

    1. In YaST, click Security and Users > User and Group Management to display the User and Group Administration page.

    2. Click Groups, then click Add.

    3. Specify the group name, then click Accept or OK.

      The group does not need a password.

  2. Create the Linux user that you want Vibe to run as:

    1. Click Users, then click Add.

    2. On the User Data tab, specify the user’s full name, user name, and password, then select Disable User Login.

      Like any Linux system user, the Vibe Linux user does not need to manually log in. The Vibe Linux user does not need a password, either, but YaST requires you to provide one.

    3. Click the Details tab.

    4. In the Login Shell drop-down list, select /bin/false, because this user does not need to manually log in.

    5. In the Default Group drop-down list, select the Linux group that you created in Step 1.

    6. In the Additional Groups list, select the Linux group that you created in Step 1.

    7. Click Accept or OK.

  3. Exit YaST.

11.1.2 Running the Linux Vibe Installation Program

When you run the Vibe installation program for the first time, you typically want to use the GUI interface. However, if you are installing Vibe on a server where the X Window System is not available, a text-based installation program is also available. After you are familiar with the Vibe installation process, you can use a silent installation to automate the process.

Using the GUI Installation Program

  1. In a terminal window, enter su - to become the root user, then enter the root password.

    You need root permissions in order to install the Vibe software, but you should not run the Vibe software as root.

  2. Change to the directory where you downloaded and extracted the Vibe software.

  3. Ensure that you have a license-key.xml file in the same directory with the Vibe installation program.

    more license-key.xml

    The Vibe installation program does not start without a license file in the same directory. If you have not already, rename the license file to be called license-key.xml.

    For more information about licensing, see Section 13.0, Updating Your Vibe License.

  4. Enter the following command to start the Vibe installation program:

  5. Accept the License Agreement, then click Next.

  6. Click Next to accept the default of New installation.

  7. Click Next to accept the default of Basic.

  8. Use the information that you have gathered on the Single-server Installation Planning Worksheet to provide the information that the Vibe installation program prompts you for:

    The installation program stores the information that it gathers in the installer.xml file in the same directory where you started the installation program.

  9. After you have provided all the requested information, click Install to begin the Vibe installation.

  10. Verify that the JCE is properly configured.

  11. When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the Vibe installation program.

    Information about the installation process is written to the installer.log file in the same directory where you ran the Installation program. If a problem arises during the installation, the installer.log file provides information that can help you resolve the problem.

  12. Continue with Creating the Vibe Database.

Using the Text-Based Installation Program

If you try to start the GUI Vibe installation program in an environment where the X Windows System is not running, the text-based Vibe Installation program starts.

If you want to use the text-based installation program in an environment where the GUI starts by default, use the following command in the directory where the installation program is located:

./installer-teaming.linux --text

IMPORTANT:The text-based Vibe installation program must be run in the same directory where the Vibe license file is located. If the license file is not in the same directory, the text-based installation program cannot find it.

The text-based installation program gathers the same configuration information as the GUI installation program does. This information is stored in the installer.xml file in the directory where you run the installation program.

The installation program does not write the information it gathers into the installer.xml file until you exit the installation program, and you cannot go back when you use the text-based installation program. Therefore, when you use the text-based installation program, you should plan your installation carefully in advance, using the Single-server Installation Planning Worksheet or the Advanced Vibe Installation Summary Sheet. If you make a mistake during the installation, continue to the end of the installation process and exit the installation program normally, so that all information is saved. Then run the text-based installation program again. Your previous information is supplied as defaults, and you can change the information as needed.

Performing a Silent Installation

If your Vibe system expands beyond one server, you might need to repeatedly install the same Vibe components. A silent installation makes this an easy process.

  1. Edit an existing installer.xml file so that it has the hostname of the server where you want to perform the silent installation and copy it to that server.

  2. In the directory where the installation program is located, use the appropriate command to run the Vibe installation program, depending on the action that you want the silent installation to perform:

    ./installer-teaming.linux --silent --install
    ./installer-teaming.linux --silent --upgrade
    ./installer-teaming.linux --silent --reconfigure

    The Installation program obtains all the information it needs from the installer.xml file and completes the installation without user interaction. If you have manually modified index server scripts, such as the indexserver-startup.sh file as described in Installing the Lucene Software, all modifications will be lost when you perform a silent upgrade. To retain your modifications, you should upgrade with the GUI installation program, as described in Using the GUI Installation Program.

11.1.3 Creating the Vibe Database

Before you can start Vibe, you need to create the Vibe database.

  1. If you haven’t done so already, install the database on the Vibe server.

    For single-server installations running on Linux, we recommend that you install the PostgreSQL database, but other databases are also supported (see Step 3). For information about how to install the database on the Vibe server (on Linux), see PostgreSQL on Linux.

    For more information about installing the database for a multi-server Vibe system, see Section 19.0, Creating the Vibe Database on a Separate Server.

  2. Ensure that the database already exists on the server that is running the Vibe software or on the remote server, depending on where you want to install the database.

  3. In the terminal window as root, change to the following directory, as follows:

    cd /vibe_installation_source/temp-installer/db/scripts/sql

    This directory contains the following scripts, one for each database type (MySQL/MariaDB, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, and Postgresql):

    • mysql-create-empty-database.sql

    • oracle-create-empty-database.sql

    • postgresql-create-empty-database.sql

    • sqlserver-create-empty-database.sql

  4. (Optional) If you need to change the default database name from sitescape to something else, edit the .sql file for your database type to replace sitescape with the new name.

  5. Use the database utility command for your database type to run the corresponding script for your database from the vibe_installation_source/temp-installer/db/scripts/sql directory:


    mysql -uadmin-username -ppassword < "mysql-create-empty-database.sql"

    Microsoft SQL:

    psql -Uadmin-username -Ppassword -i sqlserver-create-empty-database.sql

    You can also use the script with the SQL Server Express Utility to create the database.


    sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
    SQL>spool update-oracle.out;cd


    psql -Uadmin-username < "postgresql-create-empty-database.sql"

    You are prompted for the password that you set for the admin user.

  6. Change to the db directory in the Vibe installation:

    cd /vibe_installation_source/temp-installer/db

    This directory contains the following properties files:

    • mysql-liquibase.properties

    • Oracle-liquibase.properties

    • postgresql-liquibase.properties

    • sqlserver-liquibase.properties

  7. In a text editor, open the properties file that corresponds with your database type and make the applicable changes in both the Driver and referenceDriver sections. Save and close the text editor when you are finished making changes.

    • Change the username, password, referenceUsername, and referencePassword fields to reflect the username and password for accessing your database.

    • (Conditional) If the database is running on a remote server, replace localhost with the IP address of the remote server.

    • (Optional) If you changed the database name in Step 4, change the url and referenceURL fields to reflect name of your Vibe database.

    Save and close the text editor.

  8. In the same directory, execute the following commands to create the database schema:


    ./manage-database.sh database_type updateDatabase

    where database_type is one of the following: mysql, oracle, postgresql, or sqlserver.

    NOTE:Extending the schema can take a while. Wait until the command prompt reappears.

    You can safely ignore the following Liquibase log messages:

    • Warning: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql

    • Any messages that contain the words info: failure or info: failed, as long as they are associated with a type INFO message

  9. Start the Vibe server as described in Starting Vibe on Linux.

  10. For security reasons, delete the password that you specified in Step 7:

    1. Change to the following directory in your Vibe installation:

      cd /vibe_installation_source/temp-installer/db

    2. In a text editor, open the database script that corresponds with your database type to delete the password.

    3. Save and close the properties file.

  11. Continue with Performing Post-Installation Tasks on Linux.

11.1.4 Performing Post-Installation Tasks on Linux

Checking for Available Hot Patches

After you install Vibe, ensure that you check the Vibe download site where you downloaded the Vibe software for any hot patches that might be available.

Configuring Vibe to Start Automatically on Reboot

You can configure Vibe to start automatically each time you reboot the Linux server.

  1. As the Linux root user, enter the following command:

    systemctl enable vibe.service

    The system returns a message that a symlink has been created.

  2. To verify that automatic startup is turned on, enter the following command:

    systemctl status vibe.service

    The system returns a message containing

    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vibe.service; enabled;

    indicating that autoload is enabled.

    IMPORTANT:Configuring Vibe to start automatically on a reboot doesn’t start the Vibe service. You must still use the systemctl start vibe.service command or restart the server to start Vibe.

Disabling Automatic Starting on Reboot

If you have configured Vibe to start automatically each time you reboot the Linux server and you want to disable this, do the following.

  1. As the Linux root user, enter the following command:

    systemctl disable vibe.service

    The system returns a message that a symlink has been removed.

  2. To verify that automatic startup is turned off, enter the following command:

    systemctl status vibe.service

    The system returns a message containing

    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vibe.service; disabled;

    indicating that autoload is disabled.

    IMPORTANT:Disabling autostart on a reboot doesn’t stop the Vibe service. You must still use the systemctl stop vibe.service command or restart the server to stop Vibe.

Setting Up Port Forwarding on SLES 12

In order to make Vibe available on the default HTTP/HTTPS ports of 80 and 443, you must set up port forwarding in order to forward the browser default ports (80 and 443) to the Vibe server ports (8080 and 8443). In addition, you must set up port forwarding if you want to forward the default SMTP mail host port (25) to the default Vibe internal mail host port (2525).

You can set up port forwarding in one of two ways, depending on whether you are using the Vibe server as a firewall.

Using the SuSEfirewall2 File

To enable port forwarding on a SUSE Linux server that uses SuSEfirewall2:

  1. As the Linux root user, open the following file:


  2. Find the following line:


  3. Between the quotation marks, copy and insert the following string:

    0/0,ip_address,tcp,80,8080 0/0,ip_address,tcp,443,8443 0/0,ip_address,tcp,25,2525
  4. Replace ip_address with the IP address of the Vibe server.

  5. Save the SuSEfirewall2 file, then exit the text editor.

  6. Use the following command to restart the firewall:

    /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 start

  7. Use the following command to verify that the default browser ports (80 and 443) have been forwarded to the Vibe server ports (8080 and 8443) and that the default SMTP mail host port (25) has been forwarded to the Vibe internal mail host:

    iptables-save | grep REDIRECT

Now, users do not need to include a port number in the Vibe site URL.

Using iptables Commands on SLES 12 or 15

Complete the following steps to avoid needing to run the iptables commands after every boot:

  1. As the Linux root user, change to the /etc/init.d directory.

  2. Open the after.local file in a text editor.

  3. Copy/past the following commands to the end of the after.local file and save the file.

    iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d localhost -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080
    iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d hostname -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d hostname -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080
    iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d localhost -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8443
    iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d hostname -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8443
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d hostname -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8443
    iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d localhost -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2525
    iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d hostname -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2525
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d hostname -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2525 
  4. Replace hostname with the hostname or IP address of the Vibe server.

    The lines above are wrapped. When you copy/paste them into the text editor, if the lines are still wrapped, remove the hard returns so that you have nine iptables commands, each on its own line.

  5. Save the /etc/init.d/after.local file, then exit the text editor.

  6. Reboot the Vibe server. Port forwarding should now be working again.

Setting Up Port Forwarding on SLES 15

When SLES15 SP4 or later server is installed with Vibe 4.0.x, then the Vibe default ports are 8443, 8080 and internal SMTP port 2525 has to be configured. You can have URLs without a port specified.

Perform the following steps to configure port forwarding on the Vibe server:

  1. Check if the firewall daemon is up and running:

    systemctl status firewalld.service
  2. Enable masquerading:

     firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-masquerade
  3. Configure port forwarding to your internal port 8443:

     firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=443:proto=tcp:toport=8443:toaddr=<IP>

    Similarly for the ports 8080 and 2525,

    # firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=80:proto=tcp:toport=8080:toaddr=<IP>
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=25:proto=tcp:toport=2525:toaddr=<IP>

Starting Vibe on Linux

To start Vibe services, do the following:

  1. In a terminal window, become root by entering su - and the root password.

  2. Enter the following command to start Vibe:

    systemctl start vibe.service

    You must execute the teaming script as root, but the script runs Vibe as the user you selected in Identifying Vibe’s Linux User and Group and specified during installation.

  3. Ensure that Vibe is ready for work:

    1. Change to the following directory:


    2. Enter the following command to display the end of the Tomcat log:

      tail --f catalina.out

      At the end of the log file listing, you should see:

      INFO: Server startup in nnnn ms 
  4. Press Ctrl+C when you finish viewing the catalina.out file.

Checking the Status of the Vibe Server

You can see if Vibe is running by checking for its process ID (PID).

  1. In a terminal window, enter the following command:

    ps -eaf | grep teaming

    You should see the Vibe PID number, along with a listing of configuration settings.

Restarting Vibe

You need to restart Vibe whenever you use the Vibe installation program to make configuration changes, as described in Section 16.0, Performing an Advanced Vibe Installation.

  1. As root in a terminal window, enter the following command:

    systemctl restart vibe.service

    You should see the same output as when you originally started Vibe.

Stopping Vibe

  1. As root in a terminal window, enter the following command:

    systemctl stop vibe.service

    You should see the same output as when you started Vibe.

  2. To verify that Vibe has stopped, check for its PID number:

    ps -eaf | grep teaming

    The Vibe PID number, along with a listing of configuration settings, should no longer be displayed.

Uninstalling Vibe

If you move the Vibe site to a different server, you can delete the Vibe files from the original server to reclaim disk space. The default Vibe file locations are:

Vibe Software


Vibe File Repository and Lucene Index


MySQL or MariaDB Database


Postgresql Database


For a complete list of your Vibe files, check the installer.xml file in the directory where you originally ran the Vibe installation program.