The following list describes the configuration options available to workstation users through the Novell® Printer Manager.
Copies. The number of copies that will be printed for this configuration.
Max Copies. The maximum number of copies specified by the administrator that you can print when using this printer.
Priority. The priority that will be assigned to jobs using this configuration.
Max Priority. The maximum priority (Low, Medium, High) set by the administrator for jobs using this printer. This setting determines when the job will print in relation to other jobs with different priorities sent to this printer.
Banner. A list of banner pages users can select from. Banner pages will be printed at the beginning of print jobs using the configuration. (If multiple copies of a document are printed, the banner page will only be printed at the beginning of the first copy.)
Medium. The medium (form) on which jobs can be printed without stopping the printer to mount a different medium (form). The default on the printer is Any Medium, which allows jobs to be printed using the currently mounted medium regardless of media specified in the job data. If a medium is specified for this configuration, and a different medium (anything other than Any Medium) is mounted on the printer, this condition will cause the printer to pause for the given amount of time (default is 15 minutes) or until the new media is mounted. If this Job Wait Time expires, the job is placed on hold and returned to the spooling area.
Media are mounted by the administrator or Operator at the Printer Control/Control pull-down menu of NetWare® Administrator.
Operator Hold. Jobs do not print until an Operator releases them. User Hold. Jobs do not print until the user who submitted the job releases it. Delay Printing Until. Jobs do not begin printing until the time and date specified. This option is available only after the job has been submitted. Pause Printer on Job Start. Force the printer to pause at the beginning of jobs submitted using this configuration. The message entered is sent to the printer Operator. Only an Operator can release the pause. (By default, the printer will resume printing after a 15-minute pause if an Operator does not intervene. This setting can be changed at the server console by changing the Configuration setting, Job Wait Time.) Pause Printer on Job End. Force the printer to pause after printing each job that is submitted using this configuration. The message entered is sent to the printer Operator. Only an Operator can release the pause. (By default, the printer will resume printing after a 15-minute pause if an Operator does not intervene. This setting can be changed at the server console by changing the Configuration setting Job Wait Time.) Retain Job for No Longer Than. The maximum amount of time that jobs using this configuration can be retained after printing before being deleted (Minutes, Hours, Days, Years). By default, jobs are not retained. Retain Job For. The amount of time that a job using this configuration should be retained (regardless of when it is printed) until it is deleted (Minutes, Hours, Days, Years).
Event notification allows you to receive notification about printer events that occur during the processing and printing of a job. The availability of the following delivery options are dependent on which of them the administrator has enabled. Pop-up notification. Messages pertaining to your own print jobs will pop up on your screen. To receive pop-up notification, you must have a default server defined in your User Environment (specified in NetWare Administrator by your network administrator). You also must be currently authenticated to that server. GroupWiseTM notification. Messages will be sent to you through Novell GroupWise, the Novell industry-leading scheduling and messaging system. MHS notification. Messages will be sent to you through MHS (Message Handling Service). SMTP notification. Messages will be sent to the recipient through SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in IP-based systems. Log file notification. Messages are written to a file at a designated location on a NetWare server that you have rights to. Third-party notification methods. The open architecture of Novell Distributed Print ServicesTM (NDPSTM ) allows third parties to develop additional delivery methods.
If the default printer driver that was downloaded with this printer when you installed it on your workstation is not the one you want, you can select a different driver from the list provided. For more information, see Changing the Driver for an Installed Printer. The following sections describe other important workstation management features of NDPS.Job Hold Properties
Event Notification Properties
Printer Drivers