Troubleshooting eDirectory on Linux and Solaris

This section includes information for troubleshooting eDirectory on Linux or Solaris networks.


Repeated eDirectory logins can use up the available memory. Disable the "Login Update" attribute using ndsimonitor to overcome this problem.

Novell Public Key Infrastructure Services

PKI Operations Not Working

If PKI operations on ConsoleOne are not working, it could be because Novell PKI Services are not running on the Linux or Solaris host. Start the PKI Services by entering npki -1.

If you cannot create certificates, you need to ensure that the NICI module has been properly installed. See Initializing the NICI Module on the Server. To verify if NICI is initialized, see Verifying Whether NICI Is Installed and Initialized on the Server.

LDAP Search from Netscape Address Book Fails

If you are using an export version of the Netscape browser and a KMO key size larger than 512 bits associated with the LDAP server object, the LDAP search from the Netscape Address Book might fail.

Use a domestic version of the Netscape browser in such cases.

Removing the configuration of an eDirectory server that is acting as a treekey server in a multiserver tree after having moved the existing eDirectory objects to a different server, fails with the error code for "Crucial Replica."

To complete the operation, change the Key Server DN attribute in the W0 object under Security Container > KAP to another server in the tree that has downloaded the treekey from this server.

To change the server holding the Key Server DN attribute,

  1. From ConsoleOne, select the Security Object > KAP > W0.

  2. Right-click W0 > select Properties > Other.

  3. Select a different server for the attribute NDSPKI:SD Key Server DN.

While Uninstalling the eDirectory Server holding the CA, the KMOs created on that server will be moved to another server in the tree and become invalid

You should recreate the CA and KMOs for the tree.

We recommend that you do not uninstall the eDirectory server on which the CA for the tree has been created.

The Certificate Authority does not get created on a Solaris or Linux machine where ConsoleOne 1.3.2 is installed on the Windows ConsoleOne

To create Certificate Authority, in the dialog box to create Certificate Authority in ConsoleOne, uncheck the Allow Private Key to be Exported radio button.


Unable to Log in Using Any Method

After installing and configuring NMAS, restart NDS Server.

After reinstalling a method after you have uninstalled a previous instance of that method, restart NDS Server.

The User Added Using the ICE Utility is Unable to Login Using Simple Password

While adding users with simple passwords through the Novell Import Conversion Export utility, use the -l option.

LDAP Services

This section identifies some common problems you might experience with LDAP Services for eDirectory and how to solve them.

Ensure that the LDAP server is up before issuing a request from an LDAP client. To do so, look for the following message in the /var/nds/ndsd.log:

LDAP v3 for Novell eDirectory 8.6.1 started

For more information, see LDAP Services for Novell eDirectory.

LDAP Clients Cannot Bind to LDAP Services for eDirectory

If an LDAP client cannot bind to LDAP Services for eDirectory, check the following:

LDAP Server Isn't Using a New Configuration

Processing LDAP server configuration updates can be affected by currently bound LDAP clients.

Configuration changes are updated dynamically. The LDAP server checks for configuration changes periodically (every thirty minutes). When a change is detected, new clients cannot bind to the LDAP server during the reconfiguration process.

The LDAP server stops processing new LDAP requests for any clients currently bound and waits for any active LDAP requests to complete before updating the configuration.

LDAP operations fail when a tree is renamed using the ndsmerge utility. To work properly, the LDAP server must be refreshed or restarted after a tree is renamed.

Failure of Secure LDAP Connection

Ensure the following:

For more information, see Ensuring Secure eDirectory Operations on Linux and Solaris Systems.

Novell Import Convert Export Utility

If an LDAP server is refreshed or unloaded, while a Novell Import Conversion Export operation is running, thee "LBURP operation is timed out" message displays on the Novell Import Conversion Export screen. The server recovers later, when the LBURP operation times out.

ndsmerge Utility

The PKI servers are not active after a merge operation. They must be restarted using the npki -l command.

Merge operations might not be successful on different versions of the product. If your server is running an older version of NDS or eDirectory, update to the latest version of eDirectory, then continue the merge operations.

The merging of two trees will not succeed if containers with similar names subordinate to a tree are present in both the source and target trees. Rename one of the containers, then continue with the merge operation.

During the graft operation, error message -611 Illegal Containment might appear. Modify the schema by running ndsrepair(1). Run ndsrepair -S, then select Optional Schema Enhancements.

ndstrace Utility

When you turn on the ndstrace(1) screen, an error message might be displayed indicating that a primary object is invalid for the reference link. You can ignore this message if eDirectory is functioning correctly.

ndsindex Utility

While adding indexes, if you select an attribute that is not defined in the eDirectory schema, the index is displayed in the Bringing Online state forever. Remove this using the Delete option in the ndsindex utility.

ndsbackup Utility

While backing up eDirectory, "NDS Error: Connect to NDS server failed" might be displayed. This might be cause by eDirectory listening on a port other than the default port 524. Enter the port number on which eDirectory has been configured on the command line.For example, if eDirectory is configured on port number 1524, enter the following:

ndsbackup sR

Installation and Configuration

Installation Not Successful

Installation Takes a Long Time

When you are installing eDirectory into an existing tree and the installation takes a long time to complete, look at the DSTrace screen on the server. If the "-625 Transport failure" message is displayed, you need to reset the address cache.

To reset the address cache, enter the following command at the system console:

set dstrace = *A

Unable to Install into an Existing Tree over the WAN

You need a NetWare 5 or later server to install eDirectory on a Linux or Solaris system over the WAN.

Use the following procedure:

  1. Enter the following command at the server console to run the Directory Agent (DA) on the NetWare server:


  2. On the server containing the master replica, edit the DA_ADDR parameter in slpuasa.conf:

    DA_ADDR = IP_address_of_the_NetWare_server_where_the_DA_is_ running

  3. Restart the slpuasa daemon.

  4. Install eDirectory over the WAN on the Linux or Solaris system.

    1. Run nds-install to add the product packages.

      Do not configure the product. See Linux and Solaris Packages for Novell eDirectory for more information.

    2. Edit the/etc/nds.conf and add the following parameters:

      n4u.uam.ncp-retries = 5
      n4u.base.slp.max-wait = 20

    3. Edit the /etc/slpuasa.conf to add the following parameter:

      DA_ADDR = IP_address_of_the_NetWare_server_where_ the_DA_is_running

    4. Run ndsconfig to configure eDirectory.

Using ndsrepair

Use the ndsrepair utility at the server console to do the following:


To run ndsrepair, use the following syntax:

ndsrepair {-U| -P| -S| -C| -E| -N| -T| -J <entry_id>} [-A <yes/no>] [-O <yes/no>] [-F filename] [-Ad]


ndsrepair -R [-l <yes/no> [-u <yes/no>] [-m <yes/no>] [-i <yes/no>] [-f <yes/no>] [-d <yes/no>] [-t <yes/no>] [-o <yes/no>] [-r <yes/no>] [-v <yes/no>] [-c <yes/no>] [-A <yes/no>] [-O <yes/no>] [-F filename]

IMPORTANT:  The -Ad option should not be used without prior direction from Novell Technical Services personnel.

Table 145. ndsrepair Options

Option Description


Unattended Full Repair option. Instructs ndsrepair to run and exit without further user intervention. This is the suggested means of repair unless you are told by Novell Technical Support to perform certain operations manually. You can view the log file after the repair has completed to determine what changes ndsrepair has made.


Replica and Partition Operations option. Lists the partitions that have replicas stored in the current server's eDirectory database files. The Replica options menu provides options to repair replicas, cancel a partition operation, schedule synchronization, and designate the local replica as the master replica.

For more information, see Replica and Partition Operations Option.


Global Schema Operations option. This option contains several schema operations that might be necessary to bring the server's schema into compliance with the master of the Tree object. However, these operations should be used only when necessary. The local and unattended repair operations already verify the schema.


Check External Reference Object option. Checks each external reference object to determine if a replica containing the object can be located. If all servers that contain a replica of the partition with the object are inaccessible, the object will not be found. If the object cannot be found, a warning is posted.


Report Replica Synchronization option. Reports replica synchronization status for every partition that has a replica on the current server. This operation reads the synchronization status attribute from the replica's Tree object on each server that holds replicas of the partitions. It displays the time of the last successful synchronization to all servers and any errors that have occurred since the last synchronization. A warning message is displayed if synchronization has not completed within twelve hours.


Servers Known to This Database option. Lists all servers known to the local eDirectory database. If your current server contains a replica of the Tree partition, this server displays a list of all serves in the eDirectory tree. Select one server to cause the server options to be executed.


Repairs a single object on the local server. You will need to provide the Entry ID (in hexadecimal format) of the object you want to repair. You can use this option instead of using the Unattended Repair (-U) option to repair one particular object that is corrupted. The Unattended Repair option can take many hours depending on the size of database. This option will help you save time.


Time Synchronization option. Contacts every server known to the local eDirectory database and requests information about each server's time synchronization status. If this server contains a replica of the Tree partition, then every server in the eDirectory tree will be polled. The version of eDirectory that is running on each server is also reported.


Append to the existing log file. The information is added to the existing log file. By default, this option is enabled.


Logs the output in a file. By default, this option is enabled.

-F filename

Logs the output in the specified file.


Repair the Local Database option. Repairs the local eDirectory database. Use the repair operation to resolve inconsistencies in the local database so that it can be opened and accessed by eDirectory. This option has suboptions that facilitate repair operations on the database. This option has function modifiers which are explained in Table 146, Function Modifiers Used with the -R Option.

The function modifiers used with the -R option are described below:

Table 146. Function Modifiers Used with the -R Option

Option Description


Locks the eDirectory database during the repair operation.


Uses a temporary eDirectory database during the repair operation.


Maintains the original unrepaired database.


Checks the eDirectory database structure and the index.


Reclaims the free space in the database.


Rebuilds the entire database.


Performs a tree structure check. Set it to Yes to check all the tree structure links for correct connectivity in the database. Set it to No to skip the check. The default is Yes.


Rebuilds the operational schema.


Repairs all the local replicas.


Validates the stream files.


Checks local references.

Global Schema Operations

You can use the ndsrepair -S ([-Ad] advanced switch) option to display a list showing all the schema operations that you can perform. The following table shows the available options:

Table 147. Global Schema Operation Options

Option Description

Request Schema from Tree

Requests the master replica of the root of the tree to synchronize its schema to this server. Any changes to the schema will be propagated to this server from the master replica of the Tree object for the next 24 hours. If all servers request the schema from the master replica, network traffic can increase.

Reset Local Schema

Invokes a schema reset that clears the time stamps on the local schema and requests an inbound schema synchronization. This option is unavailable if executed from the master replica of the Tree partition. This is to ensure that all servers in the tree are not reset at the same time.

Post NetWare 5 Schema Update

Extends and modifies the schema for compatibility with Post NetWare 5 DS changes. This option requires that the server where ndsrepair is run contains a replica of the Tree partition, and that the state of the replica is On.

Optional Schema Enhancements

Extends and modifies the schema for containment and other schema enhancements. This option requires this server to contain a replica of the Tree partition, and the replica state must be On. In addition, all NetWare 4.x servers in the tree must have the following versions of eDirectory:

  • NetWare 4.10 server must have NDS 5.17 or later
  • NetWare 4.11/4.2 servers must have NDS 6.03 or later

Previous versions of NDS will not be able to synchronize these changes

Import Remote Schema (Advanced Switch Option)

Select an eDirectory tree that contains the schema you want to add to the schema of the current tree. Once you select a tree, the server that holds the master replica of the Tree partition is contacted. The schema from that server will be used to extend the schema on the current tree.

Declare a New Epoch (Advanced Switch Option)

When you declare a new schema epoch, the master replica of the Tree partition is contacted and illegal time stamps are repaired on the schema declared on that server. All other servers will receive a new copy of the schema including the repaired time stamps. If the receiving server contains a schema that was not in the new epoch, objects and attributes that use the old schema will be changed to the Unknown object class or attribute.

Replica and Partition Operations Option

Enter the following command to display information about each replica stored on the server:

ndsrepair -P

Select the required replica. The following options are displayed:

Options on Servers Known to This Database

The following repair options are available for servers:


To perform an unattended repair and log events in the /root/ndsrepair.log file, or to append events to the log file if it already exists, enter the following command:

ndsrepair -U -A no -F /root/ndsrepair.log

To display a list of all global schema operations along with the advanced options, enter the following command:

ndsrepair -S -Ad

To repair the local database by forcing a database lock, enter the following command:

ndsrepair -R -l yes

NOTE:  The input for the ndsrepair command can be redirected from an option file. The option file is a text file that can contain replica and partition operation-related options and suboptions that do not require authentication to the server. Each option or suboption is separated by a new line. Make sure that the contents of the file are in the proper sequence. If the contents are not in the proper sequence, the results will be unpredictable.

Using ndstrace

The ndstrace utility has three main parts:

Basic Functions

The basic functions of ndstrace are used to:

To start the ndstrace screen, enter the following command at the server prompt:


To initiate the basic ndstrace functions, enter commands at the server prompt using the following syntax:

ndstrace command_option

Table 148 lists the command options that you can enter.

Table 148. ndstace Commands

Option Description


Starts the eDirectory trace screen with basic trace messages.


Disables the trace screen.


Starts the eDirectory trace screen and displays all the trace messages.


Starts the eDirectory trace screen with the trace messages that are equivalent to the ON, BACKLINK, DSAGENT, JANITOR, RESNAME, and VCLIENT flags.


Turns on a predefined set of trace messages typically used for debugging. The flags set are ON, BACKLINK, ERRORS, EMU, FRAGGER, INIT, INSPECTOR, JANITOR, LIMBER, MISC, PART, RECMAN, REPAIR, SCHEMA, SKULKER, STREAMS, and VCLIENT.


Leaves the trace screen enabled, but turns off all debugging messages previously set. This option also leaves the messages set to the ON command option.

Debugging Messages

When the ndstrace screen is enabled, the information displayed is based on a default set of filters. If you want to view more or less than the default, you can manipulate the filters using the debugging message flags. The debugging messages help you determine the status of eDirectory and verify that everything is working well.

Each eDirectory process has a set of debugging messages. To view the debugging messages on a particular process, use a plus sign (+) and the process name or option. To disable the display of a process, use a minus sign (-) and the process name or option. The following are some examples:

Table 149. Debugging Messages

set ndstrace = +SYNC

Enables the synchronization messages

set ndstrace = -SYNC

Disables the synchronization messages

set ndstrace = +SCHEMA

Enables the schema messages

You can also combine the debugging message flags by using the Boolean operators & (which means AND) and | (which means OR). The syntax for controlling the debugging messages at the server console is as follows:

set ndstrace = +trace_flag [trace_flag]


set ndstrace = +trace_flag> [&trace_flag]

Table 150 describes the trace flags for the debugging messages. You can enter abbreviations for each of the trace flags. These abbreviations or alternatives are listed within parentheses in the table.

Table 150. Trace Flags for Debugging Messages

Trace Flag Description


Messages and information related to inbound and outbound packet buffers that contain data being received in conjunction with, or in response to, an eDirectory request.


Messages to show the details of memory allocation.


Messages related to inbound requests from other servers or clients.


Messages and error reports relating to authentication.


Debug error messages at the minimum debugging level.


Backlink and inbound obituary messages and error reports.


Messages related to outbound DS Client requests.


Change cache messages.


Status and error reports concerning an object's update information when the update has been previously received.


Messages that show information about the servers your server is trying to connect to, and about errors and timeouts that might be causing your server not to connect.


Messages about the eDirectory-integrated DNS server processes.


Distributed reference link messages.


Messages to show DirXMLTM driver-specific areas that eDirectory might be working on.


Messages to show details of DirXML events.


Messages from the NCP fragger which breaks eDirectory messages into NCP-sized messages.


Messages related to inbound requests and processes.


Messages related to the initialization of eDirectory.


Messages related to the integrity of objects in the source server's local database. Use of this flag increases the demands on the source server's disk storage system, memory, and processor. Do not leave this flag enabled unless objects are being corrupted.


Messages related to the following background processes: janitor, replica synchronization, and flat cleaner.


Messages related to the LDAP server.


Messages related to the limber process.


Messages related to the use and manipulation of the source server's local database locks.


Messages related to lost entries.


Messages from different sources in eDirectory.


Messages from the move partition or move subtree operations.


Messages to show the server receiving NCP-level requests.


Messages related to iMonitor.


Messages from the obituary process.


Messages related to partition operations from background processes and from request processing.


Messages about the purge process.


Messages related to the manipulation of the source server's database.


Reports related to the processing of resolve name requests.


Messages related to the registration of tree names and partitions with Service Location Protocol (SLP).


Messages related to the schema synchronization process.


Messages showing the details of Schema-related operations. It gives details of both inbound and outbound synchronization.


Messages related to the replica synchronization process.


Messages related to eDirectory NCP server-level information.


Messages related to the processing of attributes with a Stream syntax.


Messages showing more details during the replication process.


Messages about inbound synchronization traffic (what is being received by the server).


Displays the tag string that identifies the trace option that generated the event on each line displayed by the trace process.


Messages to show when any background processes (threads) begin and end.


Messages about the transitive vectors that are used during the synchronization process.


Messages related to the following attributes: Synchronize Up To, Replica Up To, and Transitive Vector.


Messages related to the establishment or deletion of connections with other servers.

As you use the debugging messages in ndstrace, you will find that some of the trace flags are more useful than others. One of the favorite ndstrace settings of Novell Technical ServicesTM is actually a shortcut:

set ndstrace = A81164B91

This setting enables a group of debugging messages.

Background Processes

In addition to the debugging messages, which help you check the status of eDirectory, there is a set of commands that forces the eDirectory background processes to run. To force the background process to run, place an asterisk (*) before the command, for example:

set ndstrace = *H

You can also change the status, timing, and control for a few of the background processes. To change these values, place an exclamation point (!) before the command and enter a new parameter or value, for example:

set ndstrace = !H 15 (parameter_value_in_minutes)

The following is the syntax for each statement controlling the background processes of eDirectory:

set ndstrace = *trace_flag [parameter]


set ndstrace = !trace_flag [parameter]

Table 151 lists the trace flags for the background processes, any required parameters, and the process the trace flags will display.

Table 151. Trace Flags for Background Processes

Trace Flag Parameters Description



Resets the address cache on the source server.



Disables the address cache on the source server.



Enables the address cache on the source server.



Schedules the back link process to begin execution on the source server in one second.



Sets the interval, in minutes, for the back link process. The default interval is 1500 minutes (25 hours). The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Displays the source server's outbound connection table and the current statistical information for the table. These statistics do not give any information about the inbound connections from other servers or clients to the source server.



Displays, in comma-delimited format, the source server's outbound connection table and the current statistical information for the table. These statistics do not give any information about the inbound connections from other servers or clients to the source server.


Replica rootEntry ID

Removes the specified local entry ID from the source server's Send All Object list. The entry ID must specify a partition root object that is specific to the server's local database. This command is usually used only when a Send All Updates process is endlessly trying to show updates and failing because a server is inaccessible.



Sets the inbound and outbound synchronization interval to the specified number of minutes. The default interval is 24 minutes. The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Sets the inbound synchronization interval to the specified number of minutes. The default interval is 24 minutes. The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Sets the outbound synchronization interval to the specified number of minutes. The default interval is 24 minutes. The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Re-initializes the source server's entry cache.



Schedules the inbound and outbound synchronization processes to begin execution.



Schedules the inbound synchronization process to begin execution.



Schedules the outbound synchronization process to begin execution.



Schedules flat cleaner process, which is part of the janitor process, to begin execution on the source server in five seconds.



Sets the interval, in minutes, for the flat cleaner process. The default interval is 240 minutes (4 hours). The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).


Replica rootEntry ID

Rebuilds the change cache of the specified root partition ID.



Schedules the replica synchronization process to begin execution immediately on the source server.



Sets the interval, in minutes, for the heartbeat synchronization process. The default interval is 30 minutes. The range is 2 to 1440 minutes (24 hours).



Clears the in-memory last sent vector.


Replica rootEntry ID

Adds the specified local entry ID to the source server's Send All Object list. The entry ID must specify a partition root object that is specific to the server's local database. The replica synchronization process checks the Send All Object list. If the entry ID of a partition's root object is in the list, eDirectory synchronizes all objects and attributes in the partition, regardless of the value of the Synchronized Up To attribute.



Sets the interval, in minutes, for the heartbeat synchronization process. The default interval is 30 minutes. The range is 2 to 1440 minutes (24 hours).



Schedules the purge process, which is part of the replica synchronization process, to begin running on the source server.



Sets the interval, in minutes, for the janitor process. The default interval is 2 minutes. The range is 1 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Schedules the limber process to begin running on the source server in five seconds.



Changes the maximum file size used by the source server's NDSTRACE.LOG file. The command can be used regardless of the state of the debug file. The <bytes> specified must be a hexadecimal value between 10000 bytes and 100MB. If the value specified is higher or lower than the specified range, no change occurs.



Reports the maximum memory used by eDirectory.



Sets the name form: zero (0) specifies hex only, and one (1) specifies full dot form.



Displays the tunable parameters and their default settings.



Resets the TTF file, which is the SYS:SYSTEM\NDSTRACE. DBG file by default. This command is the same as the SET parameter NDS Trace File Length Set to Zero.



Schedules the Skulker process, which checks whether any of the replicas on the server need to be synchronized.



Sets the interval, in minutes, for the inbound schema synchronization process. The default interval is 24 minutes. The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Sets the interval, in minutes, for the outbound schema synchronization process. The default interval is 24 minutes. The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Disables the inbound schema synchronization process for the specified number of minutes. The default interval is 24 minutes. The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Disables the inbound schema synchronization process for the specified number of minutes. The default interval is 24 minutes. The range is 2 to 10080 minutes (168 hours).



Forces immediate schema synchronization.



Schedules the schema synchronization process to begin immediately and forces schema synchronization with all target servers, even if they have been synchronized in the last 24 hours.



Resets the source server's Target Schema Sync list. This list identifies which servers the source server should synchronize with during the schema synchronization process. A server that does not hold any replicas sends a request to be included in the target list of a server that contains a replica with its server object.



Prints the schema synchronization list of target servers.



Displays the status information for the background processes on the source server.



Displays the status information for the backlink process (external references) on the source server.



Displays the status information for the schema synchronization process on the source server.



Displays the status information for the backlink process (obituaries) on the source server.



Displays the status information for the limber process on the source server.



Sets the interval, in minutes, for checking the server's UP state. The default interval is 30 minutes. The range is 1 to 720 minutes (12 hours).


Optional ID of server

If the command does not include an entry ID, changes the status of any server that has been previously labeled "down" to "up." If the command includes a local entry ID, changes the status of the specified server from "down" to "up." Entry IDs are specific to the source server's database and must refer to an object that represents a server.


A list

Lists the restricted eDirectory versions. If no versions are listed, there are no restrictions. Each version is separated by a comma.



Displays the currently scheduled tasks.

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