Reconciliation settings are added to the registration key and registration rule to support the VDI non-persistent desktops. This takes precedence over zone level reconciliation settings.
For more information, see the ZENworks 11 SP4 Discovery, Deployment, and Retirement Reference.
The Shared Content Repository feature that is introduced in ZENworks 11 SP4 enables you to share the content repository between multiple Primary Servers. In prior releases of ZENworks, every Primary Server had its own content repository.
For more information, see Content Sharing in the ZENworks 11 SP4 Primary Server and Satellite Reference.
The new ZENworks SSL Management feature provides you with the ability to manage the ZENworks Certificate Authority (CA) through ZENworks Control Center. The simple user interface enables you to easily:
Remint the internal ZENworks CA.
Change from one CA to another (internal to external, external to internal or external to external)
Renew external CA certificates.
Manage the certificates of Primary and Authentication Satellite Servers.
Back up or restore the internal ZENworks CA.
Move the CA role to a different Primary Server.
Receive notifications about Certificate expiry.
For more information, see the ZENworks 11 SP4 SSL Management Reference.
With ZENworks 11 SP4, a new service known as ZENworks Updater Service (ZeUS) runs on the Windows agent device, regardless of whether or not the ZENworks Adaptive Agent is running. ZeUS provides more robust upgrade and repair capabilities, along with a built-in auto recovery mechanism; it also provides more control and flexibility to the ZENworks server in order to reach the managed device for upgrading the agent.
ZENworks administrators can authorize and schedule agent updates, reset the agent by deleting the agent cache and restarting the agent service, re-install the last known successful agent update, and have ZeUS provide active monitoring of agent update activities. End users have the ability to Snooze and Resume an agent update from the Windows System Tray.
The ZENworks Updater Service has its own installer and is self-updating. All ZeUS activity is logged to its own log file (zeus-messages.log), which can be accessed from the %ZENWORKS_HOME%\ZeUS\logs directory.
For more information, see the ZENworks 11 SP4 System Updates Reference.
ZENworks 11 SP4 includes an updated remote management service based on TightVNC 2.7 to provide improved reliability and performance with ZENworks remote control while preserving the ZENworks specific enhancements.
In ZENworks 11SP4, Remote Management Operations can be performed without any interruption even when the ZENworks Agent Service is disabled.
For more information, see the ZENworks 11 SP4 Remote Management Reference.
ZENworks Subscription has added the SUSE Subscription type to replicate packages from SUSE Customer Center and create bundles in the ZENworks system.
NOTE:SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 updates are available only via the SUSE Customer Center. You must use SUSE Subscription to replicate these updates.
For more information, see Subscriptions in the ZENworks 11 SP4 Linux Package Management Reference.
Export Server and Workstation Data in csv File Format: In ZENworks Control Center (under the Devices tab), a new task has been added for servers and workstations that allows you to export data in csv file format.
For more information, see Folders in the ZENworks 11 SP4 ZENworks Control Center Reference.
Search for Administrators and Clear the Search Result: Two new options have been added to the Administrator's panel. The Search option enables you to filter administrator details by using an appropriate string. The x mark that is available next to the Search option enables you to clear the administrator search filter results.