12.5 Installing on Macintosh OS X

  1. Make sure you have downloaded the ZENworks_Adaptive_Agent_OSX.dmg disk image to the target Macintosh device.

    For more information on how to download the ZENworks_Adaptive_Agent_OSX.dmg disk image, see Section 12.1, Downloading Module from the ZENworks Server.

  2. Double-click the ZENworks_Adaptive_Agent_OSX.dmg folder.

  3. Double-click the ZENworks_Adaptive_Agent_OSX set-up file to launch the installation package.

  4. If a message appears indicating that a program needs to run to determine whether the package can be installed, click Continue to access the Select Destination page.

  5. Select a destination volume, then click Continue to display the Installation Type page.

  6. Click Install.

  7. When you are prompted to authenticate, enter the username and password for the target device, then click OK.

    The installation begins. The servername.txt file opens in the text edit window, and you are prompted to enter the name of the ZENworks Server.

    NOTE:If the servername.txt file does not open, continue with Step 10, then follow the instructions provided in Section 12.5.1, Editing the Inventory Configuration File and Refreshing the zenumia Process.

  8. In the text edit window, specify the IP address or DNS name of the ZENworks Server you want the device to communicate with.

  9. Save the file and close the window.

    The client files are installed.

  10. When the installation is complete, click Close.

    The Inventory-Only module is started, and the device is added to the Inventoried Devices page in ZENworks Control Center (Devices tab > Inventoried tab > Workstations folder).

12.5.1 Editing the Inventory Configuration File and Refreshing the zenumia Process

  1. Locate uiaconfig.xml from the path /usr/local/novell/zenworks/umia/ in the inventory config file.

  2. Stop the zenumia service by using the systemstarter stop zenumia command.

  3. Replace col.lec.ser.ver with the Primary Server IP address in the following line: server>col.lec.ser.ver</server>, for example, <server></server>

  4. Save and close the inventory config file.

  5. Restart the zenumia service by using the systemstarter start zenumia command.