Novell Vibe enables you to integrate with Novell Conferencing, so that Vibe users can easily set up instant Conferencing meetings with other Vibe users, as described in Using Novell Conferencing with Novell Vibe
in Connecting With Your Co-Workers
in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 User Guide.
Users who start Novell Conferencing meetings within Vibe must be licensed Novell Conferencing users. Meeting attendees do not need to be licensed Novell Conferencing users.
To integrate your Vibe system with Conferencing, you need to specify the Conferencing server when you run the Vibe installation program. For specific instructions, see Configuring Conferencing
in Advanced Installation and Reconfiguration
in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 Installation Guide.
For users to use Conferencing with Vibe as described in Using Novell Conferencing with Novell Vibe
in Connecting With Your Co-Workers
in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 User Guide, the and fields must be populated in each user’s profile. You can populate these fields through LDAP, or you can rely on users to populate the fields for themselves.
If you have Conferencing username and password attributes defined in your LDAP directory, you can populate the Section 18.1.2, Synchronizing Additional LDAP Attributes.
and fields for all users in your Vibe system by synchronizing these fields with your LDAP directory. For more information, seeYou can require users to manually populate the
and fields in their individual user profiles.For information about how users can manually populate these fields, see Specifying Your Conferencing ID and Password
in the Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 User Guide.