Modifying Default Virtual Search Server Settings

NetWare Web Search Manager's home page displays a list of all virtual search servers that exist on your Web Search server. This home page is called Global Settings because the changes you make from this page affect all new sites that you create, and they also affect the functionality of the search and print servlets that provide the Web Search services.

For example, if you changed the Default Query Encoding under Default Settings > General, any new virtual search servers you create would default to the new setting.

However, you can override default virtual search server settings by using the Advanced index definition pages when defining indexes for your sites.

General Settings

Changes you make to the query, response, and error log settings affect all newly created virtual search servers.

To modify general default virtual search server settings, do the following:

  1. From the Web Search Manager home page, click General under Default Settings.

  2. From the Default Query Encoding drop-down list, select an encoding that represents the character set encoding that most of your user queries will use.

  3. In the Maximum Query Duration field, enter the maximum number of seconds before Web Search should end a query, regardless of whether a search has been completed.

    This option is one of several methods for letting you protect your server's resources from processing potential rogue searches, which are sometimes intended to harm your service by consuming server resources.

  4. Under Response Settings, select an output encoding from the Default Encoding for Response Pages drop-down list.

    This setting specifies the encoding Web Search should use when responding to user queries using the search and print results templates, and the error and response messages templates.

  5. Enter the maximum number of queries in the Refuse Queries if Potential Hits Exceed field to cancel the processing of search results that might take a long time to complete.

  6. In the Maximum Log Size field, enter the maximum size (in bytes) that Web Search will allow the log file to grow to.

    Depending on the number of visitors that your virtual search server hosts, log files can become large. This setting will protect your system's hard drive resources.

Default Search Settings

To modify default search settings for search features, do the following:

  1. From the Web Search Manager home page, click Search under Default Settings.

  2. Under Query Results Settings, enter the number of search results in the Default Number of Results to Display field that you want displayed on each search results page.

    For example, if you set this to 25 (which is the default setting) and the number of hits in a return was 200, Web Search would only return 25 hits per search results page at a time.

  3. Set a limit on the number of results allowed at one time on the results page by entering a number in the Maximum Number of Results to Display field.

  4. Enter the highest number of search results that can be returned to a user query in the Highest Allowed Result Number field.

  5. Under Template Settings, enter a path to where your Web Search templates are stored in the Templates Directory field.

    HINT:  The default path is volume:\searchroot\Templates, but if you have created custom templates or for some reason want to keep your templates elsewhere, specify the path here so that Web Search knows where the templates are.

  6. From the Default Encoding for Templates drop-down list, select the character set that your templates are written in.

    This value will be used even with templates that do not specify an encoding. Encodings found in templates that do not match the encoding you specify here will override this encoding.

  7. In the Default Search Page Template field, enter the filename of the search page template you want to use.

    If you have created a custom template and want Web Search to use it as your search page, enter its name in this field.

  8. In the Default Search Results Template field, enter the filename of the search results template you want to use.

    If you have created a custom search results template and want Web Search to use it as your default search results page, enter its name in this field.

  9. In the Template to Use If No Results Returned field, enter the filename of the template that Web Search should return if no results are found.

  10. In the Template to Use If Error Occurs field, enter the filename of the template that Web Search should return if there are errors while processing a user's query.

  11. Click Apply Settings.

Default Print Settings

To modify default print settings, do the following:

  1. From the Web Search Manager home page, click Print under Default Settings.

  2. Under Print Results Settings, enter the number of print results in the Default Number of Results to Print field that you want displayed on each print results page.

    For example, if you set this to 25 (which is the default setting) and the number of hits in a return was 200, Web Search would only return 25 hits per print results page at a time.

  3. Set a limit on the number of results allowed at one time on the results page by entering a number in the Maximum Number of Results to Print field.

  4. Enter the highest number of search results that can be returned to a user query in the Highest Allowed Result Number field.

  5. To limit the size of a print job, specify the largest print job size that Web Search will allow in the Maximum Print Job Size field.

    Any users requesting a print job larger than this value will receive a message informing them that their request was too large.

    HINT:  This is a useful feature to administrators who want to keep down the size of print jobs in their own companies, departments, or organizations.

  6. To be notified when a print job exceeds a certain size, enter the print job size in the Print Job Size Warning field.

    By default, this message is sent using the ResponseMessageTemplate.html file and is intended as a warning to users that they are exceeding the allowed print job size. It then prompts the user to confirm the print job before continuing.

  7. Under Template Settings, enter a path in the Templates Directory field to where your Web Search templates are stored.

    HINT:  The default path is volume:\searchroot\Templates, but if you have created custom templates or for some reason want to keep your templates elsewhere, specify the path here so that Web Search knows where the templates are.

  8. From the Default Encoding for Templates drop-down list, select the character set that your templates are written in.

    This value will be used even with templates that do not specify an encoding. Encodings found in templates that do not match the encoding you specify here will override this encoding.

  9. In the Default Print Results Template field, enter the filename of the print results template you want to use.

    If you have created a custom print results template and want Web Search to use it when returning print results, enter its name in this field.

  10. In the Template to Use If No Results Returned field, enter the filename of the template that Web Search should return if no print results match a user's query.

  11. In the Template to Use If More Information Is Needed field, enter the filename of the template to be sent back to users whose print jobs exceed the size you specify in the Print Job Size field. (See Step 6.)

  12. In the Template to Use If Error Occurs field, enter the filename of the template that Web Search should return if there are errors while processing a user's print query.

  13. Click Apply Settings.

Default Index Settings

These settings are intended to make the process of creating indexes even easier by letting you configure common settings as default settings. This saves you time by not making you make the same selections each time you create a new index.

To modify default index settings, do the following:

  1. From the Web Search Manager home page, click Index under Default Settings.

  2. Select the type of index that you want as the default index type on the Indexing Management page.

  3. Check the URLs Are Case Sensitive check box if you want Web Search to recognize URLs that are different only in character case, but are otherwise identical. For example, verses

    IMPORTANT:  By setting this option to No can help Web Search to avoid indexing duplicate information, which can come from indexing URLs that are presented using different cases but actually point to the same information. However, if a Web server being indexed is configured to differntiate between cases, Web Search might leave out content that you want indexed.

  4. Check the Crawl Dynamic URLs (URLs Containing '?') check box if you want dynamic content indexed, in addition to static content.

    See About Indexing Dynamic Web Content.

  5. Enter a number (in bytes) in the Maximum File Size to Index field to keep Web Search from indexing files larger than the number you specify.

  6. In the Maximum Time to Download a URL field, enter a number (in seconds) before Web Search automatically skips the indexing of the specified URL.

  7. From the Encoding (If Not in META Tags) drop-down list, select the encoding to be used when indexeing files that do not contain an encoding specification.

    For example, HTML files can specify their encoding with a Content-Type META tag.

  8. Click Apply Settings.

Default Security Settings

Security settings let you manage access to indexed content by requiring users to authenticate to a server before seeing rights-protected search results.

To modify default security settings, do the following:

  1. From the Web Search Manager home page, click Security under Default Settings.

  2. In the Basis for Authorization drop-down list, choose from the following options:

    • Allow All means that although the Login button appears on the default search page, no authentication will be required to view information. All results, whether contained in public or private directories, are returned. Web Search will not ask who the user is. This doesn't mean that if information is contained in an eDirectory protected folder that the user will be able to click the link in the results page and be given access.
    • Allow Public means that private content will not be returned in the search results.
    • User Login means that depending on what you select under Unauthorized Hits Filtered By, unauthorized search results will be filtered out either by a results template or by the NetWare Web Search engine.

    IMPORTANT:  These settings apply only to file system indexes and to the server where you have Web Search Server installed.

  3. Under Connection Settings, click Yes next to Require HTTPS if you want to protect usernames and passwords as they are sent across the network or Internet.

  4. Enter a number (in minutes) in the Auto-logout Time field to direct Web Search to log users out who have been idle for the specified period of time.

  5. If you need to change the authentication realm string, enter it in the Authentication Realm String field.

    HINT:  Specifying the Enterprise Server's authentication realm string in this field makes it so that once users authenticate to the Enterprise Server, they won't have to authenticate again when using Web Search to search and access protected information.

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